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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Happy, But Frustrated

    go to a thrift store and get a smaller size. It's a little losser but the number makes u feel good. besize you dont want to spend money before you get to where u want to be. Line-dancing
  2. gas x was the trick for me and heating pads Line-dancer
  3. line-dancer

    Crazy Inbox Messages!?

    this is a well know scam never never sent money to people u dont know. hard lesson to learn for some Line-dancer
  4. yu have the support you need to do what right for you. Tell her that you csn not be friends any longer because isnt a supportive friend and you dont have the time to waste any more. Get the band and dont let others define who you are and who you want to be. Line-dancer
  5. yes I did it was an absess and I had to have it lanced for the fluid to drain and then on antibiotrics for 10 days so go in to the doctor now b4 it get worse and really hurts
  6. line-dancer

    Green Zone ~ How Could You Tell You Were There?

    I just got my second fill now have 6 cc in a 10 cc band and its seems to be just right 1/2 of cottage cheese (at 3:30 pm) kept me full till morning. I wasnt feeling a thing b4 and was hungry all the time if it stays like this I will successed I was the tool to work and it is. btw lost another 2 lbs this week yippee Line-dancer
  7. I go for 2 nd fill Wed I hope I feel something I have 5 cc now and dont feel a thing i was very disappointed I need that help so wish me luck as I do you. Line-dancer
  8. line-dancer


    I had 4 cc at surgery and 1 cc a mouth later I feel nothing and cant eat anything I am not happy about this because I am lossing my will power to do this. I go in this week for anothe cc and just pray that I feel something. i dont want to give up but it is feeling like all the other diets. I have lost 12 lbs 7 the first week nothing the last 2 I am so sad. good luck all line-dancer
  9. line-dancer

    Losing Your Security

    I hear ya I an new to the lapband and already worried about being a success I've never won the weight game. All I can think about is food. I can wait to hear more people about this and what to do. Line-dancer
  10. I would think thst your doctor would have past clients you can tslk to about this who had to do it the same way. They shold be a good resourse for you specially if they do a lot of them. that is why I went to a clinic who only does this. good luck on this I hope everything goes well. line-dancer
  11. line-dancer

    Omg Just Got A Call !!!!

    they pst poned my surgery till I got a machine then I brought it in with me and never had to use it csuse I didnt have to stsy the night. Get more info
  12. line-dancer

    I Guess I'm A Little Confused

    had 4 cc at surgery then 1 cc last week no resticktion getting another cc next week looking forward to the help reestiction will give. line-dancer
  13. line-dancer

    I Got Tricked...

    I keep the lowest always its more fun congrate on any loss
  14. line-dancer

    Headache Help!

    hot showers and a nap with a ice pack works for my migrsins hae headache Line-dancer
  15. remeber this is only a tool you still have to diet and change your life. you need less food to be no hungry and that works for me but I need to learn to cook again. there is noting to be scared of except no doing something and doing more damage to your health. Go to a semare that hospital give and all thesee question are anwsered. Line-dancer
  16. line-dancer

    Need Tips Please

    cant add more to the post above except its hardest to start any food restriction plan but you can do it. Good for you for not letting it get past 10 lbs like we all use to..that is the key protient shakes can be a lif saver..but you know that. line-dancer
  17. Aug 20 band date got my first fill last week and dont feel anything differant and I am hungry I go in in two weeks for another fill that should do it. that would be 6cc. I just hae getting hungry every 2 hours. Line-dancer
  18. line-dancer

    Bcbsne, Need Help!!!

    I would think yur doctor could povide all that. I went to a weight loss center so they had a shink, nutristionist on staff and my regular doctor did the rest. Good luck line-dancer
  19. line-dancer

    1St And Weightloss

    I had 4 cc at surgery and had 1 cc put in for the first fill and I feel no differance. I do have another appointment ins 2 wks for 1 cc if I need it i am going for it. Line-dancer
  20. line-dancer

    Need Some Advice

    if you like your doctor better call and make an appointment with him. dont let them pss u off to his PA you arw the client and should be able o see him if you want. Line dancer
  21. line-dancer


    follow direction first sometimes it takes a couple of days for me but then it empty's out completly. Line-dancer
  22. line-dancer

    Went To See My Doctor Today...

    I go in for my first fill today and I am counting on something in the band. I with the above poster why have a band if you dont get a fill to help out. Are they just in it for the money then? Gosh i hope not. please let us know what happens today line-dancer
  23. line-dancer


    milk of magnesia helps a lot for me and my disabliled kids try that one. lets us know. Line-dancer
  24. line-dancer


    they were talking about that in the chat room and the doctors told them to just cut it off it the interal stitches the ends
  25. line-dancer

    Humana Ppo

    I went to a weight loss center who had all the professionals I needed to see except for the sleep study and heart since I did have a heart attack 10 yrs ok. then they wanted a lisit of diets I had been on ovedr the yrs so I think this is all nornal before they pay for it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
