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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. I would think no matter what way you go you still have to eat totally different and keep it that way forever. I have been losing 10 lbs a month which they say is great I am so pleased with it seeing numbers now I cant tell you when I last saw them...keep going you are doing great
  2. had the same thing happened and it was a "slipped " band thast was just 10 days ago had to have all the fluid taken out...go back Tuesday to see if it is back to normal doctor said they often have to go right into surgey but mine wasn't bad....get in to see someone now.
  3. line-dancer

    Weight Gain

    water don't seat the small lbs keep track daily and in a month you will see how you flow
  4. line-dancer

    Year anniversary

    great job very proud of you.....
  5. line-dancer

    Worst Week EVER...

    wow so sorry you had to go through this it is so hard in the beging find I different place to rest and take breaks and to eat this will help. I really feels great when the weight comes off so hang in there it is more then worth it....hugs for you
  6. line-dancer

    Do you ever feel full?

    I just feel satisfied after I eat my one cup but best part of the band for me is I don't think about food all the time. In fact I eat by the clock rather then by how I feel. If I eat to much I burp or get the hiccups or throw up which you never want to do. I have lost 63 lb in 6 ,mos so it works for me...hope it helps
  7. line-dancer

    Any Banders with MS (multiple sclerosis)?

    Bless your heart and the best of luck to you. hugs
  8. It a drink right? how can that get stuck?
  9. your doctor needs to get educated...it is a diet and exersice like any other diet plan plus this helps your head know it does need any more food you will learn more next week but your doctor doesn't have the right information to guid you at all. I have lost 63 lbs in 6 mos and it is the best thing I ever did for myself.
  10. I would cry if they didn't give me a fill in the beginning I was barly hanging on and know I would have quit if I didn't get all three fills when needed....get into the doctor if you feel you must have that fill.
  11. line-dancer

    some questions

    If you only eat when hungry then get on a time schudla like every 4-5 hours so you get all you need to be healthy. Along the way you will find how food works with you and yes you can have the cake on wedding day and pizza but some folks cant handle bread style food you will learn. Don't worry about what you cant eat now you will figure it out as you go..first work it one step at a time and get good at it, get the weight off and then figure it out now is not the time to stress about the future its the now that matters.
  12. great job with the loss I have lost 60 lbs and the sag still looks better then the fat but better then that is how I feel and what I csn do now. I woukd love to have a tummy tuck some day just cause of the sores I get sometimes under the sag if I don't put deorant there daily. I am 64 and will never be undressed in front of anyone again but I love being thinner. Have a better day and stay away from a mioor when undressed.
  13. I and recovering from that right now. I threw up several times and then had a bad pain in the center of chest right to my back then I couldn't eat anything but soup broth and it still hurt a lot. Went in to surgon and flouro told us what happen. He had to take all the fluid out and we will re-check in another week..if you vomit call after the first time don't risk it.
  14. line-dancer

    Need a 1st Fill

    yep that is how it feels until you get fills... stick with it you are learning a long the way and healing is happening if you had it done recently if you have had it 6 wks call and get a fill
  15. line-dancer

    So Frustrated!

    tell doc u want a fluoro to make sure band is ok for peace of mind. I thought I was fine but I wasn't and had to have fill taken out for 2-3 wks I have pucked and the stomach came up into pouch... I guess it doesn't take much for that to happen. get it checked out
  16. line-dancer

    2 Months Post Op

    myfitnesspal.com will help you track your food. Your doctor should have given you a book of things you need to know along with food to eat and not eat.
  17. line-dancer

    Feeling kind of down...

    wow you have done great and next picture will be super sometimes it take time for the body to show the true weight you have loss....keep going you are on your way and have a super start......
  18. line-dancer

    Help please. Is my band to tight?

    did the same thing but thought I had stomach virus but the band slipped and I had to have all fill removed in hopes to provent removal. I was told then if I vomit once to call in next time, believe me I will. If they have to go in and fix it or replace it , it is never the same it fits best the first time .CALL YOUR SURGON NOW.
  19. line-dancer

    what alcoholic drinks do you still enjoy?

    nothing here want the weight off
  20. line-dancer

    Acid refluex

    reflex gone after surgery but a month ago I got a cold and started to get chest pain and couldn't drink or eat without great pain.. fianaly went to doctor and he thought there was an infection there from the cold and I have been on meds for the past 2+ wks. pain is gone but still get that stuck feeling when I eat or drink and I get woken up at night with stomach acid coming up into my throat. Take my perlosex and zantax150 and nothing helps. Any ideas? is my surgon the person to go to or go right to the GI guy?
  21. line-dancer

    Feeling food pass through

    after having all fluid taken out of my band the other day doctor said never, ever, ever for the rest of my life or the bsnds life no bread, rice or pasta...I didn't understand that b4 and that is what caused me to throw up and get into trouble. I will spend the day re-readin my book they gave me after surger. never throw up and if u do call right away
  22. I would have asked when and how often I could get fills..it took 3 b4 I was in the green and not suffering any more
  23. If u are worried about no weight loss in two days you are going to be in a panic after surgery...rest and heal and don't worry about loss for awhile it take time to recover and get on the program its not instant....but it works
  24. line-dancer

    Weird question:0

    you on pain meds? the bru.sh is probably triggering your gag reflex maybe due to the tube they put down your thoat durning surgery just a thought. Try brush with your finger with paste on it and see if it is the same, as a test. might need to get a childs tooth brush
  25. line-dancer

    acid reflex/throwing up

    my kids were sick and then I got it and did throw up a few times. Well, got a very bad center of the chest pain that went to my back for several days. my PCP thought it was my cold but as I got well the reflex got worst. Went to my surgeon yesterday and when I throught up part a small part of my stomach came threw the band and hung there, that's what is called slippage so he had to remove all the fluid I cried all the way home. I will go back in two weeks to see how its doing and maybe just maybe he can refill if not it will be another week. I am so scared I will gain. I will track everything nothing in the house to cheat on and I will talk to myself every minute. Lots of water of course and I need to go back and reread the book...no bread ever again in my life which I did not understand b4 no problem I can live with that . He can me meds to help me not be hungry but I am still worried... I have a plan but still you know how it is. CALL YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU THROW UP OR HAVE REFEX RIGHT AWAY. its the band until he tells you it is not...reflex is always the band y doctor told me.

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