Hi, Im new to writing in these type of forums/blogs/chat etc.. I recently went to an out patient surgery center in Chicago for a consult regarding low BMI lap band. Like most of you (I am assuming) I have been dieting my entire life.. My weight has been up & down. Thus causing my emotions & out look on life to be up & down based upon my weight. I recently found out the FDA approved this low BMI lap band procedure. Is it worth it? I DONT have any accompanying medical issues due to my weight. My BMI is @ 31 just barely. Im sure by time of surgery it will be below. I have Surgery schedualed for mid-Oct. It will be self pay. I hear stories of people vomitting post surgery all the time, amoung other issues. Has anyone had this issue? I can only find once place in my area that does low bmi lap band procedure. Day One Health in Chicago. Anyone been a pt there? Anyone in the Chicagoland area go anywere else. I appreciate any thoughts. comments, stories on anyone that has had low bmi lap band procedure.