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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. margaretpowell

    First Fill

    I don't have to eat anything different then what I was..
  2. margaretpowell

    Would Like A Local Buddy - Md

    Sorry I am also from Hagerstown..
  3. margaretpowell

    Would Like A Local Buddy - Md

    Hi my name is Margaret Powell and I just got banded on August 22 and got my first fill today. I am to looking for someone to talk with and maybe meet up to walk.
  4. margaretpowell

    First Fill

    I got my first fill today and I am feeling pretty good. I feel like I want to munch at night anyone else feel this?
  5. margaretpowell

    September Autumn Challenge

    Welcome to the monthly challenge. Septeber is here and time to start working on Autumn/Fall activities. The Autumn Challenge is a fun way to keep track of your monthly weight loss while gaining and giving support to other bandsters. Copy and post the template below and fill in the information that you are comfortable sharing on Saturday September 1st the come back every Saturday on the 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th and post your updated weight. I will keep track of the weights Good luck to everyone and remember this isn't a contest it's a challenge and you are a winner no matter how much you lose. The first three items are required all others are recommended, but the last one is the most fun. If you are new to our monthly challenger please leave a short introduction. Name, real or screen - Margaret powell Goal weight for September 29th~ 240 Weight on September 1st~ 253 Age~ Dietary goal for September~ to be able to understand the diet more Exercise goal for September~3 times a week Personal goal for September~ Date banded~August 2 What is your favorite Fall Activity?~walking in the fall
  6. margaretpowell

    Post Op

    I am still on full liquids til the 6 of next month. After posting I went and made broth and the warmth of it and it just being broth took my hunger away.
  7. margaretpowell

    Post Op

    I had my surgery on August 22and am feeling pretty good. Today I found that I was hunger more. Can anyone give advice?

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