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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Momo13

  1. Momo13

    -55 lbs

    From the album: Progress

  2. Hey! I'm down from 283 to 253 since Sept 26th so 30 lbs in 5 months. I've lost 62 since July. I've had 2 fills and I'm not in the green zone yet. I am happy with my progress considering I haven't been on an exercise regime and still eat some things that aren't considered diet food occasionally...plus I drink alcohol daily
  3. Momo13


  4. Hey! My surgery was Sept 26th, lost 30 lbs pre-op and I've lost 21 lbs since, so 51 lbs in total. Ive had two 0.5cc fills, one at 6 weeks and one today; I think I had 3cc's to start. Im not in the green zone yet, but hopefully after fill number 3! I drink a lot of wine and eat a lot of cheese...so I'm a bit behind LOL! Slow and steady
  5. Momo13


  6. Momo13


    vodka and crystal light at home/friends place or vodka, water and lime juice when out...and wine
  7. I started my mushy stage yesterday and I've been cooking up a storm!!! I made Turkey Taco Chili, Cream of Zucchini Soup and Curried Chickpeas with Quinoa. I blended half and left half of the batches whole and froze it for the soft foods stage in a weeks time. I'm finding it hard to eat so far just because I'm simply not hungry (unlike the first week when I was getting pretty sick of clear soups). What a bizarre thing!!! A typical day has been a Protein Shake in the morning (takes me a long time to finish), 1-2 cups of mushy food and 1/2 cup of apple sauce or yogurt a day. I'm taking multi Vitamins and fibre supplements too. I've been eating out of a 1 cup bowl and baby spoon to re-train myself with these new portions. It takes me a while to eat too, another thing to get used to, haha! The first three days post op were pretty uncomfortable and I was in pain. Hurt to breathe, gas pain in my shoulders etc. I took tylenol, gravel and codeine days 1-7 but I'm just dealing with incision pain now (I was banded on Sept. 26th). I have a post op appointment with Dr. Woo next week. I have been able to sleep in my bed on my side for the past two nights but still have discomfort when I have to roll over or wake up on my stomach and when I'm showering. I haven't had any problems getting food stuck but I have also been chewing consciously and haven't been eating until I'm full... just the cup of food that fills my baby bowl and Im done, no if's and's or but's! The feeling of food passing through the band makes me very "aware" when I eat now, not painful or anything, I can just feel it so it reminds me to slow down and listen to my body. So far, so good! Hows everyone else doing?
  8. Momo13

    Post Op Stomach Pain

    Ive been having pain too at 2 weeks post op. I started to eat soft foods today and I'm getting what feels like sharp extreme hunger pains every 2 hours... I don't know what the heck that's all about. Not too sure if I'm hungry or if my stomachs angry that I ate real food vs purée I called my nurse and she said that it's just my stomach getting used to everything...how long ago was your surgery?
  9. Momo13

    Lets Get To Know Eachother :)

    Hi everyone! I am 27 years old and live in Vancouver. I was banded on Sept. 26th 2012 in Vancouver by Dr. Emile Woo care of SWLC in Ontario. I just started my mushy stage yesterday, no problems so far! I have my post op visit on the 9th
  10. Momo13

    Its Go Time!

    Thanks so much guys! I'm 1 week post op and doing well...yesterday I started my mushy stage...just in time for thanksgiving this weekend LOL I didn't want to be sipping on soup while everyones eating turkey
  11. Hey guys! Just thought I'd share my first week with the band... I started my mushy stage yesterday and I've been cooking up a storm! I made Turkey Taco Chili, Cream of Zucchini Soup and Curried Chickpeas with Quinoa. I blended half and left half of the batches whole and froze it for the soft foods stage in a weeks time. I'm finding it hard to eat so far just because I'm simply not hungry (unlike the first week when I was getting pretty sick of clear soups). What a bizarre thing!!! A typical day has been a protein shake in the morning (takes me a long time to finish), 1-2 cups of mushy food and 1/2 cup of apple sauce or yogurt a day. I'm taking multi vitamins and fibre supplements too. I've been eating out of a 1 cup bowl and baby spoon to re-train myself with these new portions. It takes me a while to eat too, another thing to get used to, haha! The first three days post op were pretty uncomfortable and I was in pain. Hurt to breathe, gas pain in my shoulders etc. I took tylenol, gravel and codeine days 1-7 but I'm just dealing with incision pain now (I was banded on Sept. 26th). I have a post op appointment with Dr. Woo next week. I have been able to sleep in my bed on my side for the past two nights but still have discomfort when I have to roll over or wake up on my stomach and when I'm showering. I haven't had any problems getting food stuck but I have also been chewing consciously and haven't been eating until I'm full... just the cup of food that fills my baby bowl and Im done, no if's and's or but's! The feeling of food passing through the band makes me very "aware" when I eat now, not painful or anything, I can just feel it so it reminds me to slow down and listen to my body. So far, so good!
  12. Momo13

    Looking For A Buddy In Vancouver

    Hey! So...I started my mushy stage yesterday and I've been cooking up a storm! I made Turkey Taco Chili, Cream of Zucchini Soup and Curried Chickpeas with Quinoa! I blended half and left half of the batches whole and froze it for the soft foods stage in a weeks time. I'm finding it hard to eat so far just because I'm simply not hungry! What a bizarre thing!!! I have a Protein shake in the morning, 1 cup of mushy food and 1/2 cup of apple sauce or yogurt a day. I'm taking multi Vitamins and fibre supplements too. I've been eating out of a baby bowl (1 cup) and baby spoon it has a locking lid which is handy so I can throw it in my purse and not worry about it spilling. The first three days post op were pretty uncomfortable and I was in pain. Hurt to breathe, gas pain in my shoulders etc. I took tylenol, gravel and codeine days 1-7 but I'm just dealing with incision pain now (I was banded on Sept. 26th). I have a post op appointment with Dr. Woo next week. I have been able to sleep in my bed on my side for the past two nights but still have discomfort when I have to roll over or wake up on my stomach and when I'm showering. I haven't had any problems getting food stuck but I have also been chewing consciously and haven't been eating until I'm full... just the cup of food that fills my baby bowl and Im done, no if's and's or but's! The feeling of food passing through the band makes me very "aware" when I eat now, not painful or anything, I can just feel it so it reminds me to slow down and listen to my body. So far, so good! How are you guys doing!?
  13. Momo13

    Its Go Time!

    Thanks guys!!!! I was doing okay the night of, but I think it was because I was still doped up Yesterday was pretty rough, lots of gas pain under my ribs and shoulders. I went for a walk but I think I pushed myself too far. Today I'm doing a bit better but it still hurts to inhale and when I move around, better than yesterday though. Today I am able to drink clear fluids with a little less pain too. Still on gravol,codeine and tylenol. Looking forward to getting back on my feet and back in to the swing of things!
  14. How long was it before you felt like you were able to start going for walks and exercising?
  15. Thanks guys! I am going to try to walk around the block tonight
  16. Currently waiting to see the anesthesiologist...It's finally here, feeling pretty nervous but super motivated, as of today I'm down 23lbs in 3 weeks on my pre-op diet! Woohooo!!! I bought boots yesterday that go up to my knee and tights that I don't have to cut in the crotch to fit me. Down one pant size, but I didn't buy any in hopes that I would grow out of them too quickly These little successes are so exciting, I'm feeling a little bit more like myself again day after day! I'm in the lobby at the Cambie Surgical Centre waiting for my appt. with my anesthesiologist, then off to buy some post op liquids and some new bed sheets as a treat to myself Wish me luck! <3
  17. Good luck! I was banded today too! you'll be fine! Update when you can
  18. Momo13

    Starving :(

    The first weeks the hardest! You can do this!!! I thought I was going to fail but I just constantly envisioned myself at my goal weight. I drank a lot of water, coffee and crystal light. Can you eat food or are you all liquid?
  19. Thanks guys! Everything went well today with my band surgery according to my nurse and surgeon I was in a lot of pain went I came to, it felt like i had done 1000 crunches the day before, yeouch! they gave me extra codeine. And then the nausea started...so they have me extra gravol. I was in my clothes and shoes and chillin in an upright chair within an hour. When I got home I was felling pukey... I didn't want to throw up, tried very hard not too but I couldn't help it. It was just a little bit of Water and I felt much better after. I've been dozing on the sofa and taking small sips of water (my mouth has been really dry). I've had a bit of shoulder pain from the gas, the pain from when I woke up was supposidly from that too. All in all, other than the few hours of being dopey and feeling like I was going to be sick it's all good! Its kind of a bizarre feeling though, knowing its inside and that I'm finally here, I've wanted this for 10 years. New chapter began today, exited for the future Wishing you all luck that have their surgeries coming up <3 love and light!
  20. Momo13

    Looking For A Buddy In Vancouver

    Hi everyone! Yay to BC bandsters Today was my big day! Everything went well today with my band surgery according to my nurse and surgeon I was in a lot of pain went I came to, it felt like i had done 1000 crunches the day before, yeouch! they gave me extra codeine. And then the nausea started...so they have me extra gravol. I was in my clothes and shoes and chillin in an upright chair within an hour. When I got home I was felling pukey... I didn't want to throw up, tried very hard not too but I couldn't help it. It was just a little bit of Water and I felt much better after. I've been dozing on the sofa and taking small sips of water (my mouth has been really dry). I've had a bit of shoulder pain from the gas, the pain from when I woke up was supposidly from that too. All in all, other than the few hours of being dopey and feeling like I was going to be sick it's all good! Its kind of a bizarre feeling though, knowing its inside and that I'm finally here, I've wanted this for 10 years. New chapter began today, exited for the future
  21. Momo13

    All Done!!!

    Woohoo! We're you at the Cambie Surgical centre? I was too Dr woo from SWLC was my surgeon
  22. Welcome! Im in Vancouver... 6 days away, will be banded by Dr. Woo at the Cambie Surgical Centre Excited and nervous all at the same time!
  23. Momo13

    Banded In 7 Days!!!!

    Hey! I will be at the Cambie in a week myself with Dr. Woo! Maybe I'll see you there!

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