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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Pain In Back

    I get gas pains in my back also nothing I can do about it but poo then it goes away or at least much better. its the colon doing whatever it does I guess
  2. line-dancer

    Gas Pain

    she is so right heat of any kinds help I found a laxative worked also get things moving and out helped me......hang in there it really does get better.
  3. line-dancer

    Feeling Weak

    protein drink has a lot of nutrients that will help, gartor aid I heard works well. I find hot water is easier to go down. Do you have chewable vituims? be sure to have them daily. This is the tough time but it will get better. get your rest as much as possible your body is recovering it might just be its way to say take a nap.
  4. line-dancer

    Tomorrow :)

    pray's and hugs you will be fine. Do you have all your supplies? specially heating pad its a big help
  5. line-dancer

    What's Your Progress?

    wow with all that you have had to deal with and you still lost good for you. Stay strong and I hope December is a great month for you
  6. line-dancer

    Down 30+ Plus Pounds

    good job, well done I got baned in Aug also isn't it the best thing ever? so happy for you
  7. line-dancer

    Taking Big Drinks

    I can take a bid gulp but not a big bit food gets stuck for me not drinks just goes to show you how eceryone differasnt. I to don't think drinks will hurt the band after its been in awhile.
  8. this is the hardest part for most of us. I know it wont help to much but it will pass and life on the other side is so much better then you can imagine. Soup broth was the best for me and hot water or tea helps the hungry and feels good.
  9. line-dancer

    December 3Rd, So Nervous!!!

    Be sure you supplies like a heating pad, laxitive, gas x, and soup broth I made my own so it was so good. Cambells has some very good cream soup with water I lived on both of those.No matter how you feel now or the first few days and weeks afterwards this is the best thing you can do for yourself and so young good girl. Remember to get yur fills on time those are the key the fills make the band do its job. Good luck and we all look forward to working with you....
  10. line-dancer

    Three C's

    I still do that from time to time old habits are to hard to breck but that's what this trip is all about learning....Thanks for reminding us about the beginning
  11. line-dancer

    My Fitness Pal ?

    hope someone know I went in and played around and couldn't fine any way but then I am not a puter wiz
  12. line-dancer

    Low Blood Sugar

    sugar keeps running low 65-73 why? anyone else having trouble after losing a bit of weight (38) AM sugasr is 135 but the rest of the day it runs low and feels awafl and nurses out there?
  13. line-dancer

    48 Hours Post Op

    pooping is the best thing u can do to feel better also use a heating pad that also keeps thing moving
  14. u should feel good in a week for work but your body is healing for the next 6 wks so every day gets better. The burping was new for me but it makes me feel better even now 3 mos later.Are u using a heating pad, gas x a laxative get things moving out. and try drinking hot water it goes down better for me even now
  15. line-dancer

    Band And Weight Watchers

    WW is a great program and I think that a good plan for all the reason you point out. I started out with that idea , been on it b4 so did it online and now I don't need it. you do what makes you fill strong. also get on myfitnesspal.com and track you food u will then know what your points are also. Also ask your leader points=cal then follow the cal you doctor has told you. I was told 900-1200 but I now stay at 800 cal and a 300 cal protein drink on gym days.
  16. line-dancer

    7 Mos No Fill

    no one will take it out unless causing you added health problems I would have complained long before this. The nurse is wrong and they r there for you, you paid them a lot of money for this and you should be able to use it right. Call Monday and ask for the manager and tell them your story if they don't do something right now for you tell them you want a referral and you plan on call the better busness and the AMA they need to learn how this band works and use it correctectly.. make it a big fuss.. M<y doctors office hired a new nurse when I was due for my first fill and she was giving me the talk that your nurse did I felt some pressure but I told her I wanted my first fill like promised she agreed but couldn't find the port so had to call the doctor in. I started asking him about what she had said and he corrected her right ther e. The next time she had a whole different view I havea 10 cc band with 6.5cc in it and its doing the job and I could have gone in in 14 days for a bit more. Do read every word here cause she isn't telling you the right thing...
  17. line-dancer

    Meal Time Is Hard!!

    this is a good time to teach the family how to eat right I know that easier said then done but little by little it can happen. You have gotten some good idea's hope one will work.
  18. yep that is my advice poop...stool softners or a laxative ---I have to use them often now.
  19. line-dancer

    Hopefully My Last Fill....

    wow so glad you are feeling better and healthy again...you have done a wonderful job heres to your continued good health and getting to your goal.
  20. line-dancer

    God Give Me Strength, And Will Power!

    I am praying for you its to be scary after going through all this but you can do it. how long do u have to wait for a new one/ will you insurance pay for another? gl here and thanks for sharing
  21. line-dancer

    Stuck On A Plateau

    back tp post-op liqids, clean out you house from tempting foods, track every bit, stop the salads if they bother the band, I make a a stew with tons of vegetables and stew meat it keeps me on track. gl
  22. I think you'll be fine if worried call your surgon
  23. I feel just because I have a band doesn't mean to toss out all other basic rules for losing weight. I eat every 4 hours wheather hungry or not the body needs food..i have a protein drink b4 going to the gym, body needs calls to work out. I got by calorie intake and of course protein. the band helps me not feel straving or really hungry but common sense says I need fuel. Do what works best for yu and what you csn do forever.
  24. line-dancer

    What To Drink?

    besides protein drink I love my Snapple twice its a real treat twice a day for me try it.
  25. line-dancer

    Im Finally Ganna Be Skinny!!!

    Its great to not be hngry all the time its exciting good luck for the future.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
