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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Banduser

  1. I am very nauseated. My Realize Band has 9cc in an 11cc band. I have no idea what to expect. Will my band become displaced?.
  2. Live life to the fullest, everyday!

  3. Banduser

    What does restriction feel like for you?

    Have not gotten there yet. I have an eleven cc band and had another cc injected today bringing the total band volume to 9cc. I am on liquids for 24 hours after a fill so I will know tomorrow if feeling restriction. Hope so!
  4. How do I add the Body Weight Ticker to my postings?
  5. Banduser


    Not all patients are candidates for gastric bypass surgery and I am one of them. The LapBand was the best option for me. I am a retired ICU Trauma nurse and I was also not sure that I wanted to deal with the numerous post-op issues of a bypass. The LapBand is also the least invasive. My surgery was this past August 20 Nd I have had one fill with a second scheduled next week. I seem to be able to eat anything I choose @ this time. Looking forward to 2nd fill hoping to gain the fuller feeling when eating. I am definately not at the sweet point. Good news.....I am down 25 pounds. I have 40 more pounds to go and I know it is doable.
  6. Banduser

    Stretched Pouch!

    Why do I need a lap band if I still have to do all portion restrictions. Should it not help me feel full? I have had only 1 fill and find I can eat anything I want.
  7. You definitely need a nutritionist. My surgery was done at Carolina Medical Center through the Carolina Weight Management Program. This program is one of the 5 Joint Commission certified programs in the country. Prior to my surgery, the nutritionist did a Resting Metabolic Rate on me so we know EXACTLY how many calories my body burns as rest. This number was used to make a custom designed diet. Like others have said, protein helps to keep you feeling full. All programs are different and all surgeons are different. Please get expert advise.
  8. Banduser

    First Fill Question

    My first fill was today - 5cc. I am a retired trauma RN so I expected I might bruise a little and it looks like I will. My surgery was 8/20 so I am excited to start this journey.
  9. Banduser

    Newbie Intro

    I also wanted a gastric bypass but was told I was not a candidate because of some medial issues. A lapband was recommended. I had surgery on August 20 and my 1st fill is scheduled for Oct.3. Like you, I had to wrap my head around the lapband. I had some post-op pain management issues that are now resolved, plus I have on-going hunger issues that other members tell me will resolve as I beging the fill process. I wish you luck.
  10. Banduser

    A Little Hungry

    My first fill is Oct. 3 and I hope it helps with my on-going hunger issues. Good luck.
  11. I was banded back on Aug. 20 and my 1st fill isn't until Oct. 3. I stay hungry! Everyone tells me to eat more protein and I am taking in about 90 grams of protein a day. My dietician tells me to eat what I feel like eating right now but to keep my caloric count below 1000 calories/day. I am hoping my appetite will diminish as my band begins to be filled.......everyone tells me it will. I have posted that I do not like the smell of whey protein and have gotten a lot of good suggestions. I wish you luck, we seem to share the same issue.
  12. 1st full coming on Oct 3 ....... Not sure what to expect
  13. My first fill is coming on Oct 3 ....... Looking forward to what people say.
  14. Banduser

    Adderall Xr Concerns

    Glad you went to the Adderall website. ALWAYS follow the advise of your physician and in this case he was following the correct guidelines. My ADD seems well controlled on 20 mg every day. Prior to Adderall, I had been on Straterra but my ADD was not well controlled. My physician had taken me off of it immediatly before surgery, however, I was put back on it a week after surgery. Praying you continue to do well.
  15. My physician required a CLEAR liquid, high protein prep prior to surgery. I used the Isopure brand. There is a great Website, Lucky Vitamin, and I have found them to have some of the most compearive prices on the web. Great customer service. There are 40 grams of whey protein and 160 calories in the 20 oz. bottle. This website offers a variety pack with several flavors to help you decide which you like the best. My personal favorite, the raspberry. You can always add a few drop of flavored extracts if you need a more intense flavor.
  16. Banduser

    Adderall Xr Concerns

    If you go to the Adderall website and read under the dosage and administration, you will see this is OK. Yes, pediatric patients react differently to this medication than adult patients.
  17. Banduser

    Adderall Xr Concerns

    Yes, however, I am on 20 XR once a day. I have no problems.
  18. Hope you are feeling better. I am a retired trauma and ICU nurse and can not stress enough how important it is for you to discuss ANY issues concerning you with you MD. Example, the smell of Whey Protein is nauseous to me and my MD and Dietician recommended using a straw. My physician felt it more important to get the protein in than worry about a straw. Another MD may have a different opinion. Some like to use 1% milk in their protein shakes but I am unable to do this and use water. I put a couple drops of flavored extracts in my drinks to pep them up and this works for me. I have also had to all Splenda to some of tube Isopure products. Work with your MD and dietician and they WILL help you down a path that works for you. This forum gives a lot of views and opinions and that is a good starting place for discussions to determine YOUR plan of care. EVERY PATIENT IS DIFFERENT!
  19. Banduser

    Adderall Xr Concerns

    I am also on Adderall for ADD. Yes, the capsule can be broken and sprinkled in applesauce, pudding, etc. the medication insert addresses this situation and my MD has confirmed it.
  20. I just kept the end in sight. The smell of the whey protein bothers memos I drink it through a straw. I am now 4 weeks post-op and feeling good again. My first fill is Oct. 3 ........ YIPEE!
  21. Banduser

    To All You Stomach Sleepers.

    To Mis73. Your advise about climbing in to bed was the best advise I have received. I have been sleeping comfortable ever since crawling in to bed! Thanks.
  22. Banduser

    Day 4 N In Pain..

    I will be 3 weeks post banding tomorrow with my first fill on Oct 3. I am a stomach sleeper and had a very difficult time for the first 2 weeks after surgery. I am just now beginning to feel better. I use Tylenol during the day but still take a prescription med at night. It does get better!!
  23. Banduser

    Seminar Tomorrow

    Going to the seminar is a great start! You will learn so much. I suspect they will have insurance people there. We filled out LOTS of paperwork at the seminar i attended and I received a call 2 days after my seminar. The program I am in did not set up a physician consultation until insurance approval was obtained. The MD office should work with you to do everything possible to get you approved. I was banded 3 weeks ago tomorrow with my first fill coming on Oct. 3rd. So excited! Some post-op pain issues but doing well. Good luck!
  24. I am 3 weeks post op tomorrow with my first band filling Oct. 3rd. Pain is decreasing. I love the Isopure clear liquid protein drinks (some favors more than others). I have to add Splenda to the protein drink and sometimes I add a drop of flavored extract. Right now I feel Hungry A LOT and have eaten "real" food in small amounts. Constipation has been a issue but my MD put me on Miralax and I just dissolve it in my protein drink. Good luck
  25. I am 17 days post op and feel great with only one exception. LOTS of pain at port incision site. The site seems to have healed nicely but the pain is constant and minimally relieved by pain meds. Anyone else have this problem and what did you do?

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