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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Need Some Insight Please !

    I was to like the above I haven't seen her since (3 mo) and I am doing great on weight loss and learning what to eat. This sounds like a scam or something you might do if u didn't get a band. Work with the band for 6 mos and then see if you need this kind of help
  2. line-dancer


    I had 4 cc in a 10cc band the day of surgery and one cc the 2 times it wasn't until the last .5 that did the trick so its a total of 6.5 cc and so far great.
  3. line-dancer

    How Did You Feel After Your First Fill?

    give it a few days I thought yippee I can eat so much but in 3 days I couldn't feel anything now after 3rd fill and down 38 lbs I feel ok and never hungry
  4. line-dancer


    happy for you did u get on myfitnesspal.com so you can track everything from now on?
  5. I was suppose to but I took a hot shower right on my chest/stomach and then heating pad that helped a lot but the first couple of weeks are the hardest laxative help to get thing moving which really makes a different....hang in there.
  6. line-dancer

    Silly Nsv

    WTG cutie socks hows the class going it sounds like fun. Maybe I will check into skating use to do that when I was a kid.
  7. line-dancer


    hi welcome sounds like you have a great plan keep in touch a lot.
  8. I was banded in Aug and lost 37 lbs but it wasn't till my 3rd fill till I didn't feel hungry any more.what makes the band work is the postion of the band and how long it keeps the food there so your brain get the message you have eaten so your fills are so important. Of course you have to follow your doctors eating rules it is a diet make so it takes work like anything else but now that I am not hungry ( in the green zone ) it makes it so much easier to stay on the diet and I don't feel like I am dieting at all just eating health. Ihave never felt that way b4 ( so this is what skinner people feel--cool).. I am thrilled remember the right amount in your band and the right foods make it a success....good luck
  9. line-dancer

    Tummy Tuck

  10. line-dancer

    First Fill Today

    yes it is... burping is a good thing walking will help it also...stay on liquids today nd work up slowly you should feel fine tomorrow....gj
  11. line-dancer

    Made My 1St Goal Yay!

    what a great job I know you must feel so powerful you will make your dream its just around the corner
  12. line-dancer

    Surgery Delayed - Broken Ankle :(

    OMG so sorry this has happened rest and get set up for the band...
  13. line-dancer

    Hungry All The Time:(

    good for you for coming here and be brave enough to tell us. We all want to to succed as we all do. This next they is very very hard and it will take all of your control. Empty your house from the foods not approved and you know what are. Try some different things to drink, chicken broth make your own, Snapple is my favotie, hot tea, coffee.after the third fill I m not hungry all the time, I eat but the clock and my tracker..The band works best when the fill is right and it will come for you. you also need time to heal and get rid on toxions in your body so this time is important use it for a new start on life. it is hard but I promise it gets better start setting yourself up...clean the house and go shopping you can do this.
  14. line-dancer

    Different Types Of Bands

    what type of band shoudnt matter but whats in it should I have a 10cc band and after 3 fills have 6.5 in it and I am not hungry all day...it should stop the consistant thinking of food because you are satisfied...drink a loTrack you food and exercise and get your fills that is how the band works let it work with you.t helps of course..you should loss 6-8 lbs a month.
  15. line-dancer

    Are You Still Having Crazy Gas??

    I did also but smaller bits chew and waiting between bits helped a lot. Now I burp but very little never did ffb4 so its a nice relief for me.. Gasx helps a lot also...your body is getting rid of toxions you have in your body from all that poor eating it will end.
  16. line-dancer

    Will This Time Be Different?

    it will work this time as long as you learn along the way and get those fill as soon as u need then specially in the beginning...it took me 3 and I never hungry any more the first time in my life and I love I will stay this way no matter what happens I am so worth it and so r u. u can get a fill every two wks if you need it don't wait if you need it I did and felt the way you do now and there is no reason that is the great thing about the band it really does help a ton.
  17. line-dancer

    Pre 1St Fill

    the more u have to loss the faster it comes on in the begning you and men loss faster then us so keep up the good work.
  18. I have a 10 cc band and 6.5 cc in it now and it has lasted 3 weeks I am very pleased. yesterday was the first day I got hungry and thought on no here I go again but today it is fine hopefully yours will to or go in for a .5 cc .
  19. line-dancer

    Do You Know Who This Is??

    wow your family is perfect..........................how wonderful you look it gives us all hope thanks for posting
  20. go in to the doctor talk about it get a fill empty you house of the no so good food.You could join weight watch even on line to get a jump start. Track, track, track everything that goes in yojr mouth and drink you water or Snapple, tea. hope this helps
  21. line-dancer

    Feeling Discouraged!

    I got my lapband on aug 20 and have loss 35 lbs so tell that person to go eat cake...your just fine and don't tell her again keep her guessing.
  22. line-dancer

    Update, Unfill Yet Still A Victory

    nice job
  23. line-dancer

    Poss. Tmi / About Tom And Band

    she right and it never ends gets less intents but you have it all plus the water gain so be sure to count that in.
  24. get your fills on time every 14 days till you can go 4-5 hours with feeling hungry I didn't know that and suffered and felt like I always did on a diet then I got my 3 rd fill and it is great I eat like a real person never hungry and need to watch to clock and track every bit to stay health along the way.. gl on your road to wonderful.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
