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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. You need to get a place of your own and only have supportive people around you. I knew he is having trouble with money but he can rent out the part of the house to someone else it doesn't have to be you. There comes in your life when you refuse to take any abuse from anyone..you have to be brave but parents are just people they get no special rights to abuse you any more...I know I have been there and even went back for more I don't now when my mom crosses the line I walk out there are boundries now MINE please set some for yourself you are so worth it...and you Dad is and ASS and your brothers might just follow him so watch out.
  2. line-dancer


    so sorry some poster are being rude to you I hope that c.hanges soon you've always seemed nice
  3. line-dancer

    Am i eating/drinking enough??

    stick to protein shakes,teas and water track everything.. you don't want to get dehydrated it's really bad. This is a time for healing don't worry about weight loss here get EAS makes a 40 gr protein shake and they are good. take a stool softener and laxative and get things out of there and the gas will go. milk of magnesima works fast and no cramps..its all up hill from here
  4. line-dancer


    that is how the band works best I agree with the above treat your to a fill.
  5. line-dancer

    Vacation, the Band, and Mom

    you did great be very proud. This is just the beging of a great life and feeling wonderful
  6. line-dancer

    Banded in January

    track your intake and take it into the doctor with you to find out how you can work on it better. This is diet and the same rules apply.
  7. line-dancer

    Carbonated drinks/alcoholic beverages

    think about it..............you knew the answer lol
  8. yes what are the problems maybe we can help you with them.
  9. well, I can I help? first of plenty of hugs and just being here to listen. I have adopted kids with bi-polar as long as my self.. I have found Depakoe to be our wonder medican and luckily we didnt have to try a lot of differant ones. We also take and anti-depressant to get the moods even or at least not get to the extrem ends of either. I hope you apply for social surcity it can take a lone time to get approved and you can start it off online or go to the office if it is close to you. Then you will get help with the medical end of things which is a God sent. Just because you go to a gym doesnt mean you have to do thing that use you knee, I go and do the weights and that makes a big differance...there is plenty to do to get fit without using your knees...at least check it out do not future think in a negitive way look to the possitive some exercise is a tin better then none so take you help from your Mom and go daily...you can do this and mentaly you will feel much better.. I hope this is helpful it is sent with hugs, love and truly caring for you and your success..
  10. line-dancer


    bring your own and just say your on a specal deit from your doctor you dont need to tell them it for weight loss. Doing what the person above me is a great plan I also in the beginning just call and say I am ill and will not be able to come this time. Remeber this is all about you, you come first so you need to do what ever it takes at this point..People understand illness but not weight loss isnt that a shame
  11. line-dancer

    Facial bruising

    wow if you vomited that hard you'd better go in and have the band checked also. I didnt do it that hard or that much and my band slipped was good. call ASAP
  12. line-dancer

    Peer pressure

    they aren't your friends if they aren't supporing you in getting into good health. tell them that if they are more informed then your doctors tell them you will listen. I separated myself from so called friends as I lost weight they got excited and wanted all the details and then offered support I told them I didn't need support now. Our weight tells everyone we do or don't put outselves first so its time for us now.. you have us what more do you need? you onto as new life and new friends if need be.
  13. line-dancer

    Ashamed :-(

    this is a time you find out what foods you cant be trusted with at least right now so throw it out..thats what helps me Its how I get my head to pay attention that I will be in control from now on. Good luck this is park of banders hell but you will work it out
  14. line-dancer


    do it for all of us who would love to but scared of hights. good job
  15. line-dancer

    will my brain ever catch up?

    I do the same thing and it doesn't help when each manufacture has there own idea of what a centain size is. but it is nice that the size we pick is always to big instead of always to small...
  16. line-dancer

    Down 60lbs this morning!

    you go girl great job
  17. I do best at 800 cals to a max of 1200 so track you food and do all of the above...and it you don't loss in a month talk to doctor about it.
  18. line-dancer

    Out of pocket with hospital

    when you have insurance there should be no upfront payments.
  19. yes its the only adjustment that can be make the size of the inside of the band so the food goes down slowly.
  20. line-dancer


    be sure to track your food, water and exercise and the times you eat to find out what is going on and where document everything you can there is a lot of information that we take for gainted and effect our losses
  21. line-dancer

    Night eating

    Eatting at night is all about your head so talk to yourself and I find having something hot water or tea really helps me. You need to do some brain tricking its been tricking you for years. clean out your kitchen so there isn't anything you shouldn't eat..yogurt is a real filler for me...
  22. 70 lbs light and I just got the work that I an off the diebeties meds I am so happy that was one of my goals. I would do this al over again I feel great everything has been a win for me I hope it is for all of you keep at it, its so worth it
  23. line-dancer

    Breast Lift & Arm Lift

    is youe insrance paying? or is this all out of pocket?
  24. line-dancer

    MyFitnessPal Calories vs. Net Calories?

    mine does also but we didn't talk about exersing like u do call them.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
