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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by line-dancer

  1. line-dancer

    Cruise to Lose!

    it does fun send pictures
  2. line-dancer

    B-12 w MIC Injections

    interesting question cant wait to see what ladies think
  3. line-dancer

    Insurance approval

    be sure to find out from insurance company and the doctor how long after care does it cover. I found out that surgery and 3 mos after care was covered the rest is out of MY pocket. It adds up special if you have any problems so do ask to be prepared.
  4. I take potassium and magnesium and have for years to stop leg cramps (charely horse) but the last couple of night I am getting them again I jump up and walk them off> Any ideas why this is starting and what I can do? Thank for the help here
  5. line-dancer

    holy **** batman 30 pnds in 3 weeks ...

    very nice job you are looking great what is with the side ways picture very hard to see for those of us over 30
  6. line-dancer

    Anyone out there just broke under 200lbs?

    Did the same a few weeks ago and couldn't believe it I have tried to do that for 20 ys feels so grand....good girl keep up the work
  7. line-dancer

    Leg cramps at night

    Thanks for the heads up on calcium I will add that. Getting plenty of water for sure now after last week 10-8 oz even by my bed and if I wake up I sip away. Funny that it should all of a sudden happen I go to my PCP next Friday will add this to the list of question.Happy Mom's Day
  8. line-dancer

    Who am I if I'm not fat?

    I understand what you are saying and I did this for the same reason and I do feel a lot better and my blood surgars are way down, some meds have been cut in half and I like physical doing things easier I didn't realize how much harder is was b4. If you can do some therapy its good for everyone at any time in their lives but right now could be very enlighting. Not to worry you are not your body its a veicel to get out whats in your heart and mind and this is just a tune up. Good luck and I am sure you will do wonders for your family and the world.
  9. it happened to me and then I got pain in the center of my chest, the band had slipped caused by vomiting. Cll your doctor ASAP worst case is they would have to remove it right away least case is they would remove the fluid and you'd rest for a month and start the slow climb back up. My insurance didn't pay for this and it was over $900 but no surger thank God...good luck and the first time any of you vomit call the doctor.
  10. line-dancer

    what is wrong with me....

    gut reation is what causes the band to slip as well as the vomitimg...you ight want to call sooner rather then later,
  11. line-dancer

    Medicare Approval

    Yes i did United healthcare insurance but they only paid 3 mos after care. My out of pocket for surger was $500. and I only needed my doctor to do the refural as well as the band doctor. Call your insurance company and they will tell you if you are cover and what you need to do and where u need to go good luck
  12. line-dancer

    Courtesy Goes a Looooong Way!

    maybe that person is on the pre-op diet... so sorry you had this problem you are so right they should be kind to people thinking about doing all this. Hopefully she is a kind wonderful person who is just having a very bad day. i hope your day get better from here and Happy Mother's day
  13. line-dancer

    What was the first habit you changed?

    counting cals always have 16 oz of water by my side protient drink in the car as back if I get hungy NO FASTFOOD
  14. line-dancer

    what kind of alcohol

    Look it up sorry
  15. line-dancer

    what kind of alcohol

    none like it up on your tracker the things you like do you really want to give you food for those drinks? Water for me please
  16. line-dancer

    Duh Genius!!!!

    DONT LOOK BACK your on your way keep it up and come to the chat room for more support anytime.
  17. line-dancer

    Tummy Tuck Before & After Pics

    I want one....you look great how fun this this going to be to dress....like a new doll thanks so much for sharing we need to share more pictures it help so much......You are my hero
  18. line-dancer

    Water Intake

    takes a while to learn to trick yourself but I made sure I have a 16 oz or better bottle of snapple or water right next to me at all time. Computer, tv kitchen,bed, car seems once you pour it your brain drinks it...make rules like no meal untill you had a glass of water stuff like that. If you work get a washed out gal mail cartan fill it and put it next to on on your desk Iam sure you can think of more..no water? no phone good luck
  19. luckily I have had to have half the fill removed twice and still lost 5lbs. I did cut down my cals to 800 and prayed I could hang on. 3 more weeks until a refill again....
  20. line-dancer

    Am i normal?

    everyone wants the band to work the second they get off the table it doesnt work that way. You need to heal and the swelling to go, down, learn how to eat slow and very little. 6 weeks for a fill standard healing time for any surgery.
  21. line-dancer

    Help on cost

    I had United health care and they paid all but $760.00 I guess each state is different damn insurance plans anyway glad for other help out there thanks for sharing. 76076
  22. line-dancer

    6 months out -only 30 lbs down

    how are you eating more then a cup if you are having a hard time eating food and most is piqued? sounds like you need to see your doctor. You should be able to eat solid food but a cup or less at each meal should be satifing. The band should not stop you from eating but should make you not hungary after a meal...something is not right here. Once you figure this part out the weight should be steady at 1-2 lbs a week like any other diet program.
  23. line-dancer

    Post op pain question

    and the air they put in there adds to the pressure so this all would be normal use your heating pad, med meds can cause constipation and this could add to the pressure use some stool softners and keep drinking this ill get everything moving, waking up and pass the gass all will help.
  24. line-dancer

    Restless Sleep/ Sweating?

    meds wouldn't knock it out in a few hours but dehydrstion would cause sweating...drink a lot today. I am thinking with the walking and you are still in recovery this might be it it was for me just last week.
  25. line-dancer


    great job

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
