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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    No appetite

    I did creamed soups it tasted good and something warm always pleases the tummy high protient shakes would help also ESA has some that are 40 gr protient.
  2. line-dancer

    Snacks or no snacks?

    This is where I reaslly relie on my tracker and calorie counting. I use yogurt and fruit and that seems to work for me also Snapple is very nice.
  3. line-dancer

    First post-op appointment...

    When I get hungry I have yogurt/fruit and make it sweet if needed and that does it for me. Nice weight loss good work
  4. line-dancer


    did she put anything in or tell you what to do next? a flor picture would have told her in seconds....Get on this asap
  5. everyone I told had stories of failures and complacations I didn't care I did my homework and knew it was safe. No one thought I would loss others thought it was the easy way to loss weight . Now 63 lbs off they are singing another tune and I am looking better then them. Mind you I am 65 lol. Keep it to yourself for a while keep only possistive people around you they will come to you as you loss then tell them.
  6. line-dancer

    ? for the women

    I weight myself every morning and mark it on the calendar so at the end of the month I can see a patern after a few months I now don't panic when it goes up a few pounds or when I go to the doctor and its always 4 lbs more just do to water. Give it a try and see what your normal is at this time.
  7. line-dancer


    I keep a shake in my car at all times for that very reason. good job on your part I love it when I noticed I have learned how to take care of myself.
  8. line-dancer

    Subtle Signs of Band Complications

    thanks for this post I am now recovery from a slipped band. I go in to day to have it checked out and hopeful faline put in....I thought I had the flu but it was. always call your doctor when something chages. always
  9. line-dancer

    Cant keep anything down

    good thing you called throwing up can cause the band to slip and any fluid in it will have to be removed. If you are drinking and it makes it passed the band u r good keep drink hot things.
  10. line-dancer

    Weight loss

    the first 6 wks un might not loss much after that 1-2 lbs a week is good
  11. if you get hungry after eating 1 cup of food before 4 hours u need a fill.
  12. line-dancer

    Banded today!

    I take it you have to stay the night. glad things went well.
  13. line-dancer

    BC/ BS of AL won't pay anymore.

    OMG sry no ideas but I am feeling your pain I just got on that insurance and have no idea hwo they will pay now...keep appealing and change insurance as soon as you can I guess Good luck
  14. line-dancer


    I am 65 and dance with a lady who is 84 who kept mentioning my weight she danced in the back row and I dance in the front. We are friends even after she said she couldn't see around me to the teacher to learn the dance. Anyway when it came possible for the band she was supportive and contuines to be. however now that I am 27 lbs away from goal which will be her current weight she is telling I am getting to small jealousy is alive and well at all ages..
  15. line-dancer

    I finally did it. I've lost 200 pounds

    wow you make me put my cookie down....you make me so proud cant wait to see the pictures...get well soon
  16. line-dancer

    To weigh or not to weigh?

    I do what you do and for the same reason and I chart it with my surger levels also. I knoiw I weight 4 lbs more when I go to the doctor and that use to upset me until I saw how my body and water weight works...it give me piece of mind.
  17. line-dancer

    Feeling Down

    my surgeons office offer consoling just for this reason. Your body chemistry has been chsnged quickly and this is it way of telling you to rest and heal physically and mentaly. I was already on med for depression and anxiety way be surgery so this was never a problem but many do from the anisectic and pain meds and just the plan shock to the body. Walking is get for everything check in with your doctor if it keep up.
  18. line-dancer

    First fill since necessery unfill

    I go in tomorrow also how we all do well this time.
  19. line-dancer

    Question. Fluro

    I had one just stool in front of a circle and instantly saw my inside and the band..
  20. line-dancer

    Thank you all !!!

    we are behind you all the way you go girl
  21. line-dancer

    Doctor holding back fills

    the band doesn't make you loss weight its the food and amount you eat. Hope you are tracking every bit and you bring it in and doctor and you talk about it. Hope things get better soon.
  22. sounds like you are staying with your Mom only because he didn't agree not because he wouldn't help you out is that right? weight has a lot to do with your over all health and its with you forever and bf are often not ( I am a widow ) If your the one who left call him and have him come over if yout left cause he wastn nice then forget him, he wont support you in other life stuggles. I am surprised your doctor would do surgen for only 30-35 lbs to loss.good luck on everything
  23. It wasn't painful for me but call your surgeon if you puck even once I didn't and I am sorry now only because he had to take all the fluid out and it is harder to stay on program. I could have been worst he said often they have to remove it..glad that didn't happen to me just work with your doctor.
  24. line-dancer

    Hit a mile marker today

    OMG great job

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
