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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bsoutherngirl

  1. bsoutherngirl

    December 2017 RNY

    Thank you for your kind words! Did you have any surgery?
  2. bsoutherngirl

    December 2017 RNY

    Ok 😕 thanks for asking. These days are hard, but I’m sticking to it. 3 more pre-op days to go. Just trying to remember all the reasons I have for doing this when I’m starving!
  3. Anyone not lose much during pre-op diet? I’m one week into preop diet for lap land removal with conversion to RNY on Dec 11th. I lost 6 lbs the first 3 days then nothing else. I feel I should be losing more. I’m drinking 3 premier protein shakes a day with sugar free jello, chicken broth, and water. I really want to be successful and I’m nervous it won’t work for me.
  4. bsoutherngirl

    December 2017 RNY

    I’m scheduled for removal of lap band to RNY ON DEC 11th. I’m on day 4 of liquids. OMG I thought day : was supposed to be the hardest, but today was. I hope the next 10 days fly by. Good luck on your surgery!
  5. bsoutherngirl

    How do I take my daily meds?

    try putting it in only 1 tablespoon of yogurt so the whole thing doesn't have to taste nasty. 2 bad bites and its done. but like others i'm able to swallow small pills. one is a capsule and I have to open it and then i put it as far on the back of my tongue and drink water...putting it far seems to pass the taste buds.
  6. bsoutherngirl

    Banded Tom!!!!!!!

    Hope everything went well and welcome to band land......Good Luck
  7. bsoutherngirl

    in need of support

    I also have hypothyroidism....it makes you feel tired, not wanting to move, depressed and it actually slows you metabolism...so give yourself time to get adjusted to the medication and you will start to lose again and feel better....try not to let other people knowing you had the band get you down b/c if they really care about you they will understand its not an instant fix and 100 lbs gone over night. Well I hope you start to feel better soon.
  8. bsoutherngirl

    Had my first fill yesterday!!!!! IT WAS SO COOL!!!!!

    I just had my first fill today and 3 cc in? did it hurt or did you feel nauseated when it was too tight?
  9. Has anyone had hives after having lab band...I broke out into hive 1.5 weeks after my surgery. I was outside in the yard when I first started feeling them. Thought I got into something, and waited one week then went to dr. was put on prednisone and they lightened but came back full swing after I finished taking med. I also have tried to adjust my bp meds as instructed by dr. but no luck....I just started on zyrtec to try and relieve some of this redness and itching, but I don't know what I'm allergic to....I pray its not the band, but I havent seen any documentation anywhere that it can cause hives.....but I'm miserable ithching HIVES to legs, back, sides, stomach. PLEASE HELP!
  10. bsoutherngirl

    HIVES after lap band

    Thanks for all of your advice and comments.....I know it has to be something other than the band b/c it gets worse around 3pm....i'm just having a really hard time figuring out what's going on.
  11. Julie, I been checking this page everyday since your surgery to see how your doing. and just want to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope all is going well. Keep your spirits up and take care of yourself.
  12. bsoutherngirl

    this is so hard

    MONICA, I just want to let you know I feel for you and wish I knew words of encouragement to share, but I'm new with the band. I get my first fill later this month and over the last few days night grazing has been my down fall, but one thing that stops me from not eating sweets is not having them in my house. I don't need ice cream, pies, candy bars so no one in my house does either so my grazing goes to and extra something of protein yogurt or cottage cheese or plain cheese. I sometimes put this in my hand and put it back down and then I tell myself good job even though 10 min later I maybe doing the same thing. Just let yourself know that every day is a new day and everytime you don't put something in your mouth when you really really want to tell yourself good job and be strong. best of wishes to you.
  13. bsoutherngirl

    Weight Gain

    For me this was normal. After liquids I put on 5 pounds in 5 days. But it has stopped and is starting to go down again. But I still freaked out. Good Luck.
  14. bsoutherngirl

    First few weeks after banding and before filling..

    yes...i felt like my stomach was eating itself. i was starving...just hang in there the worst is almost over.
  15. bsoutherngirl

    Newly-banded But These Posts Are Discouraging!

    Just wanting to let you know that untill now I haven't been too excited about having the band although i'm only 2 weeks post op....I had my first visit with dr. today and he noticed I was discouraged... b/c I have been following protein diet but I feel no restriction at all and wont untill fills. However I have been eating very little b/c I feel "I'm not going to fail at this" and been depriving myself of feeling full b/c I don't want the scale to keep climbing. My dr. instructed me to make sensible choices but don't deprive myself b/c this is a life change and the weight will come off once the tool is working. I'm in diet mind mode and I have to get out of it...Well I just want to give you words of encouragement that you will do fine and I know Liquids stage was the toughest for me. Hang in there.
  16. I need help I'm getting discouraged....I know I need patient, but I was on liquids until Wed. and have been on soft protein and have not cheated...but the scale has gone up.....I gained 5 pounds since. I went through liquid hell and it seems I will have to starve myself for the scale to go down again.....I drink my water faithfully and only have 900-1000 calories a day.....What is going on.....Please needing encouragement.
  17. Just wanting to let you know that you give me so much hope for the future. I am proud of you for what you have accomplished so far. I also want to wish you good luck on your up coming surgery and hope all goes well. I'm new to the band and having a hard time so reading your story really inspires me. Thank you.
  18. bsoutherngirl

    When should I tell my parents?

    I didn't have to worry about telling or not telling...I just told everyone and it made a world of difference as far as support and did I need it...If I were you and to spare your mom from worrying with surgery tell her after but I think since you are close your parents, their support would really help with recovery and beginning of new life....Good Luck
  19. Hey everyone I was wondering how did your weights fluctuate after being on liquids to softs...I know some weight gain is expected. And when did you start to loose again. I have been on soft proteins for 3 days now... so nice to eat again, but I have put on 3 pounds. Today is first day I have felt full but was able to eat 1 cup of refried beans and 3oz of salmon for supper. My total intake today 900 calories, 31g of fat, 45g of carbs, and 83g of protein....I know counting all this and not even 2 weeks post op...I just really want to do good and be successful at this. Also I'm a big water drinker always have been and today I was able to take about 3 swallows of water at one time...Is this able to happen after a fill or do you have to sip again....Thanks I love this site and you are all so supportive... Thanks.
  20. bsoutherngirl

    I caved on the liquid diet

    I went through the same thing I made it through 7 days of liquids and wed. I called and as long as I was tolerating liquids I was advanced to soft proteins.....I was supposed to be on liquids 2 weeks....MISERY!!!!! As long as your not feeling pain I think its ok for you to do soft protein...my list includes...cottage cheese, eggs, beans (white, red, or refried), fish baked or broiled as long as it is soft and chicken but I'm stayin away unless its pureed.... Good Luck.
  21. bsoutherngirl

    Help In Louisiana

    I was banded by DR. David Rau with Surgical weight management. He is located in Houma, LA and number is 985-868-2206. Just call and ask questions if this is close enough for you. Right now out of pocket expense is 13,800. Best of luck to you.
  22. bsoutherngirl

    One week so why am I so hungry??

    I was banded day after you and felt like why have I done this....I was supposed to be on only sugar free liquids with broth for 2 solid weeks. Luckily I called doctor and he advanced me yesterday to soft protein, beans, tuna, juicy chicken breast. I was so excited to be able to swallow something but afraid b/c I don't know what full feels like so yesterday I had 1/2 cup of cottage cheese for breakfast, 1 can of tuna for lunch and 1 cup of chicken salad. I think I felt full but I don't know. Today I have been feeling sad b/c I miss eating and think about eating btw meals often, but havent instead I cry and then feel better...I bought me a journal today (not something I usually do)..I will go back and write about why I wanted to do this in the first place and write all I eat and time and amount I eat. I'm also filling it up with words of encouragement to myself. At least while I do this I'm not obsessing on what I have given up. This process is tough and I offer my support to you with your journey. I wish I had words of encouragement or advice, but I'm in the same boat as you...Good Luck...and I hope things get easier for both of us.
  23. I'm just wondering how did you feel the first time you were able to eat after liquids 2 weeks post op? I'm on only clears for 2 weeks no protein shakes or any blended foods ON DAY 7 and can't wait to eat...chew...swallow! I would like to know if feeling full feels the same as full felt before having the band. And also what did your first meals consist of and about how much did you eat. I'm having occasional pressure between my shoulder blades and mid chest sometimes.....I'm hoping this is not what full feels like....b/c it hurts. My rules are to have 30cc of liquids every 15 minutes but no sooner and only have the high sodium foods at meal times no other liquids 30 min b4 and after.....I have to say over the last 2 days it has been really hard to only take 7 tsp sips and wait 14 more minutes for more (the soup gets cold) and I'm starving. :hungry:
  24. bsoutherngirl

    Im a mess, I cant stop crying, Please help me

    I don't have any advise, but I'm sorry that you're going through all of this at the same time...and I'm sending you (((((HUGS))))
  25. Hello everyone I am new to posting but I have been reading all of your post for about one month. I was banded on March 14 and I'm four days post op. I am on clear liquid diet for 2 weeks.... when i say clear i mean clear...only Water, sugar free Jello and popsicles, and beef or chicken broth. The dietician instructed on stopping liquids 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after ....drinking more liquids....I understand this concept after actually eating... but now what i'm doing is having either popsicle or chicken broth at meal times and water in between. I am VERY hungry i feel my stomach growling all the time and have been really sad although my husband is extremely supportive and trying to cheer me up. I know why I had the surgery and I know I will be glad, but right now I'm hungry and weak. The pain is not bad... I've had much worse. I have 10 more days of clears and then i can start on soft Protein. I am a home health nurse and I had planned on going to work Monday, but I am very tired and drained and wondering how long any of you stayed off work and if you went back to work on clears how did you do. I have also read alot of you were able to start on pureeds after 48 hours, but I paid 13800 out of pocket and I go by the book and also I want the band to work for me. I lost 18 pounds before surgery and have not weighed again. I'm thinking I might weight until all this liquid crap is over and hopefully see a big accomplishment. Well thank you for taking time to read me vent, but if anyone would know how i feel and help me get throught this tough time it would be all of you.

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