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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. this is the hardest part clean all the junk out of your house now tell the family tough until you get the band working. The band requires some fills to get the right spot. mine took 3 fills and now its a ton easier then in those days. you will make it just one meal at a time.
  2. line-dancer

    Private insurance

    it will be expensive good luck with your search I had a very hard time understanding medicare supplement insurance got some but don't understand it still.what a racket these insurance company have on us
  3. You are so newly banded its good that you don't try anything that is not on your doctors order. I've had my band since Augs and down 42 lbs..I track every bit but yesterday we were out shopping and could smell the charcoal of burgers and I wanted one so bad. We went in and I didn't order it but daughter did but I asked for a bite it got stuck and I was cured lol I love my band it takes out the I want out of it...I also don't put myself in a position where I might not stop eating like in the past. If I do (had chocolate ) I track it and make sure I don't go over my calories. plan, Plan PLAN IS THE NAME OF MY GAME
  4. line-dancer

    Bad Morning...help

    Call your therapist now and let her know these uncontrollable thought there is meds to help you out. You will meet a lot of people who will be jelous because you are taking control of yourself and body and they will not be supportive but we are here and we will be. Do not talk to your Mom about this ever she is in need of cousling also. keep your distance from people that are not supportive and stay focused on the new life ahead...Come to the chat area any time for support also someone is always there. you can do this and nothing bad is going to happen to you from the band. never heard of a nicotine patch for anxiety but if it works good.
  5. line-dancer

    What's your goal weight?

    My nutrinist said 160 would be good for me I an 5'6 and 64 yrs old I have lost 42 lbs since Aug and have 8 lbs to be under 200 I cant wait. set small goals and when reached set another do not worry about the end because there is no end its life.
  6. line-dancer

    Omg failed fill!!

    how terrible...I casnt believ this is that person first time not being able to find the port he should have been able to call someone in. My first fill the new nurse poked me 2 times and then I asked to see someone else the doctor came in and did it...I was still swollen and you might be also causing the difficulty...could you call and make the appointment with the surgon?
  7. line-dancer

    Got a Fill Today-Yippeee

    5 lbs is great specialafter everything keep up the good work
  8. line-dancer

    I Lost My Way! But I'm Back on Track!!

    sorry for your loss and glad your back on track maybe a fill would help I try to cheat but my band wont let me...just an idea
  9. line-dancer

    Weifght Loss

    she is so right keep up the good work
  10. your left side is your colon and you have a lot of gas to pass get a laxative to help move things along milk of magnisa works very well. My port is just right of center and when I went to semimar the 3 people there had us feel theres in the same place.
  11. line-dancer

    Does it ever freak you out?

    I never did think of it forging object...whats wrong with me? lol as you get your fills and find your green spot and the weight comes off and you try to go back to your old eating habits for just one meal and u cant eat it cause it gets stuck you are going to love love love your band and want to name it to....it is the best thing in the world...I love my band hope you get there soon.
  12. line-dancer

    What the.....!

    I weight every morning right after the bathroom I don't want to miss the one day that the scale goes down. then I put it on my calendar so I can see the patern its amazing how it goes up and down fro day to day. I know I eat right now so I know it will go down its just a matter or what day in which week...keep tracking and working forward it will happen.
  13. I am not sure if its low protient that causes hair to fall out but have heard that with the low intake of food sometimes causes this many take biotin I take 10,000gr cause I already had hair loss. Protient does make me feel fuller sooner and of course its very goo for the body. You will get tried if you don't eat at least 40 gr aday at least for me. at this stage just heal and rest.
  14. line-dancer


    take something for gas and to make you have a BM this will do the most to help your pain. Heating pads and hot liquids also make you feel better.
  15. line-dancer

    Over hungry before realizing it?

    that is why I eat every 4 hours whether hungry or not just in case. I also keep a shake and Snapple in the car in case I get stuck somewhere. I have diabeties also (it's getting much better ) so it is also there when I get to low. I ve really learned how to set myself up for the emergancys.
  16. line-dancer

    2 days post-op

    Yep gas and. do what was suggested poop and past gas you will feel a lot better when u do...
  17. cheer up this is the goal I go to a thrift store and get something for $3.00 to $7.00 I can afford it and so can you.
  18. line-dancer


    no importasnt until you have healed and start getting your fills..
  19. line-dancer

    11days post op and not losing

    wow not much weight loss durning the healing period the body is holding on to water to help you heal...As you get you fills you will be able to do more and eat less and not be hungry it is way to early to be depressed at not .right away it will come. Heal, rest and practice eating correctly slow bits, chew very well, wait in between bites
  20. demand a they work for you not the other way around I had a very hard time until my 10 cc band was filled to 6.5cc really plead with them for a fill this is a hard time of year you don't need the added pressur when help is a 5 mintues appointment.
  21. have your pooped? the colon is were you are hurting and as you empty it out the pain will get better. milk of magnisa is the smoothest and fastest working give it a try and see if that doesn't help..
  22. I worry with you off the birth control one they are hormones and you have just stopped these hormones and it will play with your mind. Next getting pregnant now will stop your weight loss and add to what you are now....keep thst in mind. Also get your doctor to get you on anti-depressants and maybe anxity meds also this will help tons..set your elf up for success and you will do it you have a long road before you are on a paved road but hand in there this works and you will grow as a person as you body gets smaller...we are here for you
  23. 4 mos out and 41 lbs off and I now know why I couldn't do it before I wasn't built right my mind never got the message in time now that it does I know it was not my fault...I praise myself everyday that I kept looking for help and I have found it in the band...I have finally taken control of my mind by fixing the part that was not severing me at all... Get the doctor and get anti-depressants and any other medication you ight need to boost the brain into proper functioning I did the medicstion part years ago and this is the cherry on top not only for me but for many others on here...You are NOT all those negative thought, that the other part of your brain...you will do this.
  24. line-dancer

    Dealing with Plateaus?

    I weight every morning I don't want to miss the second I drop a lb. but you know in every diet you do this and we just stasy true to ourselves and the weight comes off with in 2 wks...r u pooping daily if no that is often the problem use your fiber or a laxative if you need it zi do and the weight comes off. good luck just stsy with it.
  25. line-dancer

    Social Media...

    love your dogs I have 6 yorkies

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
