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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Stool Softeners?

    i use dulcolax a couple of times a week wish someone had told me to use them day after surgery, and stool softeners the wk before. line dancer
  2. line-dancer

    Forgetting To Eat....

    yes the above was my suggestion. line dancer
  3. line-dancer


    yes to above the walking after surgery is to move the gass isnce that is what causes everyone the most pain. Remember the first 4 wks is for rest and healing your body has had a huge shock and needs this time to heal so let it the hard work is just around the corner dont rush it. line dancer
  4. line-dancer

    The 'other' Doctor

    well, maybe you could teach her about this s you make the changes. or this she be all she had to do with the lapband so you could go to her the regualr stuff you want to work with you sugon mostly on all this anyway. My doctor is so skinny its hard to even see her but she was so supportive and understanding. In fact I had problems with the surgeral team getting the ok my doctor did all that . At least it is done and I am 8 wk post and 19 lbs off couldnt be happier. line dsncer
  5. line-dancer

    No Support Help

    At the very beinning you must have know that the trips to keep this started was going to be hard, and you probably thought that was going to work out but for whatever reason was not able to do it. Because your distant away from doctors requires a huge commintment ti yourself but believe it me it will be worth it. hrd but worth it. the fills ar the key in this program and of course a good diet I sorta follow a WW diet and I track my intake daily on fitnesspal.c its like any other diet it hard in the begining but with a big helpnghand with the properly filled band. We sre ll here for you while you get bsck on track just lets us know how we csn help. come into the chat room often for daily, hourly support. line dancer
  6. line-dancer

    My Halloween Nails!

    I make sure i get my nails done all the time. Its one thing I do for myself to take care of myself. ladies make it happen it makes you feel so ggood to take care of yourself once a month. line dancer
  7. line-dancer

    My Step Daughter Is Going To Be Fat.

    teens you cant talk to them they kniw everything. At least you are showing her what good eatting looks and taste like and one day she might turn to it. Hopefully she is no over weight now. Good for you for tring and showing her something that will save her life one day. line dancer also step mom to 3 grown kids
  8. line-dancer

    Food Immediately After Surgery

    firat on your list GAS-X ,LAXITIVE.. the discomfort will come from gas and you want to get yur colon moving thats how it excapes and you want it gone. You will get consipated so ge on laxitive as directed for the first few days if not a week You dont want to push hard for awhile Them make yourself a huge pot of chicken stock and sip that along with the above post have stated. line dancer
  9. line-dancer

    Sugar Alcohol In Items

    go to fitnesspal.comand it put it all in for you so u can keep better track of it line dancer
  10. line-dancer


    muti gain hot ceral a full cup beczuse I am notr getting allo my cals in and I hungry an hour after Breakfast french onion Soup red robins just a cup because of the sodium snacks- 2 snapple, fiji apple dinner- hungry girl spinich chicken yummy and then some line dancer
  11. after reading alot of these a while back it seemed to me that 1/2 your band size is a stsrting point after surgery emample I have a 10 cc band came off the talbe with 4cc and then had 2 cc put in at 2 differant fills. its good but not is the time for fine tuning so doctor will put in 1/2 cc until I hit the spot I am very close now i think. But now everyone is differant but many of us follow this. just to give you and idea just know if you band is not 1/2 full and you think you need more know it is not uncommon and its not you not sticking to the diet the fill is to help u feel fuller longer on the right food intake. the hardest part for me to learn is what is highest protien I can eat at each meal the hight the protient the longer I am full. line dancer
  12. line-dancer

    Could We Eat Club Crackers

    ligures only, protien shakes that is all I was told to have the wseek b4...there was some many date changes for my surgery I didnt do it. But i am sure it has to do the size you are now and there guess at the size of the liver. I need to loss 100 lbs and only needed the 10 cc band so there was no problem. Stick to what you doctor said that is always the best advise. line dancer
  13. line-dancer


    That is all my clinic do is barictic surgery of all kind and they do anyone you want and that is appropate. I think it depends on the anount of weight you want o loss I wanted 100 lbs off so the bsnd seemed the best one for me. Check in another place if nothing else just to compare and find what is right for you. line dancer
  14. line-dancer

    1 More Day So Why Am I Depressed?

    I found I got rid of my depression b4 surgery by getting prepared. I emptyed my hpuse of harmful food so I had no where quick to go for it, then I replaced it with food and drinks I could have for the next 2wks. I got my gasx, laxitive, and heating pad all set up in my favorite chair. I also got a new night gown to feel special the nex day. I also set my self up on fitness pal and tracked my eating even the day b4 so I could kind of learn it. So get behind your success and known this is going to fun to to becoming the real you. Keep posting and go to chat room several times a day. I hardest part for me is keeping MY food and paln the priority of the mntue, hour, day, and weekly. The food tracker is my life line dayly and I am now having trouble getting enought food in boy is that a shocker. I have lost 18 lbs in the 8 weeks after banding you will also. I went line dancing last night and ate right durning the day with saving some cls just incase I ended up having 3 FF and that got rid of my want for a whole bssket and lated I have 1in x 1 in peiece of coffee cake and i still didnt get all my 1,000 cals in but I go my carvings in and now a taste does it. line dancer
  15. Interesting situation please lets us know what doctor says about this. The eggs and cheese are good in limitation so you might be on to something there. cut them down or out for 3 mo and see what happens line dancer
  16. line-dancer

    The Holidays

    this is where you tacker is really going to pay off. You can have what you want just count it and be sure it will not get stuck. I am looking now for low cal recieps for my favorite I know a plan is what helps me stay within the limits and if I go over a bit the tracker will help me not kick myself. each meal is a restart and "no meal tastes as good as skinny feels" these two saying I keep with me specially when faced with and "I want" hope this helps someone. Line dancer
  17. line-dancer


    again with the above but how are u going to make a salad mushie? blened lettus and tuna is not good tasting so you might want to post pone you salad. line dancer
  18. line-dancer

    Learning To Chew

    tell people you are just eating slowly so you be full until dinner. or enjoying the floavor is a good one. Oh say you'd like to loss some weight and eating slowly is part of it. It is hard to learn to chew a lot because we were all like you worried abvobut seconds. dependig on what we eat and how well the bsnd is filled to big a bite will get stuck and hurt a bit you will learn to eat slower and chew better. You shouldnt drink with your meal so the food stay in the bsnd and not get flushed to you stomach to soon. When I go out I have my coffee as I ordering and waiting for it to arrive then no more. I am proud of doing this for myself and dont discuse my plan with anyone that doesnt say soemthing supportive. Most perople dont want to tell because they are afraid they will fail or they are affraid people will critizise and either thought is not fun. This is for you and they are will you and are true friends and co-worker or they are not. line dancer
  19. line-dancer

    I Dont Need To Be Criticized

    just put it in your tracker and do the counting..dont worry about it in the course of a week it will balance out everything and you have nothing that we all dont do once in a while. Just be accountable and once you fine out you have gone over your daily calories or u did but just a bit you will feel better. well, I always do. I am suppose to eat 900-1200- cals a day I set the tracker for 1000. just incase I forget something or measured wrong and I stay around 875-890 all the time so if I go over (two bites of pie ) its no big deal and i have allowed for it. I pretty much follow a weight watch style for eating but never go over my 1 c per meal the 1 c is for comfort the dily cslorie intske is your weight loss. we cn eat whever we want but the band help us with potion and limits while we are learning to eat differantly. cheer up you are winning. Remember every meal is a restart. line dancer
  20. line-dancer

    Heartburn Anyone??

    I use to get a lot but snce the band I dont. In the beginning b4 I reconized the pain differance and why i thought it was heart burn but it wasnt it was soemthing got stuck becaus eI didnt chew well enough or I ate to fast. I've leanred and not disconfort when I follow the rules. line dancer
  21. line-dancer

    Scared Out Of My Mind!

    go for it you will wont start for 4 week or so afterwards days afterwards I felt good. I to did not do the pre-op diet but it does depend on your starting weight trust your doctor on that. you'll do great. line dancer
  22. line-dancer

    Where Would.....?

    I can eat it but its got to be eatten slower then any other food or it get stuck, a lot of people find it sticks and they cant eat it. I was never a big Pasta eatter before so its not to hard to give it up. I try not to eat anything zi did b4 csuse thst is how zi got here I couldnt control the amount so I will wait a long while b4 I add pasta. I do eat dark rye bread or muti-gsin crackers but I am 8 weeks out. line dancer
  23. line-dancer

    Cant Wait To Get My First Fill!!

    everyne is going to say the same thin here PROTIENT drinks at 3 weeks you need to just keep drink anything. I find Hot Drinks work the best. Dont be upset if the first fill doesnt feel any differance I have a 10 cc band and 44 cc fill st surgery dsy and now I hace 6cc and could use little more. you will get there just keep drinking and resting. line dancer
  24. line-dancer

    1 Week Post-Op Today!

    you should be tsking gasx snd s laxitive with your BM the gss will leave and psin will easy a lot. it ill tske a few weeks to get to a normal now is a time to rest nd heal and then set you eating plan. empty you house of foods that will tempt you and fill it with pre-made protient drinks ( they tasted better then power) and food you can and will eat. I started out with home made veggie Soups and added differsnt mest each time. I thicken the broth or sometime i drain it and drink it later. I lost 18 lbs in 7 weeks. line dancer
  25. line-dancer

    Am I The Only One

    OUTBACK HAS RIB'S lol damn I was looking for rib b4 surgery. i think we are all afraid to change our life in a big way but you will be fine and we will help you each step. I never had second thought when I found the money I went running to get it done. line dancer

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
