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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Newly banded

    As a group we , me so included are calling our surgeon often enough. They are the experts on the and all the concerns we have. I sure didn't and learned the hard they are there to help us with everything, their staff usually has been banded themselves (at least mine do) always give them a call.
  2. line-dancer

    I have reached my first goal!

    wow good job what a great feeling...fun to be on a eating program that really works for the long haul....
  3. never heard of a 4 cc band so not sure what the complications could be most of use have a 10 cc or a 14 cc.. No matter what it is call your surgeon he can tell you everything about the band and whats going on and will refer you to your own doctor if it isn't the band... PCP or er don't know a thing about the band and the complication.
  4. line-dancer

    nervous something is wrong?

    Get another fill I have a 10cc band and it works best at 6cc in it, some folks can go with none but most has to have at least half or a bit more. Call your doctor ans talk with him about it.
  5. line-dancer

    Need a quick answer. Why financial counseling?

    call your doctor's office and ask they are on your side and will do anything they can to help you out. It might be just the hospital it is a separate bill and they just might want you to be aware of what is involved.
  6. line-dancer


    yes u do need to see doctor I didn't soon enough thinking it wasn't my band but it was and had to have all cc removed and its a slow stressful way back.
  7. HEATING PAD is a life saver for me. I made my own chicken broth and lived on that the hot liquid made my tummy feel good. Laxitive/stool softener to get that gas out ASAP( wish I had started that a week b4) Snapple was nice to sip on and water of course. Pre-made EAS protein shakes are the tastest for me. banded Aug 2012 and dowb65 lbs ans love it.
  8. line-dancer

    Anxiety Attacks????

    I think we all have a tendency of thinking everyone is in perfect health and taking no medication when we try to someone. What meds are you taking? anything for anxiety? diebets? heart? anxiety shouldn't wake you from a sleep I wouldn't think. Let us know what the doctor says it could be so many things just the less food will change your body's reaction.
  9. WOW your hard work paid off you look great.
  10. When I got the band filled enough my mind stop talking to me about sweets and eating all the time. I like Snapple, sf jello,sf pudding.
  11. line-dancer

    Pain after lapband removal

    me to emptying it is hard enough
  12. line-dancer

    I am scared

    I like pre-made EAS cold I hate any of the power stuff.
  13. line-dancer


    always check bag to see how much is in a serving and track it.
  14. line-dancer


    this is a diet check out diets online and see what they suggest if anything
  15. line-dancer

    Is this the green zone ?

    sounds perfect
  16. line-dancer


    you are really hurting yourself by not having some taken out When you vomit you lower stomach come up thrpoughj the band and hangs on the band and closes off for anything to go down. You wait to long and they have to take it out for you to heal...get in now. and good luck
  17. line-dancer


    If this happens to any one call the office right away so you don't need all of the fill removed it is a long slow road to get up to where you were. It can also give you bad pain in your chest and a regular doctor will think it is heart related or a lung problem csll your surgeon office first.
  18. line-dancer


    good girl get p lenty of rest, sip as much as you can, use the heating pad, walk and take stool softener or and laxative to get that air out and no pushing. now go take a nap lol
  19. line-dancer

    NSV #2

    I weight the less first thing in the am 3-5 lb anytime after that I love to lowest number...good work that you have done.
  20. line-dancer

    J eant to get this

    haven't a clue what you r asking.
  21. line-dancer

    Got a little off track-need to get back to basics

    You may neeyou may want to think about getting a fill it could just the push you need. I know I have a very hard time when my band isn't in the right place to really help me out...you have done so well, you have proved you cant do this keep going you are almost there..
  22. line-dancer

    Having A Moment and Overwhelmed

    It happens but you deserve this for yourself. You will do so well and in a few months you will be so glad you did this for you. Turn here anytime you need a boast.
  23. line-dancer

    6 Days In I Just Had To Look At The Scale

    great job any loss is a motivator enjoy your day

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