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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Opinions, please!

    In my green zone I don't get head hunger so you might look into another fill many of us find out spot when our bsand is just over half full. I purged my house before surgery and told my teenagsers NOT to bring in the food I cant eat that has been a life saver for me so many times. I also go by count calories while tracking every bite this way if I need to snack it with in the program and I still loss weight. Set yourself up to win so your brain doesn't. have fruit or yogurt at the ready instead of ice cream..I make a huge pot of veggie soup and it take seconds to heat up and under 100 calores for 1 cup so have extra if you need to. Hope some of this works for you
  2. line-dancer

    So tired all the time. Lacking protein?

    your aren't eating enough. counting calories work well for a lot of us stay 1200 or a little less and you should feel strong and healthy your body works off calories you need them. myfitnesspal is a great tracker give it a try.
  3. sound like acid reflex call your doctor u could need alittle taken out for awhile. the band should be in the center of your chest so not sure whats going on on your left side so do call surgeon
  4. line-dancer

    Band seems to be interfering with the vasageal

    only your doctor would know I would think
  5. 4 cc/10cc band and 1.5cc 6wks latter 1cc 4 wks later and it was perfect for me
  6. line-dancer

    super excited♥

    excieted for you set out your heating pad its a real comfort
  7. line-dancer

    Do I need another fill?

    the guys are right. I found that the band helps y head hunger and I didn't get that until my band was alittle over half full it then that it became a real tool for me. You and your doctor will work out what is best for you its more about how often ypu hungry and how much food it takes to stay on program its still a diet no matter how you look at it..good work so far
  8. call your doctor and start with his help no other way to start u don't need another surgery just support and problably a fill or 2
  9. line-dancer

    2 weeks post op need a little advice

    it will be a while before weight loss you have to heal first then you work on how to do it then fills are done every 2-4 wks till you get to where you aren't hungry for 4-5 you have a ways to go you need to read that part also.
  10. line-dancer

    How do you know

    the green zone for me did cure the head chatter about food and I charted the times I wanted to eat for two month and now I plan on a snack at that time. hope that helps soome
  11. line-dancer

    A pleasant surprise

    so true but good for you and the work you have done. isn't fun losing weight now when it actually works and the weight comes off.
  12. line-dancer

    Please read and be aware

    wow glad u are feeling better u must of lose weight durning this time also how much
  13. line-dancer

    Band pain ?? Im not sure

    doesn't sound band related but call your surgeon as you regular doctor will not know what problems the band can happen so call both and get it check out ASAP.
  14. line-dancer


    I have had this problem from the beginning but recently found a cure.....home made lentil soup high in protein and fiber . I put it in one cup baggies and freeze it and use a couple of times a week. Hope this helps others.
  15. line-dancer

    How does the band stay on?

    do talk to your doctor about any of concerns even this one
  16. line-dancer

    SOOOOOO Happy!!!

    so excited for you wish this had been around when I was your age...have fun
  17. line-dancer


    good receipt on the back of the bag...hely the right food is better then meds I thought
  18. I agree age and length of time being heavy shows in me for sure I didn't plan to wear no sleeves or shorts so I am ok...just want a smaller size and lower numbers and better dancing. Good luck
  19. line-dancer

    Bad idea..? And no full feeling

    put your protein in your mouth first before eating anything that way no matter how well you chew it will stay in the pouch for awhile then finish the rest of your meal. A full feeling is not what you trying to get to...not hungry or the head telling you your hungry for 4 hours...and drink plenty in between meals the body will read dehydration as hunger and track and time your meals all this helps me hope it will help you.
  20. line-dancer

    can anyone relate?

    tracking is so important I found that and when my fill got to just over half my band size put me in the green zone (10cc band 6.5 cc in it) it turn off the endless "go eat this or that" tape in my head and i loved that I got sick and had to have all thsat taken out and now I know what the band does for me its turns off that tape I am working my way back up and look forward to getting there again it has been hard but I have maintained..track you food and keep working with your doctors group of people it will all come together for you but it takes work but the rewards are so worth it.
  21. line-dancer

    Need advice

    same thing happened to me resently and I had to have it all taken out get my second fill today it has been hard holding on but I have...good luck to you and pls let us know.
  22. wonderful picture you did a great job.
  23. OMG you did a great job what a difference its very incourgaging.
  24. line-dancer

    Help please

    at the very least call and talk to them about it
  25. line-dancer

    I think I have the stuck feeling.

    they will disovle so not to worry.

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