WEll, I talked to Alma, and if your familiar with Dr. Sanchez you know she's his PR person. We talked for over an hour. He was not making his own bands and using them. His partner was Dr. Zapata and he is forging ahead. What happened was in Mexico your allotted so much land to give you a way to make money and if your land quits making money or you quit working it it goes back up for sale and goes to the higest bidder. This was what happened to Dr. Sanchez. He did pay his help, that had absolutely nothing to do with it. The land he had hired locals to work was land that use to be owned by some other locals. They were VERY upset that they're land was taken from them by their Gov. not Dr. Sanchez but they took it out on him when he and Suzanne drove up to check on some spots that needed refencing. It was a staged and set up robbery that went badly wrong and where he was shot out there was no way to survive. So don't believe the other rumors, this came from the horses mouth. I'll be going to the blast April 20-22 and they said they would go into more detail with us then. Dr. Zapata was already there when Dr. Sanchez done my surgery. Just thought I would clarify because I know how easy things get twisted and I talk to Alma at least once a month.