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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    My Band

    dont let anyone stop you from becomeing the person you are meant to be. This is for you and about you. This is 2012 and no man should tell you what to do. husbsnd and wife need to support each others wants and desirers. line dancer
  2. line-dancer

    The Surgery

    dont worry there are plenty of people there to protect your privicy. just the stomche area will be exposed. Trust in your God and you doctor. Welcome to out wonderful club of new lifers line dancer
  3. you have made the best decidion for you life to go on yet another diet but this time you will get great help the band. We here are the next big help so come often several times a day it really helps the chat room is wonderful use that often also. This will make it happen. line dancer
  4. line-dancer

    Oops...i Cheated Today

    each meal is a restart. Learn now to use the fitnesspal.com to track allyou intake daily, it helps keep you forcus and u can plan for the cheat we are human. I didnt do the pre-op diet ( long story) but I was down 10lbs just waiting to get everything in order for the surgery. you will do fine and already have, your almost there to hang in there. line dancer
  5. line-dancer

    Something In Throat

    sometimes it goes like that. also cause my not chewing enough, or you ate to fast ot to much or like I said it just goes like that some day. hot tea helps Line dancer
  6. line-dancer

    How Is The Lap Bank

    yes it does no one cant eat this anount for food without it that is why we are where we are. If you do the work with the band you will have more success then you ever have on any diet b4. Do it nothing to loss but weight. line dancer ( banded Aug 20 loss 18 lbs in 7 wks)
  7. line-dancer

    Pat Myself On The Back

    wow gj is that since the band was placed? I dont let my doctor get any credit for anything I loss b4 the bsnd cause I did all the work without any help for him lol. so since the band 18 lbs 10 while waiting for the band line-dancer
  8. I am glad you posted its a great referance for all of us. People always tell us "just work out more and et well" but we need to eat ALOT less with all that and the band for made for just that thank God. I would never be able to eat this amount without it. I have lost 18 lbs in 7 wks now i need to find a gym and work out. (back hit and back cant do walking). thanks agin line dancer
  9. line-dancer

    Frustrated With It All!!

    Go to walmart they have a protient drink for body buiders that have 2g of protien called myoplex it tastes great and 2 of those a day will do it. wish I had known about that in the beging. line dancer
  10. line-dancer

    My Fortune Cookie

    perfect keep that on the frig or a dairy of your journey. line dancer
  11. line-dancer


    next time walk out. Tslking or stying in the room just incourages him to be a ass. Dont say a word and leave no matter what else is going on. If he talks to like that on the hone hang up beieve me they soon learn there is way to speak to a lady. line dancer
  12. line-dancer

    I Need Help With Lunch!!!!!

    buy one its worth it. I make a veggie soup and change up the meat love a hot meal. line dancer
  13. the pre made stuff is pretty good the powered ones is yucky dont go there. line dancer
  14. line-dancer

    Protein Drinks?

    Iam liking the pre made ones they r good line dancer
  15. line-dancer

    Aetna Approvals...

    you ar future guessing you are going to drive yourself crazy. Call your doctor and see if they got everything in and have they heard anything. weaky wheel and all that. Line dancer
  16. line-dancer

    Drum Roll....please

    wow I love your post but nothing beats this one I just dont a a bigger word to express my heart for you . i am new just 8 wks in and down 18 lbs but today on your big day I put on a size 16 from size 22. So i am with you sister this works no matter the age. Line dancer
  17. how do u start a new tropic? I want to know where is the other chat room. no one is going into the one under commuinity and I miss the support. send infr please seawind48@aol.com line dancer
  18. this is your healing time there is no fast way to do it. hot Soup helped me a lot and snapple was a nice treat. When you start getting the fills you will notice the differance and help it took 2 fills for me a total of 6 cc in a 10 cc band and I coud us a bit more soon. hang in there its coming line dancer
  19. line-dancer


    u choose cherio's to cheat on....if you are going to cheat do it right and get something great. one of the lady's I dance with makes an incredible frsh peach cobbler I have lost 18 lbs and I should loos 2 more by my birthday and she is going to make me a tiny one..now that worth or me.lol line dancer
  20. line-dancer

    So Happy

    put rest at the very top of your list you dont want to crash and end up in the hospital. Everyone will understand you need to rest when you can. congradulation on your band line dancer
  21. line-dancer

    Hungry More Often

    Got my band Aug 20 it took 2 fills b4 I felt anything and I think i need a bit more soon. i had 4 cc in a 10 cc band and then had 2cc added I am down 18 lbs in 7 wks i am happy. line dancer
  22. could be u could use a fill was my first thought. line dancer
  23. line-dancer

    Scare And Unsure...

    i think most of us are emotion eaters, I know I am. the weeks b surgery i got rid of all the junk food in the house and put in all the post op foods so I could just concentrat on this new plan and getting rested after surgery. Mentally that helped a lot. I still want to nibble but there is nothing here and I am full. I like the band so far as it take a lot less food to make me feel full and that helps a lot. it is a diet like all others but unlike the others i am not hungery and I dont have to eat a ton of salads. Good luck with your decision it was a good one for me. line dancer
  24. line-dancer

    New Ideas For Dinner

    I make a big pot of everything i can and stew meat in cock pot I put so much veggies in it there isnt much broth last week also put in blak Beans thing I am payng for that one thos week lol. i love it and eat it daily. Last night had a subway meatball snadwitch didnt eat the bread and cut it in have for 220 cals it was great. i have lost 18 lbs in 7 wks so i am doing it right thank God it is working so well. line dancer
  25. line-dancer

    How Long Does Insurance Approval Take?!

    I had my PCP and my surgerons office calling almost daily think it took 1 wks and I had medicare. Good luck with everything. line dancer

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