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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Curious About Shakes

    I make my protient drink to make sure I get the protient in all day I usually tske an hour to drink my coffee then 30-60 min for the shake 2 hours later I do oatmeal. this usually keeps me on track for not getting hungry before its time. I reslly do it to get the prtient all in. Line-dancer
  2. line-dancer

    That Akward Moment When....

    Great job keep going u can do it. line-dancer
  3. line-dancer

    Surgery Tomorrow

    get your heating pad ready for when u get home and start a laxitive now. i found that my pain was the gas and sleepy coloon once I had a BM I didnt have pain.milk of magnisuim works great
  4. line-dancer

    Northwest Weight Loss In Everett!

    fill on the 19th didnt prof-read yesterday lol
  5. line-dancer

    Northwest Weight Loss In Everett!

    same doctor/ who do you mean PA I had a real problem with Trish took three times to get to surgery because of her mistakes but got it done. have they offeered you any other connection other then the appointment for the fill? email me to work out a chat seawind48@aol.com linda (line-dancer)
  6. line-dancer

    Day 4 N In Pain..

    get your colon moving walk if you can or get milk of mag to get it started you first BM will make a huge differnce and stay with the heating pad it worked better for me the the pain meds. keep taking a laxitive if you arent having a bm regularly.
  7. line-dancer

    Northwest Weight Loss In Everett!

    I am in Mt Vernon also and go there Aug 20 was banded. Fill is on the 9th I will let you know. Line-dancer
  8. line-dancer

    First Fill A Few Days Ago...a Few Questions

    that is how I felt when was irst banded I qould think that is what u should feel.
  9. line-dancer

    Preop Liquid Diet - Surgery On Sept 21St.

    we only had 2 loss 5-10 pounds good luck and keep drinking
  10. yes stop the pain meds and use a heating pad work so much better. try hot tea its soothing. it gets better we promise Line-dancer
  11. did your insurance pay for this ? gosh I hope so what is going to be your out of pocket cost. Good luck nd lets us know what to expect line dancer
  12. line-dancer

    Banded Today!

    heat pad does better then pain pills so have that right away also hope to hear from u in the chat room Line-dancer
  13. line-dancer


  14. line-dancer

    Chest Pain

    Iam new but that sounds like what was happening to me when food got stuck hot tea would push it down if I couldnt take it. lets us knwo what the doctor says specially if it is something else
  15. line-dancer

    Out Of Surgery, Home And Resting!

    15 days out for me, heating pad on stomach/chest worked the best my back hurt till I pooped so did stomach milk of mag tastes yucky but works the vest. The sooner you get it moving the better u will fill. clear liguids and they mean it if u do more it will hurt read and re read what u r suppose to eat and drink sip sip sip like you are sipping gin (which I hate) but that small. know it gets better every day
  16. line-dancer

    Goig To The Emergency Room.

    prays hope it is just your colon pushing all the pounds out. Good luck
  17. just how long does it take to get to the band? I am hungry in the low stomche area its at least feels this way. I had a very small bite of very thin turkey and it hurt like hurt burn would, or acid reflecs I knew it was the wrong food only wk out so I did desever the pain and it did make me stop but I am trying to put reson to feeling in the bodie so I will learn along the way. I go to doctor Wed. but all the info I get here gives me great ? to ask. is cream Soups wrong? A teaspoon every mintue feels and taste good. I of course will ask but what do u think? boy I need spellcheck badly LineDance
  18. line-dancer


    banded Aug 20. Its been a long time coming but I am so glad after raising 9 kids its my turn to do something for myself. The acid reflezs/heart burn has been the worst but a friend had me try pantopprazole and its alot better now. Anyone else having this problem ? and what do u find that works? Nice thing with reflexs is it forces me to eat slow and very little which has been a good thing but it hurts. Still in the Jello, Soup, pudding, drink stage what is a good thing to start next? thanks, Line-Dancer
  19. line-dancer

    Untitled Album

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
