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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. you look great congradulation I am new b ut doing well and now love to lose weight and be on a diet since I am not hungry any more and a small anout fills me up cant wait to get where u are....great job
  2. line-dancer

    Not Losing After Moving To Mushies

    give some time and do some walking or a bit of new exerce and see itf that doesn't kick start it.
  3. line-dancer

    Non-Fill Today- I'm So Hungry!

    I'd call and get a bit more you shouldn't be hungry at all at this point. Being hungy and now the work is done you are going to want junk more.
  4. line-dancer

    Light Headed/cold

    sure why not?
  5. line-dancer

    Done With Surgery:)

    great rest and sip
  6. line-dancer

    Akward Feeling

    it's not in your belly its at the edge of the under cup side of your bra so maybe you should have the belly pain checked out. We are all so focused on the band and what we are doing we forget that other things could be going on inside us.
  7. line-dancer

    A Simple Day's Menu

    I sure couldn't eat this much with the band. you cant have one are you sure you r in the right fruom? good WW day
  8. line-dancer


    hope you feel better real soon. chicken soup and a nap should help
  9. line-dancer

    Psych And Nutrition Consult

    the same thing here shrink was cash only 275 no insurance...boo hoo
  10. line-dancer

    Not Losing - What's Up?

    The video was great thank you so much for putting that up. I can feel it working like that now but people talk about what it is n the inside so differently . Back to the problem at hand and month weight los should be 8-10 lbs and u are doing fine it doesn't matter what part of the month it came off just that it did. The band doesn't make u loss weight it keeps u from being hungry...so the junk we put into our band is still junk. get it out of your house and work place. go over the rules again and do some meal planning and track everything and get your fill 1 cc or less every 2 wks if u need to, to be in the green zone. good luck
  11. doing very well so far 38 lbs off since Aug 20 th always had high sugars but this week I am running 65-89 all day after morning meds. cant get to doctor till Monday and will send email tonight but I wounder why this is going on and what to do? I know we have nurses here so thought maybe they could help. Yes I have been under some stress so maybe that is what it is.Line-dancer
  12. line-dancer

    I Think I Am Too Tight

    yes talk to your doctor but double check the size of your bits I couldn't believe how small they had to be in the first week of the fill. Also did you do liquids and mushy for a couple of days also to get use to the new size? that is often helpful. Mine is tight but I like it that way it keeps me doing it right with very small bites and it doesn't like junk food any more and I am thrilled by that. talk to your doctor you can always get more in if you need it later be comfortable we will be doing this the rest of our lives. feel better soon.
  13. line-dancer

    Weight Loss

    all diet tell u 1-2 lbs a week is a good rate on advage..I feel great to be losing and not gaining and the best part of the band for me is I m not hungry and I can it one serving of anything like a real person or a skinny person does. never knew this feeling no wonder I couldn't loss weight b4. I love not being hungry a hour after I eat it wasn't all in my head my body mind and stomach wasn't right from the begiing...I feel so positive now and hope the same for you..get those fills as you need them not to much now and don't wait to long either this is a tool that needs a fill to do its job for us.
  14. line-dancer

    What's Your Current Band And Fill Size?

    I have 10 cc and now have 6.5 seems to be perfect everyon e different and over time u might need more don't change if you aren't hungry for 4-5 hours and one cup is good for u.
  15. not up to pcp but your insurance and surgens...both my doctor stood on their head to help me get this done maybe your will do....and take everything to each doctor to get them on the same page.
  16. line-dancer


    -I keep 42 g 300 cal myoplex shakes on hand for days like yours. I am doing 800-1000 most days but still need extra on gym days. I also have portions frozen like turkey burger, steak,turkey susage and the all favorit tuna fast and good.
  17. your own doctor can get it going also by recommending it...and you insurance co. will know what surgeon does it and there phone number/address....good luck the best decision I ever made hope it is for u also
  18. line-dancer

    Low Labs And Iv Infusion

    hope not good health 2 u
  19. line-dancer

    Not Sure Where To Go From Here?

    wow all this is pretty scary I assume that u r taking roulade or tums and it doesn't help. Funny I had reflex for years and the day I got the band I never had it again. Have u seen a gastrointoligist? this is very interesting hope you find an answer and can keep the band
  20. line-dancer

    Really Struggling

    there is meds for nusia and for vomiting. yogurt is better then ice cream. broth is good. gl here
  21. line-dancer

    Freaking Out. Starving

    above is a good idea but in the future (tomorrow) in the future buy some to leave in the car and at the office. I learned like you are and now have them everywhere and different amounts of protein so I never go short or get to many cal. drink a lot of hot water or tea if u like that taste I also have Snapple everywhere...like u I am determine to make this work.
  22. line-dancer

    No Success

    how many fills have your had? do you get hungry? change your exercise a bit. what did you do when you did loss weight that you doing no. go on a liquid diet for a week. I exersice 6 days a week for a hour but eat 800 cals a day and loss only 2 lbs a week on average. Tracker everything food,water, exersies don't give up
  23. line-dancer


    eat its just alittle needle poke with 1 cc or less of saline its not a big deal at all. its just tightens the band inside so you eat less and loss the weight you want...a flue shot is a bigger deal relax.
  24. line-dancer

    Coffee Rules

    I would think so
  25. hugs and hot chicken broth...Gosh I hope its because u didn't get the shot...I got it and don't want to know there is one out there that can get me. here is some tissue hon

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
