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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sguyan

  1. sguyan

    Any Buddies In Austin Texas?

    Thanks for the motivation! I live in Pennsylvania...quite a few miles from Texas!, but I think we can definately keep in touch via this site! I don't currently track my food, but I going to check out myfitnesspal and see how it works. How do you manage to get in all that Protein?! It's so much and I find when I don't get enough, I'm hungry between meals... As for exercising, I'm also at a desk job but I need to get on a gym program or something. Keep up the great work! ~Steph
  2. sguyan

    Any Buddies In Austin Texas?

    I really wish we lived closer!! You've been banded about 2 months more than me (mine was April 3) and I'm only down 15 lbs since the band, 29 lbs total. I feel like I could use a buddy to keep me on track too! I know I'm still eating too much and not making the right food choices, so I need a push in the right direction! I'm due for a fill tomorrow so hopefully that helps with the amount I can eat. Reading your most current post, I had the same problem with the food getting stuck after 2 bites...got really sick and couldn't even enjoy dinner with my husband This lasted about 2 days, now I'm back to feeling normal Feel free to message me anytime...take care!.

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