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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by roxa

  1. roxa

    1St Day Of Pre-Op Diet

    Thank you Jim. I'm heading to Target now!
  2. roxa

    1St Day Of Pre-Op Diet

    please tell me they are good because the ones I bought at the health food store are making me really sick!
  3. I added some V8 infusion peach mango juice to my protien shake! That helped a lot!!
  4. I am also scheduled for surgery at the end of this month. I started my liquid diet today. Yuck. I woke up with a headache but it has not gone away all day. I took some tylenol but that hasn't helped. I'm sure it will go away. I bought this high protein mix to drink and it is horrible! I am suppose to have 4 a day and I have trouble choking one down. Good luck. Hopefully an experienced bandster will give us suggestions about the headaches.
  5. When you click on "Follow this topic" is what makes it go to your email account. Click on "unfollow this topic" and it should stop
  6. I know how you feel Laura. I'm an addict too. I guess I finally realized that about a year ago. I can go on a diet and stay very focused and disiplined but once I "fall off the wagon" look out! I've often compared myself to an alcoholic like if I take that one drink its all over. I keep trying to talk myself out of this surgery but then I look in the mirror and it reminds me how bad I need it. I can lose the weight but it just comes right back on because I go back to my old eating habits which is what got me in this mess in the first place. I am hoping this tool is the answer. I start my liquid diet on the 15th (Monday). I was terrified at first but now I think I will do ok. I think I can make it. I use to say I thought it would be easier to eat nothing. I mean when I quit smoking, that was it. No cigs at all and if you were an alcoholic you stop drinking totally. But with food you still have to eat which leads to temptation which makes me fall off the diet. So now I guess I will get my chance to find out. This website has helped me tremendously! Thank you everyone!! My surgery is the 29th. When is yours?
  7. Thank you soccermonster31. My surgery is scheduled for the 29th. I start my prediet this coming Monday (15th). One minute I am scared to death and the next minute I am looking forward to it! I think I am dreading the next month the most, the prediet, the surgery and the healing. After that I think I will be fine. I keep telling myself it will be worth it cause when I lose the weight this time - it won't come back!
  8. Oh, I didn't have to do that. I will continue to eat everything I can get my hands on until Monday when I start my 14 day pre-surgery diet. There was a lot of things I didn't have to do compared to some people. No counceling sessions, no bloodwork, I only met with the doctor twice and very little contact with the office staff that I met once. I don't know if that is a good thing or not.
  9. I dont know what the lean and green diet is. But I start my presurgery diet next Monday and am terrified! I'm not use to being hungry - if I was then I wouldn't need the band My presurgery diet consists of protein shakes, up to four a day, sugar free liquids, water, popsicles, coffee. It did not mention anything green at all unless it would be jello or sugarfree kool-aid. It sure doesn't sound like much fun, I think I am dreading that most of all. Hang in there!!!
  10. roxa

    United Healthcare

    I have United Health Care. Although my nutritionist is in network and they approved my lapband surgery, they wouldn't pay anything on the nutritionist visits. So I only went twice to get her to submit the needed paperwork to the surgery so they would send it in to get approval. It was $50 for each visit. I figure if I need to see a nutritionist after my surgery I will go back or maybe find a way to get the insurance to pay for it
  11. roxa

    It's Approved

    Thank you so much. It is scary when I realize how my entire life is centered around food! My husband and I both had a 3 day weekend. Everytime he would ask me what I wanted to do the first thing that ALWAYS pops in my head is something to do with food. It is truly amazing I don't weigh more than I do. I have horrible acid reflux and am constantly bloated and miseralbe no matter what I eat. I am hoping the band helps with that.
  12. roxa

    It's Approved

    I just found out today I have been approved for my lapband. Now I am really terrified and keep thinking "is this what you really want?" The thought of giving up my beloved food and having to be healthy is scary. Anyone else been there? Is this normal? Then I think "oh I can just go back on my Atkins diet and drop some weigh"t but I know I would put it right back on. This is a huge lifestye change! What if I fail?
  13. I am 57 yrs old, 5' 3" and weight approx 205 LBS. I have type 2 diabetis, high cholesterol, a fatty liver, and acid reflux. I have lost weight in the past but put it right back on. I can't tell you how many times I have lost the same 20 pounds! My head tells me I want to be thin and healthy and use the lab band as a tool but I love to eat and quite frankly am hesitant and scared. I have talked to a surgeon about lap band and have to talk to a nutritionist tomorrow. I keep asking myself if I want to do this, am I ready to make this life changing decision? Can I do it without the surgery? Did any of you go through this too?
  14. roxa

    Want Your Opinion

    That is great Khlut! I take 1000ml of Metformin and am just barely over the line as far as being a "borderline" diabetic. If I would continue to gain weight that would get worse though I think. I would love to live in a world without acid reflux. It has been so bad lately. The surgeon said the band would help a lot. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the encouraging words.
  15. I live in the area also and am waiting for my band. I hope by the end of October. It is a slow process (or so it seems)
  16. roxa

    Looking For Support....

    I haven't had my surgery yet. I have one more visit with the nutritionist and then she will submit her report to the doctor. After that they will send it to my insurance company for approval. They said that could take another month. I am sure anxious to get this going! Congratulations on your weight loss! That is wonderful! Keep up the good work!
  17. roxa

    Want Your Opinion

    Thank you so much! That helped me tremendously! I was looking for reassurance and you gave it. I go back and forth. One minute I think its a bad idea and then the next minute I can't wait. The waiting for the approval from the insurance company is the worst but on the other hand no one can say I jumped into it either. I am anxious to get on with my "new life". I joined a gym yesterday. Thanks again!
  18. roxa

    Want Your Opinion

    Thank you for your response Banderama. I believe you misunderstood what I wrote though. I didn't say I wasn't going to get the surgery, just voicing some of my fears.
  19. roxa

    Want Your Opinion

    Thank you both for replying to my post. I know that I would only consider lapband at this point. I would not do bypass or sleeve. My diabetis is barely over the line at this point so as long as I don't gain more weight I should be ok. I think my biggest fear is food getting stuck and throwing up and not being able to dine out and do the things I do now. All of them involve food of course which is what got me in this shape in the first place! I also love beer. That is going to be hard to give up! I met with the surgeon and he briefly went over a few things, asked me if I had questions and at the time I did not. Now I do. I haven't met with anyone else or had any counseling or informational type meeting so I am still facing a lot of unknown.

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