I was getting frustrated also, walking everyday, going to the gym 6-7 days a week, hungry between meals. The nutritionist informed me that it was called "lap-band hell" and it could take 4-6 fills until it gets to the green zone (which is 24-36 weeks! if anyone is counting lol). But I got the band for the "consequences", cant get a case of the F-its. I was measured at the gym tonight after a month, I lost 8 lbs & 7.5 inches for a total of 33 since 07/19/12, so not too shabby. I have to remember this when I get the feelings that this isnt working. I get my 2nd fill 10/8/12, I have no idea how much is in there now, I just know its not enough lol but it will change . GOOD LUCK all