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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    What If I Get Denied?

    You should be able to cssll your insurance and see if it is a covered service and if the doctor you are seeing is also an approved provider and if not who is. i had to do some homework just so i knew. your doctor should have been able to also tell you if he is covered under your insurance then u just need to jump thrught the hoops your insurance needs. line dancer
  2. home make chicken broth goes a long way. Protient is good health and you ar getting enough for that now u need to stop the quick foods and track everything you eat . Drink more Water that flushes it out. Good luck this is a hard time for you but you can do it withut gaining just maintaining is a job well done. line dancer
  3. line-dancer

    Going Backwards

    Ladies remeber that those PMS days are Water retaining days even if you longer have periods the body still respons to it. If you keep track of daily weight you will soon see it. and as what was said above drink drink drink. line dancer
  4. what r u having done? I jusst had the band and was home that night and didnt need anyone. it was unconfrtable from the gas but no one could have helped me it just took time. might be nice to have the number just incase but sounds expensive. line dancer
  5. line-dancer

    C25K Question

    c25k?? line dancer
  6. line-dancer

    Today...getting Through It!

    Good for you , you are so brave and strong. I am proud of you. I think i would have had to take the day off at least until I have learned to eat better. i have only been banded 9 wkks and it it time to "eat just one"... line dancer
  7. I feel that the fat person in my head get joulous sometimes and thinks "this time she is going to do...OMG watch out" and starts whispering little things like "u have done so weel, you can handle one cookie" and once you fall for that it starts laughling and adding more "this time its ok do less tomorrrow" and it beginns. I was fat for most of my life and ever tho I have been on a lot of diets it is s small part of my life. that little devil fat person hs been in control and still once to. its important I talk to that person all the time. "little one, its time to grown up and let me have a turn" "you dont need cookie right now" " I love you and I will take care of you now. hugs always" treating those thought s a naughty child works (so far) for me. hope it helps line dancer
  8. protien shake is a Meal Replacement to have other drinks, snapple, tea, Water, cystral light, broth. I couldnt do powered but the premix is pretty good. line dancer
  9. have u tried hot tea that sometimes makes it feel better specially if you have iritated it a bit. Just getting it filled can make it tender. It never hurts to call and ask yu dont have to go in. Line dancer
  10. line-dancer

    Hic Ups

    I got hicup in the beginning cuase I was eating to fast. chew your food a lot that also helps. Are you tracking your intake? I use fitnesspal.com low cal /carbs = weight loss. Do some walking that helps get everything moving better. laxitive and gas x helps a lot of the pain and pooping will help also. line dancer
  11. line-dancer

    Admoninal Pain.

    take gas x and laxitive if you havent pooed yet and call the doctor. line dancer
  12. line-dancer

    What Is Wrong With Me ?

    are u ssure this s the right time for you and the band it a tool and it is not the fix. its like any other diet and foods. Go on fitnesspal.com and start keeping trach of your eating and make lossing weight now a priorfity its not ging to get easier with. check with the shrink at the doctor you r going to u have time to get some of this under control it helps to undedrstnd why you eat and do it now b4 the band it will ake it easier. Good luck honey, line-dancer
  13. line-dancer

    First Day Of Clear Liquids

    this is the hardest part but just keep drinking everything and often. I mde a big pot of chicken broth it was better then store bought. Dont get to hungry becaus eyou will then eat something fast that you shouldt and it will hurt, of course you wont do it again for awhile. rest and heal line dancing
  14. line-dancer

    Oops I Wasn't Very Careful...

    they have pills for that ya know lol. Well wait till you know if no baby get a fill and some protection while your doing this one change at a time is a enough for anyone.lol line dancer
  15. line-dancer

    Got Banded Today!!! Yay! Ooouch

    GET GAS X, and laxatives and start right a way the gas needs a way out. heating pads are a life saver. Hot broth as much as you can take i made a big pot be4 I went in and it is still my best meal. rest and health as much as possible not atter how you feel the inside take 3-4 weeks to heal so let it. congratulation on your new beginning. line dancer
  16. line-dancer

    Am I So Wrong?

    I hve a Mom just like that didnt even come to my 16 yr old son funeral so I know. i kept tring to make her like me but she likes herself more and loves to be right and hate others cause it makes her feel like a big person. I took me 60 yrs to get the point her doesnt want me in her life and I have finally excepted that. i hope it take you less time. You are ovr weight because of her get to where you want to be for you. your on your way and you have a new family now, US we are here from you do not say a thing to hear, dont answere the phone and if you do get off b4 she can hurt you. hugs,line dancer
  17. line-dancer

    Fills And Restriction??

    I feel the sam way I have a 10 cc bnd and 6 cc in it first wk i perect after that no so good . My doctor seems a bit tight with him Water (lol) says as long as you are lossing your ok. I really like feeling the restricktion it helps me learn what and how to eat and reminds me when I go back to the old ways. advange fill seems to be just over /2 way for most people I think 1/2 cc more for me would do it. line dancer
  18. line-dancer

    How Much Did You Lose On Pre Op?

    pee a lot lol I think you have done a wonderful job just keep it up. line dancer
  19. line-dancer

    Chiropractor Post Op

    I have a rupture disc in L5 and tail bone and it really got mad the week after surgery but once I had a BM it was much better seems that there was a lot of gas sqeaming to be released. Try laxitive. gas x and heating pad first call doctor for advise after that. line daner
  20. line-dancer

    My First Fill

    great job on the weight loss the fill will help you even more. as you lose weight on the outside you also loss on the inside the band so you need this to keep going. bit te bullet its not bad just now fun. line daner
  21. wonderful you lool great thats a lot of work well doe girl friend line daner
  22. line-dancer

    Im Eating Anything

    I like keepmg track then I know havent cheated and where I need to watch it. like right now my carbs are over so I need to make some changes. fitnesspal helps you do that. I want wait loss every week or most wks anyway it keep me motvated. if you re exercising enought you might not need to but most of us do we want this to be the last time. good luck to u line dancer
  23. line-dancer

    Day Four Post Op

    Gasx an d a laxitive will get that gas moving and out and pain will be gone and of course the walking. Congrade ladies for making this wonderful life change.. Do remember its like any othr diet there are up's and downs get on here anytime you need help and come to the chat room thre is tons of good information there and they will help you every mintue of the day if you it. I am only 8 wks out and dont know if I could have done it with the help in the room. look forward to hearing about your journey. line dancer
  24. line-dancer


    couldnt do pots they always made me feel like that. line dancer
  25. My nutrisust said 900-1200 cals and I set my tracker for 1,000 so incase I dont measure somthing right or have a finger full of something its in there. i am having a hard time getting to 900 but doing ok i get 890 so that is close. Am ging to start exersing at th gym this week so I will have to up it on thos days sounds like a perfect time to do protien shakes. line dancer

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
