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LAP-BAND Patients
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About fatnfluffy

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  1. fatnfluffy

    Too Tight Weeks After Fill. Is This Possible?

    I had my 3rd fill on Thursday and its now saturday and it hurts. Whenever i take a sip of anything its like i can feel it going thru and it hurts. I attempted some rice tonight as soup is getting really old and it feels like its still sitting there! I have never had these issues after a fill. I can hear my stomach gurgle and make noise ... Am i too tight?
  2. fatnfluffy

    New To The Group

    Thanks everyone for the posts! N I have no clue but fatnfluffy popped in my head... Gabriel Inglasis(spelled wrong lol) is one of my fav comedians and his famous saying is Im not fat im fluffy. I have always had a positve attitude of my weight. But when my fibro got bad i knew it was time to change. My dr said that those who join these groups and go back for routine checks are the ones that succeed the most and i have learned lots by reading and then just finally joined so i look forward to chatting and reading and learning lots!
  3. Hello from North Dakota! I am 2 weeks post op and feeling great. I didnt know what to expect as i kind of kept it a secret that I was doing it except with my family and close friends. I deal with Fibromyagia and have tried so many diets that have just failed so it was nice to see in the 2 weeks that I am down 14lbs already. Im excited to talk to others and reading forums in here have helped me already. Like learning about the gas pains after and yes Gas X is a life saver!!! I look forward to talking to others in the journey and couraging those that need it... Have a wonderful and blessed day!
  4. fatnfluffy

    Nodak Lapbanders?!?

    Where is your offer at? I live in Grand Forks and have Dr Hape and he is wonderful. So is his nurse who does the fills! They are at Altru Clinic.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
