I experienced this just a couple days ago on my 6th post op day. I thought I was lucky and just skipped right over the horrible gas I've read about, boy did it hit hard. After 24 hrs of no sleep d/t the most horrible gas pains I discovered if I got on all fours on the end of my couch the gas shifted. I know it sounds funny but instantly in 2 mins I was so relieved. I was just like you couldn't breathe, walking constantly, taking gas x..... Nothing helped but that. So the next day I still had some residual gas pains and every time it got real severe and painful to breathe I just did my trick and then I was able to tolerate it. I know it sounds nuts but hope it helps. I learned gas pains are no joke lol ) oh yea forgot to mention imy friend who had csec couple months prior also told me that was her trick also, which she would've mentioned that to me way sooner. Hope you get relief soon