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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Havent been here lately...

    so great to hear from a long time bander thanks for the pep talk
  2. line-dancer

    Eating too much!

    the band with the right amount in it keeps me from being hungery for 4-5 hours and that is my green zone. Everyone wants to be there right off the table and it just cant be but it does get better and its time to practice at eating right . It will come its great to be honest with the doctor so he can help you get to where you want to be, its so worth the effort and this time it works.
  3. line-dancer

    Last case of Diet pepsi

    wow good luck its hard enough to be a food juky but pop also what a challenge..
  4. wow you look great and I like your state of mind you bet cancer you will bet this also
  5. line-dancer

    So hard :(

    My family eats what I can eat just more if they want junk they go out to eat and no doggie bags. Family outs in the beginning I didn't go but explained and asked for their support. As time went on I learned to not breath with my nose around food I love like the bakery. My daughter did all the food shopping for the first 3 mos ...Its hard to learn to put yourself first but once you get the hang of it people understand and help out so stay strong you are worth it.
  6. line-dancer

    Got a Gym membership! But now what?

    that's what I did also the free trainer helped get me started now its the getting there that's is hard lol
  7. line-dancer

    2nd Fill Wait

    2 weeks for me if u need one call
  8. line-dancer

    Here's a really bad idea

    lol band pay back we all get it
  9. line-dancer

    plateau help needed

    wow bless your heart I am so sorry for your loss. I am with Missy the fact that you didn't gain is God on your side for sure...I have no advice since I am only 8 mos out but I wanted to send you hug and pray's and look forward to hearing from you again.Linda
  10. line-dancer

    Lost 0lbs Post Op

    yfitnesspal.com will track everything including restrant food..tracking has been the key for me I also make a veggie soup (not much broth) very low cals and have some protient. 50oz of water and 32 oz of Snapple one coffee (no sugar) and one tea. tracking will tell you a lot. I also weight every morning and put it on the calendar and soon I saw a pateran and could make some changes... If you are hungry b4 4 hours you need a fill...this is a diet and the diet rules apply but the band helps with hunger and you can truly control what and when you eat. do the work and the pounds fall off track it track it track it....you can do this I cant believe I am 70 lbs lighter and mentally and physical I feel great all the time I never knew this feeling and it is wonderful.
  11. line-dancer

    Burping a lot after fill

    It sounds like your to full but call your doctor they can tell you..believe me you don't want to be to full.
  12. get a higher shake ESA has them with 40 g of protein good luck you figure out what works for you
  13. lentil soup did it for me I make a pot and then freeze one cup severings
  14. line-dancer

    On top of the world!!

    we are all so proud of you...the weight loss did the same for me now if I could get off other meds..
  15. line-dancer

    Walden Farms- Fat Free, Sugar Free, Carb Free

    sounds great I will look for it
  16. line-dancer

    "The over 40 crowd"....

    65 here and I lost 8-10 a month until I got 20 lbs from goal and some illness...keep moving and track you intake and everyone is differant...
  17. line-dancer


    Well, I hope you can get the support from your family. I told mine they buy there own junk and eat it else where...hide the things I like and a few things not allowed in the house like pizza. Maybe they would go out for dinner if that is in your buget. Clean the kitchen out of foods you cant have and you will have fun learning how to fix meals the family likes but with fewer cals that you can have also. This is going to be hard they have to help you.
  18. line-dancer

    Amount of Food

    ask your doctor. I track my calories and stay within 800 to 1200 a day...I eat one cup severings leading with protient. you done great looks like you know.
  19. Mne did slp and believe me the pain in your chest would send you to the ER and you wouldn't be able to eat or drink water. And you would vomit... but your doctor should have given you a flouro to see this minute action ask of it or go so someone that could do it. He should also be able to pull out all the fluid put it back in and pull it out again to see if it is staying in there and how much has stayed in there... do some testing before doing more surgery
  20. line-dancer

    tight after vomiting

    if this this happened 10 days ago it would be all better now the fact that it isn't you need to go in to have it viewed...I found out how easy a slip happens ...good luck
  21. line-dancer


    Sorry you had to put up with that on any day let alone on Mother's day. There is no way to shut them up when they are talking out of jeolouy hugs for you
  22. line-dancer

    Heartburn night two...

    call today and see what say they will probably get you in today and taske some out that's what they did to me.
  23. line-dancer

    14cc band, who has it?

    the size of the band is decided by which one fits around the area there is fat in that area as well so don't let that mean anything to you.
  24. get it checked out this doesn't sound right to me...and what are you doing eating hot dogs good luck and keep us posted.

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