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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Hiccup Backlash!

    interesting question but I wouldn't think so. maybe chewing longer and eating slower would help couldn't hurt...........................line dancer
  2. line-dancer

    Light Headed At Walmart!

    soundsoundsssounds like a blood sugar low you should always eat something every 3-4 hours just for that reason. I always plan when to eat b4 an outing and carry something in the car or buy something at walmart when it happened to me in the beginning I have since learned and you will also. missing a meal or waiting to long is never a good idea you want your body to keep working for you and food is the fuel. line dancer
  3. line-dancer


    how old is it? maybe it is time for a new one that does adjust. sometimes mine just doesn't feel right and I cant sleep but most night its fine for at least 1/2 the night. mine is new as of aug this yr. the old one I had, had to be adjusted by the doctor the new ones are so much nicer and fit better. line dancer
  4. gas x helped me a lot and of course the heating pad was a must. a laxative is also a great idea to get thing moving and out. hot drinks also makes it feel better...healing takes time and it is uncomfortable a lot but so does being over weight and sick from what it csuses you will get better very soon hang in there.........line dancer
  5. line-dancer

    Help I Want To Give Up

    detoxing doesn't last long but a hot shower then an ice pack and a nap helps me ( I have migrains often) Hang in there it will get better I promise. it is so worth it...if you drank a lot of coffee and aren't now it could also be that have a cup or two. line dancer
  6. line-dancer

    Not Losing

    I was banded in Aug and lost 20 lbs then last week I gain 3 and I was unhappy but within a few days 2 fell off so it is just water gain, it happens I have been doing 900-1000 cals so I know I will loss weight. I also started the gym and just doing the weights for right now. I hope to get strong enough to do more cardio soon. line dancer
  7. line-dancer

    Stuck Or Something Else...??

    Is slipping that common I haven't read a lot about it on here. because it came on so suddenly I would think it was stuck and now it is irrated. I would keep drink hot tea today and if still a problem tomorrow give a call to doctor. line dancer
  8. line-dancer

    Back To Calorie Counting...

    I count also it keeps me on track I do 900-1200 I think it is a great way to learn to eye ball it in the future or when you cant measure. line dancer
  9. line-dancer

    Just Font Want To Eat

    If you don't feel like eating get the protient shakes in and do more clear liquids I had to do that, just didn't feel like food. now I am 10 weeks out and 20 bs off so its worth it .line dancing
  10. line-dancer

    Head Aches

    That makes sence also heat and then ice pack also helps. could also be the pain meds if you are still taking them.. You are eating much and that can give you headache and if you are a coffee drinker and haven't had a cup that also can give u one. Hope u feel better soon. line dancer
  11. My birthday is Saturday but I am going to miss this one, that is the gift I am giving to me. next yr I will go out to dinner and have a treat. You have given yourself a gift and a treat with the band. line dancer
  12. line-dancer

    Am I Going To Starve To Death??

    I came out of or with 4 cc in and have had 2 fill 1 cc each and I need another. I don't think you have enough in your band or you wouldn't b hungry. The band is there so we don't feel as hungry I have 10 cc band. line dancer
  13. line-dancer


    call your hospital but most will take payment also check with your surgons mine has company's that opens an account for medical bills. line dancing
  14. that is so frustrating I know and so easy to do. I am new to all this and was doing well till last week gained 3 lbs I know that's not much but I am eating less then 1,000 cal a day and I gained how csn that be. I am calling for another fill.You keep going get your fills and stay in touch so we can help you. line dancing
  15. usally it gas and the air they put in durning surgery. Gas x and a heating pad did the most good for me pain meds wont help gas. also a laxative will get the gas and air out so get that also. this will get better soon but help it a long .line dancing
  16. line-dancer

    Almost Human Again....almost

    gas x helps a lot and a heating pad does wonders. you are going to be healing for about a month so be sure you rest. As you eat more your trierdness will get better but listen to your body its telling you to rest. Not to worry about your weight loss or gain durning this time you body will be getting rid of toxions at this point let it.there is a lot of water weight from the surgery so this is what you areL losing.Drink broth hot it will feel better ZI made my own it just tasted better.Line dancer Drindrink broth
  17. line-dancer

    Really Freaking Out

    <p>yes call your friend for help I am sure she can make arrangments for offer a friend to help you out. you don't want to miss this oppunity</p>
  18. line-dancer

    Break Is Over

    I to get colder I think it is dropping all the bad food and my body is working much better. even my sugars are down by 100 and just went to the doctor and all my blood came back great. More weight to loss to get off the deibties meds but it coming down . line dancer
  19. line-dancer

    Jumped Several Steps

    well, always be up front with them do neither of you have any surprises. odd that your band didn't stop u from eating most of us would have had some pain so you probably need a fill right a way. You need to work with this diet like any other the band helps a lot but it doesn't do it for u. track everything u eat and drink it helps you stay on point we all want this to be the last diet we have to be on we must pay attention this time. Good luck to you line dancer
  20. line-dancer

    Gained 5 Lbs Since Surgery?!

    laxitives I need them all the time (2 mos. out) the only way pounds csn escaspe so get on it. the weight loss will come they put 6 lbs of water into you so you have loss.line dsncer
  21. line-dancer


    vitafusion multivites chewable have all kinds of flavor in one bottle so it is never the same. line dancer
  22. line-dancer

    What Type Of Diets Are U Required To Be On

    mine wanted me to loss 5-10 pounds in a week with protien drinks only... I couldnt do it and he didnt even ask me line dancer
  23. line-dancer

    Do You Count Calories? How Many???

    I track all my food on fitnesspal and was told b surgery to do 900-1200 calls a day must days I have trouble getting in 900. Once in a while I get in 1100 but I am still ok. i wouldnt worry about you cal intake until you have healed and are on real food you need to heal and rest your ody has had a big shock and needs to recover. line dancer
  24. line-dancer

    8Th Fill And Nothing

    that seems so odd has the doctor taken an xray to see if it is still in the right place and have no leaks? you sohouldnt be avle to eat a thing with it so full. line dancer
  25. line-dancer

    Inversion Table

    what is it? line dancer

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
