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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pushagrrl

  1. I am self-pay and I just set my surgery date for October 15th and I have to have my money turned in for the surgery next Monday, Oct 1st. I was planning to charge the surgery to two different credit cards that have enough limit for the surgery and then pay them off as soon as I could so that I could also get the benefits such as miles on my cards. Has anyone tried this? Does the credit card companies consider this a cash advancement? Or would it be like any other purchase you would make with your card. Please help me?! =)
  2. pushagrrl

    Self Pay And Credit Card Question...

    I paid for my surgery today and ended up dividing the costs between two credit cards so that I could get cash back and miles. Then I have the money to pay the cards off as soon as the charges go through. very excited! Two weeks till surgery!
  3. pushagrrl

    October Bandsters?

    Met with the surgeon and his team today! My surgery date will be Oct. 15!!! Im very excited and the two week pre-op diet will be tough seeing as I have a few birthdays and a wedding to celebrate but it will be worth it all in the end! Can't wait!! =)
  4. pushagrrl

    October Bandsters?

    Im hoping my surgery will be in October. I meet with the surgeon next Wednesday and will get my date then. Im self paying so I wont have to wait for insrance to okay it. Im very excited to get my journey going!
  5. pushagrrl

    Today's Results Could Halt My Surgery This Month...

    I hope you find out soon the results!! I hope you dont have to postpone the lapband but I also hope the Doctors do the safest thing for you. Dont give up hope though if you have to postpone, just tell yourself its the best thing for you to do. =) Hope all works out well!!
  6. Hello Everyone! My name is Emily and I am from the Cincinnati area in Ohio. I am 27 and have struggled with my weight since about the 3rd grade. I've tried many different diets, including South Beach and weight watchers numerous times. I had success at the time with weight watchers but as soon as a fell off the wagon it was all down hill from there. I have always had a problem with eating way too much but the problem is I usually never feel full no matter how much I eat. Like I have always joked with my family and friends I tell them "I have a never ending stomach." Im tired of it though. Im tired of always feeling tired and down on myself. Im tired of the lack of self esteem. I have become a traveling RN over the last year and I know that I would have much more fun if I had the self confidence I know I could have. At this point I have turned to getting the Lap Band surgery done. I will be self paying for the surgery. I do not have that much money but luckily enough I have family who are willing to loan me some because they know this will make me happy. I have researched this procedure inside and out and have been reading many posts from you all on this website, which I find very helpful. I will be meeting with the Surgeon and team as soon as I get home from this work assignment, September 26th is the date. I can't wait! I feel like time is standing still. That is a little background into my struggles and why I am here. I look forward to talking with many of you and reading more of your posts. Feel free to send me messages or comments if you would like, any friends going through or having gone through this is welcome! =) Thanks! -Emily-
  7. pushagrrl

    Newbie Here In Ohio

    Nicole- I am currently staying in Newington, CT but working at Childrens Hospital there in Hartford. =)
  8. pushagrrl

    Newbie Here In Ohio

    Thank you ladies for the responses!!! =) Makes it even more exciting knowing others are on your side and know what your going through! -Nicole- I do not meet the surgeon and have my first appointment until September 26th. Because I am currently in Connecticut for a nursing job and won't be back in Ohio until that time. The same day I meet with the surgeon, I will also meet with the dietician and the psychologists I believe. =)

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