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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    One week postop issues

    who ordered the swallow? this is normal from the air they place in your stomach as they put in the band and only the surgen would know for sure. Gas x, stool softener, laxative and heating pad all help us get past the first couple of weeks. Stick with drinking only sip all day along and please call the doctor who put the band in before doing anything else.
  2. line-dancer

    Past C-Section Anyone?

    I had one yrs ago and hope when I get to goal I will get a tt its the only way.
  3. line-dancer

    Confused, upset

    at this stage I would eat cream soups any time I was hungery and tht worked until I felt better and got a couple of fills. I emptied the house and took different route to and from places to not go by the fast food places, I carried a pre make protient shake in the car to fall back on. I did best by setting myself up to success. telling the kids no junk food in the shouse any more, no peanut butter till I could handle it. 1-2 lbs a week is the best way to loss and keep it off. set yourself up to win this and don't beat yourself up for food you wish you hadn't eaten life happens. track your food it all comes down to cslories in and cslories burned off just like any other diet only this gives you and extra helping hand.
  4. line-dancer

    weight gain

    you may need a couple of fills to get some restricktion. This is healing time and of course you will feel hungry and not full. In time you will learn what that means for you. Practice all the rules and rest right now. chew slowly, very small bite, protein, protient, drink water all day and knoiw this is not the losing stage this is the healing stage.
  5. line-dancer

    NSV, kind of, I quess

    its is hard to see someplace you have never been b4 its natural for them to be scared....good for you for sharing with them
  6. line-dancer

    someone you dont really know

    very good advice and what a nice hubby to
  7. line-dancer

    Stomach upset?

    I like myoplex EAS premade its easier but after try a few I like the taste better. Whey wasn't my fravorite in power form anyway .
  8. line-dancer

    Went over the top on last fill

    wow you r looking great just got a fill today hope it works out better
  9. line-dancer

    tell me about peanut butter

    wish someone had told me about the jif to go packs when i was having trouble that's for cluing me in now
  10. line-dancer

    Starting Over...

    gaining is so much fun and it is easy, committing to a healthly weight takes a lot of thought every second of every day. We all know how to cheat and get back to where we were and leave notes around the house reminding the rules..don't bring drinks near you when your are eating set up some brain blocks I had to..even told the kids no more peanut butter in the house till I could get it under control, and no junk in the house or no allowace and you know how teens love there money...hope some of this helps you can do it.
  11. line-dancer

    The change 4 months has done

    so pretty good for doing this while your young keep up the great work.
  12. yep I agree with the above. clear liquids and sip all day long, sf popicicles is also good call doctor and get directions. Protein shakes
  13. line-dancer

    Beware of the UN-fill !!!

    I just had my (hope) last fill coming back from a slippage and it all taken out 8 wks ago and didn't have any of those problem. A lot of head hunger but I tracked it all and stayed with in my calores limits and have maintain perfectly. It was hard the head hunger is gone for me when the fill is around 4.5. I am so sorry you had problems and hope this next choice will be just right for you.
  14. line-dancer

    Extra skin

    I agree age in your favore but sagging skin looks better then fat any day good luck.
  15. mine did the same thing in 6 mos. he said next time the first time I have a forcefull vomiting to csll him and get it unfilled to provent the slippage. I will for sure because its a long 6-8 wks to get back to green and it is costly...hope my new insurance pays the bill just to check it out and take all out of the band was $900. but then having surgery.
  16. line-dancer

    nauseous that won't stop

    Kissy is right I have some always on hand.
  17. line-dancer


    talk to your doctor about that.
  18. line-dancer

    3 Months and 30lbs Later

    looking great
  19. line-dancer

    2nd chance. Can't fail again.

    be sure your band have the right amount in it that's how it works best so don't need any other need it half full and more as they go Be sure you tsl it out with s doctor who can give a fill when needed.
  20. luckly I had 4cc in on day of surgery so every 2 wks I went in for another (total of 3) for a green zone of 6.5cc and no head hunger so hang in there its coming its just around the corner this is the hard part for us all but it is so worth it.
  21. line-dancer

    Phobia of Throwing Up

    I got some meds for nausea an if I am not feeling well down in the lower part I take one to provent I hoped from not throwing up. The key is very tiny you pinky nail size bits and be sure its mush before swallowing.
  22. line-dancer

    Port Replacement

    call you doctors office he must have some one on call to call in some meds for u
  23. line-dancer

    Port Replacement

    call his office number he must have some one on call to send in a perisciption for you
  24. line-dancer

    Feeling Down

    you have done perfect keep it up...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
