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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. I feel better is I eat mushy,soft or liguids for a couple of days after a fill and of course I need to take even smaller bits usually because zi waited to long to get a fill and went back to bigger bits. Just take it slow for a could of days...........line dancer
  2. line-dancer

    Cant Stop Eating Choc

    call for some consoling we eat for other reason then we like the taste. you need to be mentaly prepared to loss weight and getting your head straight is the first part. I got everything out of the house snd its hard no to buy the junk but I do it and 22 lbs later I am glad i went this way and got past the first hard days. I crave these things if they are around so I just don't get around them. Even if I go somewhere and they have the wrong foods and i don't feel i can trust myself i leave This is work like any other diet but the band can really help. give yourself a chance.....line dancer
  3. line-dancer

    I Dont Know What To Do

    I agree with everyone else this is 2012 men no longer rule the world or a woman life. There is no garitee that any relationship will last forever but along the way you need to take care of yourself always. he is a very controlling person and that is never a good thing if you have to ask for everything like gas money you need a marriage cousloing before surgery. oh honey I hope for the best for you ......line dancer
  4. line-dancer

    Am I Supposed To Be Hungy?

    drinking hot liquids help some but it does sound like gas/air I found gasx helpful and a heating pad. Taking a laxative to get things moving also helps so try all that. It will get better as u get fills hang in there......line dancer
  5. my daughter was great she took hers to school but i managed to find a couple and of course just so they wouldn't be in the house I ate them but . like you I tracked them I think that is the important part. We can have everything if we track them and get all our 'must' in for the day as well. every meal is a restart.....line dancer
  6. line-dancer

    My Monthy Weight Loss Update!!!

    wow that is wonderful....I figure as long as it goes down and not up I am happy...You've don't a great job and you will get there......line dancer
  7. line-dancer

    1St Fill Today

    I make sure I have had something to eat a couple of hours b4 not to much. .....line dancer
  8. line-dancer

    Post Op Diet Struggle Help!

    I made a big pot of chicken broth and sipped on that when hungry drinking something hot can really help you feel better it does get better.. I have loss 27 lb in 2 1/2 mos and I just got my 3 rd fill and tonight feel great. ....hang in there.....line dancer
  9. line-dancer

    Soup Or No Soup

    I make my own soup so it is mostly stuff I make sure there is chicken or beans in it so I get the protein. maybe today just isn't a soup kind of day.................linedancer
  10. line-dancer

    I Really Dont Get It. Very Disappointed.

    I feel for you is very hard to stay on track the band has helped and I have had 3 fills but still not there yet. I don't keep cheating food in the house even though I have kids if junk is around I can not resist but I work real hard to just have a very tiny portion.but make no mistske this is very hard. counsoling would help you I am sure check into it,its never a waste of time to go......hugs and good luck......line dancer
  11. line-dancer

    Mental Illness

    No only am I BP (medicted) but my birth daughter, husband, and adopted daughter are also. It can be a struggle but so much more so when we aren't on meds. thsnks God doctors now see it and can help us find the right ones but sometimes the side effects is weight gain (as if we need another struggle) On here we support each other no matter the struggle so feel free to share yours some of us are going throught the same thing and we can learn from you.Thanks so much for sharing you have already helped us.....................line dancer
  12. line-dancer

    How Do You Decide Your Goal Weight?

    I am 64 and day of surgery 240 I am down 2o lbs now. Doctor said 160 would be good I said 140 but given my age 150 would be good. Right now just want to get under 220 next goal is under 200 and I will go from there....,.,..line dancer
  13. line-dancer

    Worse Day Of My Life!

    How rude and thoughtless I would like him know it was inappropate and unsupportive.line dancer...have a great day tomorrow we will be thinking of you.
  14. line-dancer

    Protein Powder

    I use pre-made did the power in the beginning but just to the point I couldn't find anything to mix with it so it was good. I don't drink it much because I don't fill satisfied or that I have had anything to eat and 3 -4 more hours to wait is just to long. I do drink it when I am low on cals/protient or days I go to the gym for that extra boost.................line dancer
  15. I go in for my third fill today I hope this will restart the weight loss haven't loss in 3 weeks and really want this to work so I will work harder with alittle more help. glad your fill went well..........................line dsncer
  16. line-dancer

    3 Months Post Op

    me 2 going in for my 3rd fill Weds..............line dancer
  17. line-dancer

    Vitamin Gummies??? Yuck! Help!

    If you can take all other medication then a viatmim wouldn't be any difference. I was told gummies until I was on regular food but it wasn't manitory. All medication pills coudl get stuck in the beginning but they melt in time. Just think about it if pills work better use them........................line dancer
  18. line-dancer

    6 Month Supervised Pre Op Diet

    my doctor just told them it was done by giving a list of diets I have tried. will you doctor help you out like this?.................line dancer
  19. line-dancer

    How So I Lnow I Need Another Fill

    get every thing unhealthy out of your house. I couldn't do it any other way even with kids still at home. My daughter even took her candy to school to help me out. y would u even think of another fill if u cant eat now? I need another I am eating right but I don't feel satisfied or any restricktion I like the first few days after a fill..............................line dancer
  20. line-dancer

    Bathroom Issues

    normal and its better then constipation you should have a lot less pain that a lot of us got becsus we couldn't get it out. pounds get out this y also look for a weight loss yippee..........................line dancer
  21. line-dancer


    sparling water is carbonation and isn't good for the band have a glass of wine and enjoy.....line dancer
  22. I always order soup when out and I take something with me just in case. I also order or take a thermas of hot tea in case I get stuck. pre-planning is the key forever now or we are back where we started......line dancer
  23. line-dancer

    Thin Soups????

    I ate cream soups made with water they were great. I also made home made chicken veggie soup and the broth was great the veggies I strained and froze to mix with my chicken broth when I could eat them. ..................line dancer
  24. home made chicken veggie soup is great. the perpase of this diet is to decrease the size of the liver and losing 5-10 lbs does that for you. drink as much as you want and broth taste great and its hot so it is soothing. protein will stablize your blood sugar and you wont feel shaky. Eat one meal a day to feel better.......line dancer
  25. line-dancer

    Eat To Live! Headache Question?

    headache can be cause by so many thing not enough water, reduced cafine, rapid change of diet, lack of sugar, body detoxing. I take very hot showers then and ice pack and a nap doesn't get rid of them but greatly reduces the pain. If you are taking pain meds that can cause them all so. Hate headache my heart goes out to you............................line dancer

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
