I work in a brewery so my job is to drink (well not really Taste is a better discription). So yes you can drink with the band. The issue with drinking is moderation. Since it is a liquid calorie you don't feel full like you would if you were eating a solid protien. The liquid passes straight through to your lower stomach. Subsequently you can drink whatever you want. Albiet some folks have issues with carbonation. That being said - my dr said the target caloric intake for me should be 1200 calories or less a day. if you can have a beer or a glass of wine in that and hit all your protien requirements, no problem. For me it is next to impossible to hit under 1200 calories a day on my present restriction and not feel hungry. At about 1350 i am not feeling any hunger pains. Still a far cry from the 6000 i was used to eating.
so after all that - moderation is the key - have one not 6 in a day and you will be fine. But always keep in the back of your mind that liquid calories (unless a low cal protien shake) are your enemy. (this also includes ice cream, shakes etc). i have included a link to a website with a ton of calories for beers. check it out. the brewery i work for produces 4 beer (3 of them contract brewed) but on average our amber is about 140 calories for a 12oz bottle.
Beer Alcohol and Calories