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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by aknaturelvr

  1. I don't know what went wrong, but it appears my primary care physician did a sketchy job of providing documentation for my approval. The insurance denied approval on the basis of not being given evidence of six months of consistent monitored dieting. They completely overlooked the fact that I am on two types of insulin, high blood pressure meds and my bone joints are falling apart from the excess weight. I was first recommended gastric banding more than 3 years ago and have worked so hard to prove to the dr I could lose the weight without surgery. The past 15 months I have lived on a diet and my weight refuses to budge. Knee and back problems severely limited my ability to walk, but I stuck to high density nutrition with caloric content that should have allowed me a 1 to 2 lb loss per week. What did I get? 5 pounds in 15 months. I have become hopeless and thought feel both the quality and duration of my life has been compromised. The only two high points in my life the past year were 1) when my Dr prescribed a drug called Victoza for my diabetes. I lost all desire to eat and lost 8 lbs in less than 2 weeks before I had a severe allergic reaction to the drug and had to be taken off of it. Then 2) last August when I had a heart to heart with my dr about weight loss surgery. I had seen the Dr Oz show where he advocated so strongly for the surgery in reversing diabetes. (I was put on insulin last January and still my sugars will not come down without high doses of insulin). My Dr totally supported the decision and told me my approval would not be a problem. I feel in my heart, this will change my life... give me a chance at life that I can't seem to get on my own. I've been through the dietary consult and the psych eval with flying colors. I've read every book I could get my hands on and studied the pre op diet plan till I know it in my sleep. Right now I am very very upset. I've not told anyone but needed to vent so I came here. I would appreciate any advise regarding how to deal with insurance denial. Thanks, robin
  2. aknaturelvr

    Very Depressed From Insurance Denial Today

    I deeply appreciate your responses. It's not my nature to just give up, but being denied was completely unexpected. Something keeps telling me I don't have the time to wait for people who don't do their jobs properly. Maybe I should just go to bed early and get some sleep then take up the fight tomorrow.
  3. Curiousity got the best of me so I went to the link... and the group is closed to general public. I have no desire to join this group as I don't need to read the horror stories. I do wonder how much of the failure is attributed to the person and not the procedure. Also wonder how many total lap band surgeries are performed worldwide and the ratio of success to failure. I have researched this procedure for months and I trust my primary care physician as well as the surgeon I am in process with. Could something go wrong? Sure, that's the risk factor of nearly everything we do. Right now, I am on a runaway train if I do nothing at all. Between my rapidly progressing diabetes and other obesity related health issues, choosing the band is the least of all evils for me. I'm not crazy about having a plastic device inside me to restrict my stomach. but it beats the alternatives.
  4. aknaturelvr

    Pre Op Diet

    I've had my dietary consult and psych eval with good results. Now the only thing between me and the surgery is the slower than molasses processor in the Dr's office. That girl wouldn't move if the building was collapsing around her. So.. I have to continue to pester her and threaten speaking directly to the dr before getting any action. My insurance has already told me approval will not be an issue once the packet is turned into them. Re: pre-op diet. I was pleasantly surprised to find out my pre op diet includes real food like chicken, bread, potatoes and veggies. I'm restricted to 30 carbs per day, minimum 100 grams of protein and no more than 65 grams of fat. 1 piece of fruit and avoid all sweets otherwise. The dietition and dr feel too much restriction is going to backlash emotionally and isn't necessary. I can do this! If only the darned processor would get my date set! Impatient in Alaska.
  5. Your boyfriend is putting his fears ahead of your happiness. That's not the way it's supposed to be. I agree with you, he may see his fears realized if he doesn't change his thinking. Congratulations on the surgery! I just had my psych eval today and am waiting for a surgery date. Whooo Hoooo!
  6. I still have my dietition and psych eval appts, but anticipate getting my surgery date within the next two weeks. I've been reading everything i can find on LB to prepare myself and it's my understanding that any cheating on the pre op diet could cause the surgery to be cancelled at the last minute. It has to do with shrinkage of the liver. I'm also told the surgeon can tell if you have cheated whether you say anything or not. Has anyone in this forum had their surgery delayed because they cheated? I would be so depressed if I had that happen to me, I think that's the sign I would have hanging on my fridge to adhere to the pre op diet.
  7. aknaturelvr

    Why Do People Think Lap Band Is The "easy" Way!?

    Funny, but I've never considered bariatric surgery as being easy, ever. Just the thought of going in for a surgical procedure was motivation enough for me to do it without. The surgery was recommended to me four years ago, due to serious health issues. I finally faced the reality the dr was right... my chances of overcoming my problem were like 10000 to 1. As a result, I am in much worse health now than I was then, all because I was afraid of the surgery. I can credit Dr Oz for opening my eyes and reversing my slow suicide. My body does not cooperate anymore and hasn't for many years. I don't care if I had to eat nothing but chicken poop, I would do it if I knew at the end I would be able to resolve a problem I've had for most of my life and nothing has worked in the past 10 years. Not having the surgery - living with obesity is no walk in the park either. Joint pain, diabetes, taking insulin shots, being exhausted and unable to go to the beach or hike without humiliation. Choosing which chairs are safe to sit on and which could break or you sink into so far, you can't get up easily. Not taking baths because your body fills the tub and besides, you can't get out if you did. Nope, none of it is easy. I applaud every person who strives to change their life and can stick with it through the rough times. If your metabolism and body parts haven't begun to fail you so you really can drop the weight by following the plan, good on you! I pray that you will be able to keep it off and live a long healthy life. For the rest who can't, thank God and our medical doctors for bariatric surgery. I've known several women who have had GB.... twice.... only to gain back their weight because they refused to change their lifestyle habits. I am sad for them, but the problem wasn't with the surgery...it's all above their neck. Ignorance is not bliss.
  8. My first husband had serious self esteem issues and believed he needed to keep me under his thumb. I was too young then to understand what was going on and my self esteem was pretty low as well because all I wanted to do was please him. As I gained weight, he would make comments, but if I lost weight, he would insult me, call me a b***h etc. The best 185 lbs I ever got rid of was him. I have never known how to deal with attention, particularly the kind men give to attractive women. It was as if I would gain weight to insulate myself from drawing attention. Now it is years later, I'm way past those days of doing anything for the purpose of keeping or gaining a lover. My health is deteriorating at an accelerated rate and I would like to grow old with vitality and good health. That's really what it is about. Feeling good and being healthy. Your boyfriend fears losing you if you become attractive to other men. If you are obese and your health is at risk, he needs to support your decision. If he can't do that, he is not putting your best interests first. I hope you have supportive friends or family members around you. He isn't being one of them. Both my sons and close friends know and back me all the way, because they love me and want me healthy. I elected not to tell my mother as she would make my life pure hell and I don't need that negative energy. Best of luck to you!
  9. Thanks for the reference! I will definitely check it out!
  10. I am still in the pre op stage, waiting to hear from my surgeon on when I can expect to be scheduled. In the meantime, I've been doing as much research as possible on my own, particularly in dealing with my feelings right now. The better informed I am, the less anxiety I tend to have. Anyway, I happened across a book on my Nook titled Fighting Weight by Kahliah Ali. Kahliah is one of Muhammed Ali's six daughters whose life, other than having a celebrity father, is very similar to my own. This book is the best resource I have read yet, on what to expect and how to prepare myself. There are no recipes in this book... but a good portion of it is information provided by Ms. Ali's surgical team. I cannot recommend this book enough! Good thoughts to all,
  11. I was doing alright until another poster (with good intentions) wrote to me this week and ended with a statement "now don't get discouraged if you don't get approved for the surgery the first time". I had never considered I would not be approved! This was like a blow to my heart! Both my doctor and my surgeon are very confident there will not be a problem with approval, however I realized my feelings are pretty fragile right now. I was not aware of just how much I want and need this surgery until a doubt was raised. It gives me hope. Hope I've not had in a long, long time.
  12. aknaturelvr

    Fighting A Battle Within Myself

    The first step toward change begins with me. I took mine two weeks ago when I met with my doctor to discuss bariatric surgery options. She was encouraging and asked me to call the surgeon. I did and got an appointment for the next day. I met with the surgeon, got more encouragement, a lot of information and told I should hear something within 3-4 weeks. The first week of waiting went well. The second... not so well. The inside of my head is pretty crowded right now.This has been a tough but typical week. Whenever I reach up to climb out of the hole I have dug for myself (looks a lot like a grave, come to think of it) something always manages to grab hold and pull me back. It's as if there are other people inhabiting me. They have been with me for much of my life and they are not shy. I find them as attention hogs; arrogant, controlling, negative. (Funny how similar they are to my mother, not that I want to blame her). Sabotage, Anxiety and Doubt...that's their names. They tend to wait until I'm alone to do their work. They are cunning and determined. I believe in standing in my truth and being accountable for my actions. I know I am strong enough to follow the requirements for success. Why am I vulnerable to these three? Constant good intentions that are forgotten in an instant and replaced with thoughts as if I am choosing my last meal in the next minute. I find this battle accelerates within me the more I think of what's ahead. I am concerned about complications and disappointment both with myself and with others. I'm tired and I've lived without hope for awhile. I pray both Sabotage and Doubt will shut up and leave me alone. I know I can do this. I embrace the idea of having support and guidance to walk the path with me. Dammit. Anxiety must have decided to come visit me as well, eh?
  13. aknaturelvr

    Waited For So Long

    With a nickname like Takuwinds, you have to live very close to me. Congratulations on getting your approval and dates. How long did it take for your approval from the time of your first visit? I saw Dr. Gruchacz Aug 31st and was told I should hear something within 3 to 4 weeks. My primary care physician has been monitoring me for the past four years since gastric bypass was first discussed with me.
  14. aknaturelvr

    Waiting For Approval

    Four years ago I was recommended for gastric bypass surgery by the neurologist who reviewed my sleep study results as part of a full physical I was having. I will never forget how stunned I was to be told I needed this surgery and how poor my chances were if I didn't have this. I was stunned because I thought only extremely fat people had this done. I always saw myself as a large boned, well proportioned but generously built woman. Not what anyone would consider morbidly obese. Morbid is such a dreadful adjective, don't you think? Obese is bad enough, but morbidly so? With a BMI over 43, I see now I was in denial. Most of my life, I've heard I don't look my age and I sure don't look like I weigh as much as I do. I've been over 200 pounds since my mid 20s. There was a point in my 30s I was able to lose down to 180, but my beloved husband did not like the self confidence I was attaining.. bitchiness is what he called it at the time. By the time I was 37, I managed to lose 185 pounds... of husband.(It was my choice, not his). Within a year I met the man of every woman's dream and not only loved him, but I was deeply and unconditionally loved by him. We were together nearly 10 years before he was taken from me by colon cancer. It was the best 10 years of my life. My weight shot up to 283 during those final months with him in 1997. The past 15 years, my weight has stayed between 250 and 275. I've gone through a lot of trauma, I don't wish to discuss right now, but I do believe the low points caused some physical changes to my body's functioning. I'd always been able to lose weight by eating healthy and plenty of exercise. Then I began to notice changes... belly fat, flabby arms, a loss of strength in my muscles, Type II diabetes was diagnosed and I went on a very structured eating plan plus decided to move away from the big city toward a small town peaceful life style near my grandchildren. I did alright for the first year, then accepted a job offer that promised a good paycheck in return for my management expertise. Ha! The joke was on me. I inherited a dysfunctional staff in an office that was so far behind in work and meeting statutory requirements, as well as my own personal micromanaging, boss who had run the previous four predecessors of mine off due to his mean spirited ways. Within months I went from controlled diabetes and steady weight loss to having all my labs go off the charts. The stress has been relentless until this past year with the retirement of my old boss and my overhauling of my entire staff to a new, improved group of dedicated professionals who actually enjoy working as a team. Unfortunately, my health has declined into a black hole place, no amount of effort on my part has been able to reverse. Damage to my low back and knees has pretty much sidelined me this past year. All due to my morbid obesity. I've been dealing with a level of depression turned into hopelessness that has me emotionally more trapped than if I weighed much more than I do now. Last month Dr Oz re ran a show he'd had on gastric bypass effect for reversal of diabetes. I listened. and decided to finally face the reality of my circumstances. I am 60 years old. I've been living as though my life is already over and wasting precious time that can't be brought back. I can either be a victim of my own making or I can do something about this. I spoke to my doctor and got her blessing and encouragement to meet with my surgeon here in Juneau. I am in the waiting process and hopeful I will know something before the end of this month. In the meantime I am being proactive in learning everything I can, practicing how I will need to eat afterward and listening to the wonderful support network on this site.
  15. aknaturelvr

    Protein Shakes

    I have dairy sensitivity and can't use whey protein. I recently did a two week detox on peertrainer where I was directed to use protein powder made with pea and rice protein, mixed with coconut milk. I use the brand peertrainer recommended, but found there are others out there less expensive and appear to be just as good. The two flavors I purchase are vanilla and chocolate. With the vanilla, I can add whatever fruits I want (favorites are blueberries and frozen black cherries). With the chocolate, I use ice and add a packet of hazelnut instant coffee for the most delicious mocha shake ever. I wanted to buy a vitamix (probably will when I get my surgery date), but I use a magic bullet so I can easily prepare my shakes whether I'm home or traveling. Hope this helps.
  16. I agree with Maddy. Switch from the heat to ice packs. Heat is comforting but it brings blood to the area and if you are having problems due to a pinched nerve, the heat can make it worse. I had two ruptured discs back in the late 80s both due to auto accidents. I was in so much pain and found when I would go for physical therapy and the guy would place those hot packs on me, I would end up unable to walk afterward without holding onto something. When I went into a pain clinic, they removed all heat and put me on ice packs. I was stunned... one hour on ice packs with my knees elevated above my low back (curving your back into fetal position relieves pressure between the vertebrae) would provide me immediate pain relief. Hope this helps!
  17. aknaturelvr

    Pre-Op And Nsaids

    Glad to hear you are doing well, jude. I had to go off nsaids 8 days before my knee surgery and it was tough.(I had been living on them for nearly 6 months before a change of doctors that determined my problem was more than tendonitis and a lack of exercise). It was like going off caffeine...the swelling and pain returned. After so many months of dealing with it, I became tired and more sensitive to the pain as well. I switched to ice packs, capsaicin ointment and salon pas Patches.To my own amazement, I got through it without any pain meds. Unfortunately, on the day of surgery, chaos erupted in our small hospital. A stabbing victim took over one of the two operating rooms and backed up the full day of surgeries. I was not first in line and I'm diabetic: by 1pm my surgery had to be cancelled due to blood sugar problems. The most interesting part? My surgery was rescheduled for the end of this month and I have not resumed my nsaids. I am being extremely careful how I go from laying down or sitting to standing or walking. I have even managed to walk up and down a flight of stairs, but I do it slowwwly and mindfully, not to twist or turn my knee. I guess what I'm trying to say is, it is possible to control the pain without the drugs, but I wouldn't have known until I was forced to do it.
  18. Hey, you are four days into it. Congratulations! You are 25% of the way there and past the hardest part already. Get creative with your liguid diet! Below is a sample from the Phoenix lap band center... they also list items like fat free raw vegetables as allowed by your dietitian, so don't turn it into a punishment, think of it as the beginning of a new life for you. FYI... I am waiting for approval from insurance and haven't begun my pre op yet, so it's easy for me to be optimistic. LOL Hope you guys will return the favor for me when the time comes and I start feeling anxiety as well. meal plan Example* Morning meal 1 Serving of ViSalus Protein (with any flavor mix-in) mixed with skim milk ½ cup cream of wheat or oatmeal 1 cup V-8 or tomato juice Snack ½ cup sugar-free pudding Midday meal 1 Serving of ViSalus Unflavored Protein mixed with 8 ounces of Crystal Light. 6 ounces of Dannon Light N Fit yogurt Snack ½ cup cottage cheese Evening meal 1 Serving of ViSalus Protein (with any flavor mix-in) mixed with Water 1 cup V-8 or tomato juice ½ cup unsweetened applesauce Bedtime snack 1 Serving of ViSalus Protein (with any flavor mix-in) mixed with skim milk 6 ounces of Dannon Light N Fit yogurt
  19. aknaturelvr

    In And Out Of The Closet

    Jean, Thank you for such a well written article. I particularly enjoyed the last four paragraphs and may share those thoughts with my own circle when the time comes. Robin
  20. aknaturelvr


  21. aknaturelvr

    Before photo

    From the album: aknaturelvr

    This is the only full body photo I have of myself. This was taken Dec 2010 and my weight at the time was approx 255. I will update with a current photo as soon as I can get one taken.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
