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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Srewed Up Bad On Thanksgiving, Depressed!

    It taskes more then one meal to gain weight. Gather the leason you learned and prepare for Christmas and get your fills before then...it was a life saver for me I couldn't eat more then a few bits cause the turkey/stuffing got stuck for a long time....the right fills is the answer for me...I had to thank my band for a job well done.....If you were the cook get rid of the food.
  2. line-dancer


    Well this is my first big meal but I prepared. I only bought a turkey breast and made 1/2 the dressing, since I have an autisc daughter I made a good portion of potatoes but still less then usually and we had yams cause I knew the kids would not leave anything left.little did I know the first bit of turkey would get suck and it didn't move for about 10 mintued. fianally I had a bit or two of the yam and pots and then it as time to clean up. I pack up whatever was left and sent it home with my guest and froze the other half of the turkey till Christmas. I was disappointed that I couldn't eat some but by the end of the day thanked my band for doing its job so well.
  3. line-dancer

    Yet Another Silly Success

    wow what a great feeling you have done a great job .
  4. line-dancer

    Yucky Belly Button!

    not to much prozxide it brakes down the skin. Soap and water and a cotton ball should do it.
  5. line-dancer

    Barrel Racing After Lap Band

    I think you would know best but 6 wks is always said to be the healing time for anything major.
  6. line-dancer

    Thanksgiving Dinner

    cooking small potions only have a turkey breast. I have a young male coming over so I am hoping he will eat everything that is left. For me a bit of everything including pie I bought a small two serving apple pie and will have a small piece then freeze the rest for Christmas. That is the plan I will let you know how I did. If it works we will do it again Christmas if no then Chrismas is canceled.
  7. wonderful job I am so proud of you and your hard work.
  8. line-dancer

    What To Expect?!?!

    people who have not researched this say junk like that you don't see people on here that had bad result from the surgery do u? don't share with others you wont get a lot of support just check in here we will support you cause we are all do it. Good luck and stay strong
  9. I have a 10cc band with 6.5 in it and it was that last fill that did if for me. I am never hungry I eat every 4 hours and track everything to make sure I stay health. If you get hungry b4 4 hours you need a fill good in every 2 wks until the band is helping you
  10. line-dancer

    In Extreme Pain

    Iuse gasx helped a bit heating pad and hot shower (I know not suppose tobut I needed relief) don't be afraid to call the doctor and see what else he can offer. It does get better.
  11. line-dancer

    Apples And Oranges

    I have no problem with apples I guess some do and some don't don't eat them for a few days then try again maybe it will be different next week.
  12. Stuck for me feel like I got pills stuck half way down or French Bread has done it. PB is when fluid comes out of your mouth when you burp.At least for me it has been
  13. line-dancer

    Let's Talk Turkey!

    the turkey, mayo, cranberry sauce on white bread 3 times a day until the turkey is gone. this year I just bought a breast,no white bread, and only 2 cans of sauce and no fruit salad and 1/2 the stuffing I want no left overs for the first time in 60 yrd.
  14. line-dancer


    also try a tum or roliaids if it is a heartbun feeling....u should be fine
  15. line-dancer


    with diebiets eat regulary is important also...also when you are sick or recovering from sugery it will go up. keep track drink you protient drinks and keep track. When I fgot on food mine went from240 to 112...congrats on your new life
  16. line-dancer

    Throat Tightness

    That's has happened to me not sure why I usually drink something warm and no soild the rest of the day works for me
  17. line-dancer

    Two Days To Go Before Op

    weight loss is not the goal at this time or for the next 4-6wk The pre-op has to do with reducing the size of the liver for the doctor convience and the next 4-6 is for healing and learning how to eat . Its not to say you don't loss durning this time but its not the goal. Just follow the rules your doctor set and when you really start the program it will come off. I dint do the pre-op and loss 7 lbs three day after surgery and have loss 2.5 a week since for a total of 33 lbs since Aug 20th. People are so quick to blame the person for not following the rules when they don't don't loss weight...many times it is but not always...every meal is a restart just keep at it......and get your fill they are the key
  18. line-dancer

    Night Shift?

    with this last fill its hard for me to want that 3rd meal but I do try to get it in. I track every bite so I also try to meet the calories count, I also make sure I have breakfast within a hour of waking whether I am hungry or not then I count 4 hours a head and notice the time and eat something...I often make up that last meal with a protient drink..its fast non filing and keeps the calories up so my body doesn't hold on to calories thinking I am straving it..It take calores to burn them so try to stay within a set calories count for the day talk to your doctor about what that should be mine are 900-1200 after 33 lb weight loss I am staying 700-900 and we will see how that goes.
  19. line-dancer

    Do I Qualify? 5'2" And 195 Pounds

    The insurance company makes the rules and then the doctor helps you forfill thiere wishes...call and see everyone is differant
  20. line-dancer

    Fast Question!

    depended on where u r in the banding procces I feel you can bend the rules just a bit and drink while eating popcorn at the movies only..Just be very mindful of what you are doing. Have a great time
  21. line-dancer

    Cold Post Op

    One thing we don't talk about on here is how our body feels getting rid of the toxin we have had in our bodies for years. Not only are we resting and healing from the invasions of being cut open but with the pre-op and post-op diets our bodies are dumping al sort of junk our bodies crave and hold on to. this often feels like a cold or the flue. first thing I notice is the color of my BM's they went from brown to blondies yellow and now back to a tan to brown. So keep up with the soup and rest and if need to eat 4-6 times a day 1/2 c to 1c each time. The time for lossins is after your are healed now is for recovery from many things.....
  22. line-dancer

    Have Fun While Eating Out!!!!

    so gad you share I am very new and don't go out cause I don't think they have anything I csn eat. I am slowly learning what a good meal looks like and more importantly what it reads like. I will go out to eat I can see that now.
  23. line-dancer


    I cant believe your doctor would work with you for 2 yrs and offer as differasnt surgery if you are following all the eating rules and not losing. Is there any other medical problems going on? if its poor food choices then you know whast you need to do and we are all here to help you..if its medicasl then your doctor needs to fix that ASAP..Good luck we are here for u
  24. line-dancer

    Can't Eat Meat

    hight protient shake ESA has a 42 gr one myoplex it's for body builders i use it when i am low on protien
  25. line-dancer

    My First Weigh In

    wonderful job

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
