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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Nayelli

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 12/10/1986

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    Reading, Traveling
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  1. Happy 26th Birthday Nayelli!

  2. Honey I was so deppressed because of my weight but before my surgery I got even more depressed. I'm really happy now I got banded on 8/21/2012/. If you have the time watch my youtube video were I talk about it maybe you can identify with it or not. It's 15 minutes but were I talk about it starts around minute 7 if you want to skio to it i'll leave you the link.
  3. I had the lap-band placed with Dr. Nicholson and he does revisions and removal and he is an awsome Dr. honeslty I trus thim 110% he is not at all demeaning he even shared with me that he is a cry baby when he is the patient and he sees a needle he said you have to " chase him down" lol!!! he has his Nicholson Clinic in Plano and at Park forest hospital ( or the other way around Forest Park ) in Dallas. Thatst were I had my surgery. He has beenn named top Dallas Doctor by D magazine for the last five years. not to mention his staff adore him. I recommend him I really do. Good luck!!
  4. Nayelli

    Help With Mushies

    You can probably do chilli =) but if you have time I actually did a youtube video with some ideas hope it helps i'm not really the cooking type so my stuff is pretty basic
  5. Thanks girls!! I really appreciate your input it makes me feel like i'm not the only crazy one lol!!! I guess it is what it is. Th ething is that I have tried everything in the past and this is really my last shot at gettin git right and I have heard the first six months are crucial so I want to take full advanage. I weigh myself everyday because I have learned something about myself lately I lose weight fast and "easy" but I also gain it back doubley as easy. I'm giving it my all and as on eof you girls stated above I think I wont be happy until I reah goal or close to it I guess. As far as praise goes I find it hard to accept as well because i'm still pretty big I don't think you can really tell so soemtimes I think people do it just to be nice. Anyway thanks alot, an dgood luck on ya'lls jouneys as well =)
  6. lol!!! u know what has happend to me that never happened before for example somethin ghappens today lets say a movie I watch and that night I dream it, or youtalk to me about soemthing and I dram about that something lol!! I guess this sounds normal for some people but not for me because I always had weird dreams and my dreams are now normal and thats weird lol!!
  7. Nayelli


    congrats sweetie you look great!!
  8. Thanks I do weight every morning before I eat or drink and I record it my total loss weekly and at the end it does seem to help to see the average lost weekly. Thnaks for your answer though I guess there are some better days tahn others and todai is not one of them right. Well i'm still breathing so thats halfway the battle lol!!
  9. Hello everyone, Well I strated my pre-op on Aug. 8 got banded on Aug.21. I weighted myself this morning and all in all I have lost a total of 54lbs. =) I saw my doctor 12 days ago when I had lost only 46lbs and he said I'm doing wayyy bettter than most lap-band patients so did my dietician said that. I started a 30 day challenge on Oct.2 to lose 20lbs this month and I only have 7lbs to go which oviously i'm on track. So why is it never enough for me? like i'm happy for a few hours when I lose a pound and when it flactuates to a few more ounces the next day I freak out!! iknow I should not weight myself everyday but I feel if I don't I will gain the weight back. I know i;m doing awsome I know that!! but why do I keep pushin gmy self harder and harder each day, why i'm i just not content with my awsome progress? I know i been in depression for a while but honestly I thought I was getting better when I started losing the weight but for the last three days have been awful. I don't know whats going on with me =( I try to be psitive most of the time but tday I just can't seem to be able to do it. why is it never enough?
  10. Nayelli

    Down 45 Pounds!

    Wow! I can sooooo identify with what you just said it's amlost like I said it myself and i''m waaaaayyyyy bigger than you but 53lb have come off and I feel so much better I even think look good lol!!
  11. Nayelli

    Get Off Your Butt And Shine!!!

    Power Shine Showers
  12. Nayelli

    No Restriction After 1St Fill.

    Hi I just had my first fill on October 5th and only 2cc were put in there my Dr. said he would do a second fill 2wks from that unless I was doing ok but doubt it. Why he is doing it in small dosis I do not know but thnakfully this is man I have complete trust in. Before my first fill I was getting hungry every 2 hrs after the first fill well i'm not hungry all the time but one more than a cup definately fits do I eat more than that? I try really hard not. I don't. and part of it is because I know I'll eat three hours later ( i'm doing a 30 day challenge that requires me to eat evry 3 hrs) eat you cup of food and drink alot of water to make uf for the hunger that will carry you through and eat every 3 hrs like a snack string cheese, or a few almonds or something make it a healthy choice and definatly call your doctor and see about another fill =)
  13. Nayelli

    I'm A Member Of That Club...

    As far as I know sometimes we lose inches instead of weight and as weird as it sounds thats actually normal, kind of frustrating in a weird kind of way because if our clothes fit better well then whats the problem right? but I guess or at least for me I want to see the numbers. What i'm about to do is buy myself a tape measure and see how many inches I lose that way I know if I'm making any kind of progress when that happens =)
  14. Nayelli

    I'm A Member Of That Club...

    Omg!!! Congratulations how exiting!!!!! I still have a long way to go and hopefully I live to see that day were the scales marks less that 200lbs. I'm aware that I don't know you but I am really proud of you =) I'm doing a happy head dance for you =)
  15. No problem. It's a big step but we can do it!!

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