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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer


    I love oatmeal in the am never thought to put bran in but will now thanks
  2. line-dancer

    Does anyone take ambien to sleep?

    I take it and LOVE it, best night sleep I have in years about once a month I cant sleep but that is so much better then every night.
  3. line-dancer

    Night hunger and sweets!

    I have always taken it for muscel cramps in my legs (charle horses) I also save some calories for middle of the night snack and use yogurt at that time its so much better then grassing and getting into things i shouldn't.
  4. line-dancer

    Just Ignore It!!

    its not to hunger pain its the endless ta pe in my head talking about food. When my band has the right fill it goes away. It seems once a week that tape is the worst. If ignoring worked I wouldn't have need the band
  5. line-dancer

    So glad you're here!

    good for you to get right back on track....you can do it and we are all here to help
  6. Use you heating pad and take a laxative or stool softener to pass that gas...Drink hot liguids the tummy likes that..it be around a few days do as much walking as you can
  7. line-dancer

    Stomach flu going around

    be sure to tell your sugoen
  8. line-dancer

    Im on the other side

    lucky ladies it the gas that killes ya
  9. When this happened to me and I had to have my band emptied the throwing up and cquse it to slip I am surprised your surgeon did not have you come in to look at the band with a floru if you still cant keep anything down insist on it.
  10. line-dancer

    differences in doctors orders

    your doctor has all of your medical records from the past and this might be what he feels is in you best interest or like other post they give you the one that they see the best results with.
  11. line-dancer

    Band Slip

    In my case I got the flu and threw up a few time which cause the stoma to come up throught the band and fell over blocking the enterance so he deflated it for 3 wks and a slow fill process starts again.
  12. line-dancer

    hidradenitis suppurativa (hs)

    yes I do and seversl have become absessed. I am now using mositrizers and nothing new has started. Doctor didn't know what caused them at first I thought it was the moisture there and use deorderant and that helped but then I noticed the dry skin and itching so tried the cream so far so good . Doctor told me to break them open and drain them it hurts. Let me know if you find anything more about it.
  13. You look great. I had to have my band emptied for a while and am struggling but seeing your posts remindes me that hard work pays off...thanks for the post
  14. line-dancer

    Band Slip

  15. line-dancer

    Lapband jitters...

    lol u r normal its very exciting to finaly find a weight loss program that works for life... good luck
  16. line-dancer

    Bipolar and thinking about it

    your present doctor should have your records from the past years and be able to supply the insurance company what it needs. Your surgeons office will get that all together for you so start there first and see where it goes. good luck
  17. line-dancer

    Hungrier after fill?

    Aunt flo
  18. line-dancer

    Anyone else have a problem

    Many people cant eat eggs not to worry about that
  19. line-dancer

    Weight gain

    yep, you r swollen everywhere stay off scale this is not the time for weight loss its a time for healing and resting
  20. line-dancer

    Help !! Nausea

    call doctor right now
  21. line-dancer

    When Do you Get Fills?

    first one 6 wks out then every 2 wks till I could go 4-5 between meal without being hunry.. works great for me.
  22. line-dancer

    Update on surgery April 2

    I started foster care 20 yrs ago and ended up adopting 4 special needs kid they are now 18,20,21,22 its a fun way to add to help others and add to the family I have had a wonderful time. Glad you are feeling good and you will do great on this...
  23. use your heating pad and if it is not better in the am csll the doctor again
  24. line-dancer

    How many fills?

    mine was 3 the first time . Each doctor decides how much they put in each time. I got 4cc at the time of the band then 1.5cc then 1cc in a 10 cc band

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
