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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. you have done a great job I am not sure how much you thought you would loss. Weight loss at this point is to shrink you liver for the doctor ti have more room your real weight loss will start after you heal in 6 wks and you start to get the fills.
  2. line-dancer

    Best time to weigh myself?

    I weight every morning and mark it on my calendar (which is right under this computer) and that way I can see how it changes daily. then I keep the lowest weight recorded in my head at true...when I go to the doctors anytime late is 5-6 lbs heavier. all diet plans will tell you once a week and at the same time is the best.
  3. line-dancer

    How soon can i start excersizing??

    six weeks usually for any surgery I would think this would be the same but do a lot of walking.
  4. line-dancer


    Milk of magnesia works well and I make lentil soup and blend it, freeze it in one cup amount and use when needed. Yes use something it makes you feel a lot better.
  5. line-dancer

    First fill question

    I don't know why everyone thinks that the day of surgery the band will stop u from eating, you need to heal then not everyone need it fill then how much is another question
  6. doesn't sound like you need a fill you r in the green zone. Some do great without a fill and other like myself need it have full. Head hunger is gone with 4 cc but to eat less I need 6cc so good for you not to need to many fills...good luck
  7. line-dancer


    kitt lol good one....I tell them I don't care about the skin not going to go around naked but would like to be alive and healthy. Say " how shallow are you? to think that is the only problem fat people have."
  8. line-dancer

    Tasteless Protein Powders

    I feel the same way but I do like ESA pre-made choclote fugde give the pre-mades a try.
  9. I think we all have this problem that why we need the band. I crave salty crunchy things now nuts and crackers...did the nuts last week and had the kids hide the crackers this week....my next fill should take care of that I hope.
  10. are they at least giving you meds to take care of the infection? removing it is a separate issue I would think. good luck
  11. line-dancer

    Needs some advice please?

    are you tracking all the food? that should tell you how much protein and everything you need check to see if you are getting enough of everything and take them into doctor with you do he can know also. Hope things get better soon you have been through a lot here.
  12. line-dancer

    Down 31 lbs - surg on 12/19/12

    great job...
  13. line-dancer


    its just a small needle like when you get a flue shot and one fill may not do it so don't get disappointed if you need more, many of us get tour green when are band is half full . I have a 10cc band and it works best at 6 cc.
  14. line-dancer

    Nauseated! Help!

    I did the same thing called doctor and got a script for promethazine and always have it on hand just in case but it was gone in a couple of months.
  15. line-dancer


    I use the 100 cal popcorn just when my head wont shut up.
  16. line-dancer

    Is this normal?

    yep to the above lol
  17. line-dancer

    so hungry!!

    this part is hard keep drinking its almost here you new life...
  18. no I am so glad to have found something that is working so well with my head hunger after 40 yrs of trying I don't give a d__ I am pleased and happy with myself and you should be also
  19. day 5? you should still be on liquids so if you are eating anything then that its is getting stuck and that's not good look at you post op instruction or call the doctor and tell them what you are eating.
  20. line-dancer

    Need some input

    get on myfitnesspal.com it will track every bite and tell you how much protein and other thing you body need in order to loss weight. every diet plan tells you to eat 3 meals,2snacks, and 64ox of water a day (that changes with the band). I have a bad knees and hip but joined a gym there is a lot to do that doesn't bother them moving is the key do what you can and as much as you can. good luck hope this helps.
  21. line-dancer

    3cc in 10cc Band

    If you are getting hungry b4 4-5 hours, if you have tons of head hunger then call in two weeks and tell them you want a fill. Many people do very well with no fill or just what you have in the beginning take it slow and be aware of your body and mind are doing at this time.
  22. line-dancer

    No Energy

    well, you body doesn't has any sugar and it is make a lot of chemical changes right now and doesn't like it. Depression is very common in the beginning if it keeps up talk to doctor about anti-depressents for short time if you don't normally have depression..hang in there it ges better and is so worth it in the long run.
  23. line-dancer

    Look at my face

    your look great gravity works for us in this occation lol.
  24. I feel the head hungry gone with 4.5cc in a 10 cc band but no restriction food goes right down feel my best at 6.5cc the best of both worlds.
  25. line-dancer

    Hi! I'm new!

    yes that is my question why wouldnt he do it until that lost?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
