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    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Ten months ago   
    I was banded on February 7, 2012, ten months ago. So what has changed?
    Ten Months Ago Today
    Weight 250lbs Weight 175lbs
    BMI 37 BMI 25
    Pant size 22 Pant size 10
    3 different meds for high blood pressure Don’t take any meds for high blood pressure
    Diagnosed pre-diabetic All blood work is NORMAL
    Hated myself, depressed Very happy with myself!
    Isolated myself, no friends Love all my new friends (especially the Banded Bs)
    Couldn’t walk up a flight of stairs without being out of breath Walk up 8 floors of stairs to my office every morning
    When I started this journey I knew I would have to change a lot of things (food I ate, volume I ate, exercise, etc…), I knew it would be a long hard journey and I hoped I would have the strength to be successful.
    Now here I am ten months later, at goal and starting the next chapter of my journey (maintaining).
    I make it sound easy, but I have to say IT’S NOT! I struggled many times. I got frustrated and wished I didn’t have to follow the rules. I had weight gains and plateaus.
    BUT, I didn’t give up. I kept plugging along and it worked. Here I am happier than I have been in 30 years.
    Now, I am focused on maintaining my weight and hopefully saving enough money for a tummy tuck next year. Lol
    To all the newly banded or about to be banded, success is a wonderful thing. It takes hard work, dedication and wantpower (CG I love your term).
    I love my band!!!!
  2. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Sometimes You Just Need To Vent...   
    I'm not looking for replies.... I just feel the need to vent... the need to just let these feelings out... bare with me...
    Took Dad to the Dr for a checkup. Cancer levels have gone up drastically, he's starting to feel a little dizzy & light-headed every day, and the pain is starting to increase. It's starting to rear it's "fugly" head a little more now. We now have Hospice coming once a week. Don't get me wrong, he still "looks" OK, and seems to be hanging in there, but if you know my dad, that's his nature. He won't really complain, and if he does, you know it's bad. I don't like this. My heart actually kinda hurts right now. Feeling sad, but oh so thankful for having him around...
  3. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Is It Worth It?   
    Yesterday my husband & I were at an extended family gathering and a few of the relatives commented on my weight loss (they had not seen me since my surgery).
    I was sitting at a table with one of the cousins and she was asking me about it. I told her I had the Lap Band surgery and she said her daughter was thinking about doing that. Her daughter was also at the table and said either that or the sleeve. We started talking about WLS and I expressed that it didn’t matter which WLS a person does, they have to change their eating habits in order to be successful. They have to eat a lot of protein and veggies, no junk food, etc. She said oh I don’t know if weight loss is worth all that……. WHAT??????
    Is losing almost 75 pounds in 9 months’ worth it? YES
    Is going down 6 pant sizes worth it? YES
    Is being off all prescription medicines for high blood pressure worth it? YES
    Is not being pre-diabetic worth it? YES
    Is being able to walk up the stairs to the 8th floor of my office building every morning worth it? YES
    Is being able to push the lawn mower around my house worth it? YES
    Is hearing friends & family say how wonderful I look worth it? YES
  4. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, She Is Always Bragging About It?   
    At work today I overheard two coworkers talking. They were talking about ME and my weight loss. Now these two ladies are quite overweight themselves. Just saying so you get the picture…
    “I can’t believe her” “She is always bragging about it to everyone who walks by”
    I casually walk over to them.
    “Ladies I couldn't help but hear you talking about my weight loss. I have lost a lot of weight over the last 9 months and people notice that. Often people will ask me what’s your secrete? or How did you do it? When they ask I tell them my story, and if telling my story is bragging then guilty as charged!”
    I then turned and walked away with my head held high and a big huge smile on my face.
    Now I happened to be wearing my new fuchsia pink skinny pants and my grey high heal boots that hubby said made me look sexy! (Fashion note)
    I though should I be pissed? Nah, I’m happy!!!
    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
    If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
    If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)
  5. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Sometimes You Just Need To Vent...   
    I'm not looking for replies.... I just feel the need to vent... the need to just let these feelings out... bare with me...
    Took Dad to the Dr for a checkup. Cancer levels have gone up drastically, he's starting to feel a little dizzy & light-headed every day, and the pain is starting to increase. It's starting to rear it's "fugly" head a little more now. We now have Hospice coming once a week. Don't get me wrong, he still "looks" OK, and seems to be hanging in there, but if you know my dad, that's his nature. He won't really complain, and if he does, you know it's bad. I don't like this. My heart actually kinda hurts right now. Feeling sad, but oh so thankful for having him around...
  6. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, What Size Is That?   
    I try to measure my food all the time. Not a problem when I'm at home, I use my food scale.
    But what to do when eating out like at family and friends?
    I was given this chart by my nutritionist, I find it very handy and wanted to share it with anyone interested
  7. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from Bubie1916 for a blog entry, Onederland...so Close...   
    It's so close that if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see it! Currently, I'm at 207. My gosh, I could actually weigh 200 by Christmas OR maybe even before.....
    I haven't weighed under 200 pounds in a very, very, very long time. I think...no, I'm pretty sure, that I will cry when I get there...
    Tears of joy!
  8. Like
    Domika03 reacted to jkevhack for a blog entry, A Proud Moment   
    I am 6 days post op and must say its been a rough week on all liquids. Took my grandson to Mcdonalds drive through and thought a shake sounded good.... Then I saw it ---- The Eggnog Shake!!!!!!! Started to order it, (it is a liquid) then I saw the calorie count posted 680 calories!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I did not give in to the temptation and went home and had some runny applesauce and protien drink, woooooooo hoooooooooo. It was a victory for me. Just wanted to share:)
  9. Like
    Domika03 reacted to Shelleymb for a blog entry, And My Night Keeps On Getting Better!!   
    Even though Ty is staying 2 hours away from me, he couldn't have been a better fiance' than today! After I called him with our amazing news about being able to start the process, he went and bought my Christmas present so I could have it early! A brand new Canon camera!! So that I can take photos of my journey and start recording a continuous vlog of everything! I'm soooo happy today! Nothing could bring me down! (Except this sad episode of Catfish ) I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving eve!
  10. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, We Are Family!   
    The last few weeks I have seen several threaded where members have gotten heated with topics and each other…
    It made me realize that we are a family, a big huge family. We fight just like brothers & sisters, we have those annoying aunts and uncles (you know the ones) but most important is we love each other and support each other to the hill.
    We all have one goal and that is to be thin. We are very passionate about our goal; we fight and defend it to all ends. And I for one love that!!!!
    I love reading the tough love, slap on the hand, you know better posts. I also love reading the cheering you on, you can do it; I believe in you, you got this posts. I also love being able to post these types of posts to my brothers and sisters.
    I thank each and every one of you for your words…every word! I would not be where I am at today if it wasn’t for those words and the support I have received from everyone here.
    P.S. If the Sister Sledge song is stuck in your head…..my job is done. lol
  11. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from Bubie1916 for a blog entry, Onederland...so Close...   
    It's so close that if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see it! Currently, I'm at 207. My gosh, I could actually weigh 200 by Christmas OR maybe even before.....
    I haven't weighed under 200 pounds in a very, very, very long time. I think...no, I'm pretty sure, that I will cry when I get there...
    Tears of joy!
  12. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from Bubie1916 for a blog entry, Onederland...so Close...   
    It's so close that if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see it! Currently, I'm at 207. My gosh, I could actually weigh 200 by Christmas OR maybe even before.....
    I haven't weighed under 200 pounds in a very, very, very long time. I think...no, I'm pretty sure, that I will cry when I get there...
    Tears of joy!
  13. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from Bubie1916 for a blog entry, Onederland...so Close...   
    It's so close that if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see it! Currently, I'm at 207. My gosh, I could actually weigh 200 by Christmas OR maybe even before.....
    I haven't weighed under 200 pounds in a very, very, very long time. I think...no, I'm pretty sure, that I will cry when I get there...
    Tears of joy!
  14. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, By George... I Think I've Finally Got It!   
    Hum, I "think" I'm FINALLY starting to get the swing of this hole lap-band lifestyle. Whaaat? It's only been 3 months. So, I'm apparently a slooooow learner.
    This last week has been a real dousy. I received my 3rd fill a week ago today. It was .75 cc's on top of already 8cc fill (from 2 prior fills). This time, this last fill kicked my a$$. I was having a hard time eating & drinking and would get that awesome stuck feeling in the chest, right above the stomach. Oh, so pleasant. Needless to say, I lost 5 pds from last Monday through today, but not the way I want to be.
    With that said, let me explain why I "think" that I finally got it. While I was eating MUCH less because of my tighness, it helped me really focus on how much I should be eating & how small of bites I needed to take. I had to focus so much on the bite size & length of time it actually took me, that I felt a little alarmed almost. I mean, holy shi*, bite sizes no bigger than an M&M. Another comparison would be to take bite sizes no bigger than your pinky finger nail. People, those are some seriously SMALL bites.
    So, now that I think I've learned my lesson, I had to get a .25 cc unfill today. This was because I had several stuck & PB episodes. Nurse felt it was best to be a little safer. I know this might sound crazy since it's such a samll amount, but I think it's helped. I'm not feeling like things are going to get stuck when I go to swallow them. Could it be that I'm taking smaller bites & taking longer to eat? Maybe I finally got it ...
  15. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, By George... I Think I've Finally Got It!   
    Hum, I "think" I'm FINALLY starting to get the swing of this hole lap-band lifestyle. Whaaat? It's only been 3 months. So, I'm apparently a slooooow learner.
    This last week has been a real dousy. I received my 3rd fill a week ago today. It was .75 cc's on top of already 8cc fill (from 2 prior fills). This time, this last fill kicked my a$$. I was having a hard time eating & drinking and would get that awesome stuck feeling in the chest, right above the stomach. Oh, so pleasant. Needless to say, I lost 5 pds from last Monday through today, but not the way I want to be.
    With that said, let me explain why I "think" that I finally got it. While I was eating MUCH less because of my tighness, it helped me really focus on how much I should be eating & how small of bites I needed to take. I had to focus so much on the bite size & length of time it actually took me, that I felt a little alarmed almost. I mean, holy shi*, bite sizes no bigger than an M&M. Another comparison would be to take bite sizes no bigger than your pinky finger nail. People, those are some seriously SMALL bites.
    So, now that I think I've learned my lesson, I had to get a .25 cc unfill today. This was because I had several stuck & PB episodes. Nurse felt it was best to be a little safer. I know this might sound crazy since it's such a samll amount, but I think it's helped. I'm not feeling like things are going to get stuck when I go to swallow them. Could it be that I'm taking smaller bites & taking longer to eat? Maybe I finally got it ...
  16. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, First To Sit Down?. Last To Finish   
    Thanksgiving is next week and with that is the all too famous family dinner…
    I will have my band portion, 3-4oz of turkey, ½ green beans, sweet potatoes & carrots, ¼ cup stuffing. I will be first in line and first to sit down at the table (my family makes me go first cause it takes me longer to eat).
    I will take my small bite and chew chew chew, then I’ll wait about a minute. In the mean time I’ll watch as my family members take bites the size of Mt Everest, chew 3 times and swallow while preparing the next bite…
    “Did you taste that?” “Can you taste the juices in the turkey?” “What about the stuffing? Can you taste the pecans and bacon?” “Oh my, don’t forget to breathe…”
    Wow, do people eat fast? My family sure does!
    So, I eat and watch. Everyone is finished except me. I tell my mother to go ahead and serve dessert while I finish my meal. Again, they wolf it down. “Hey, savor the bites I spent hours in the kitchen making those pies. Enjoy them, please!”
    I finally finish my dinner as my mother and niece finish clearing the table. The men make their way into the living room moaning and groaning about how full they are….. Me I am satisfied!
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
  17. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from sarawray for a blog entry, Buzz Kill Babe!   
    Oh em gee...
    I was looking at my niece's family album on FB, and Lord & behold, there I was.... I was sitting down, which of course, added even more weight to my already large thunder thighs. I can't say enough how unflattering of a picture it was. I'm talking absolutely terrible.
    So, anyway, this picture was taken in May 2010 when (apparently) I was at my heaviest. I could easily tell, in my personal opinion, that I look "much" thinner now. At least, 25 - 30 pds.
    I told my husband about the picture last night & told him I wanted him to see it, so he could see the difference in what I looked like. Oh, wait for it...
    He looks, and he's studying the picture. I said to him, uh, you're taking way too long to say anything. He's frigin' analizing the picture, and I felt as though he was trying to formulate the words....
    He says, I think the picture was taken at a really bad angle. My boobs looked bigger (because I had a breast reduction since 2010), and he could easily point that out. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, he didn't say anything about me looking thinner now.
    I"m like are you kidding? You can't tell that I look much thinner now than in that picture? He goes, ohhh... I didn't know that's what you were asking me. I thought you were just critisizing yourself in the picture. You know your weight doesn't mean anything to me.
    Hummmm ... nice try to safe..... Needless to say, it was quite the buzz kill for what might have been a 'fun slumber!'
    Let's try this again tomorrow babe!
  18. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, I?M Allergic To Exercise?.   
    No really I am. I have to be otherwise I would enjoy it, right?
    I truly hate exercising! I’ve never liked going to the gym, it’s boring. I don’t like getting all hot and sweaty, out of breath; heart beating like it will explode out of my chest. Hated PE in school, I was always the last kid picked for the team….
    But one of the necessities for successful weight loss is exercise regularly. How do I accomplish this?
    I started simple by:
    Parking at the back of the parking lots
    Turning on some music and dancing around my house. (Dogs got a kick out of this; they thought it was play time.)
    Took my dogs for walks around our property. (We live on acreage in the country.)

    Then I bought an inexpensive exercise bike that folds up and sits in the corner of my living room (This way I see it every day). When I watch TV in the evenings I get on the bike and ride. I started doing 10 minutes and worked up to 30 minutes. Now I’m working on increasing the intensity (ride faster).
    Next, I started moving more at work. I started using the bathroom on different floors (walking the stairs to the floors); and getting up from my desk a couple of times a day just to walk the stairs.
    So here I am still don’t like exercising but I do move! I no longer use the elevator at work (and I’m on the 8th floor!) and I ride my bike 30 minutes 3-5 times a week.
    It’s not a lot but as long as I’m doing something I’m seeing results.
  19. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, Market Days   
    Yesterday my husband & I rented a craft booth at out town’s Market Days. We make several things (wood bowls & trays, bags, napkins, placemats & coasters) and we wanted to try selling them.
    The day started early, we were up at 6:00am. As my husband loaded the truck I packed food for the day. We would be at our booth all day (9am to 4pm) so I needed both breakfast and lunch for both of us. Now my band had been tight the day before, probably due to stress and excitement for the upcoming event. So I wanted to bring smart food for myself…. I knew there would be lots of tempting food vendors there with not so healthy choices.
    I made a protein shake to take with me for breakfast; I knew this would be safer than trying to eat something. For lunch I took 3ozs of chicken salad and a Greek yogurt, for a snack an apple cut into slices. I also packed a pre-made protein shake just in case I had problems eating and needed fuel….
    I also packed 4 water bottles for myself so that I would get my water in for the day (course this meant I had to locate the closest bathroom, lol)
    As it turned out our booth was downwind from the kettle popcorn vendor…..yep smelled popcorn ALL DAY LONG…. & watched people walking by with big bags of the stuff. My created husband started asking people, “Need a bowl for that popcorn?”
    It was a great day. Business wise we sold a few things did some networking with the local vendors and made some good business connections. Personally it was a great success; I managed a challenging situation by planning ahead and sticking to my plan.

  20. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Ya Know What?   
    Ya know what? I think I'm starting to feel a little better about myself lately. While I'm very aware that at 5 '3, weighing almost 210 pds is overweight, I've managed to lose just shy of 35 pds in the last 3 months! I notice my clothes are loser, and that I've dropped 1 dress size. Techinically 1 1/2, but that doesn't quite exist, now does it?
    I actually felt good about myself when I got dressed for work today. I put on my size 20 pants, and they were loose. I tried my size 18, and I'm not quite there yet. Need to lose more stomach weight... LOL...
    My pants felt loose, and even my shirt was a little big.
    My co-workers haven't noticed the weight loss, or at least they haven't said anything. My guess is that they don't want to be rude wondering if I have lost any weight. But, I'm hopeful that come mid January, when we host our Dealer Meeting, people (co-workers) will have no choice but to notice that I've lost weight. Yes, I'm hoping for compliments.
    Looking forward to continuing this journey & looking and feeling better each day!
  21. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from dylanmiles23 for a blog entry, Ya Know What?   
    Ya know what? I think I'm starting to feel a little better about myself lately. While I'm very aware that at 5 '3, weighing almost 210 pds is overweight, I've managed to lose just shy of 35 pds in the last 3 months! I notice my clothes are loser, and that I've dropped 1 dress size. Techinically 1 1/2, but that doesn't quite exist, now does it?
    I actually felt good about myself when I got dressed for work today. I put on my size 20 pants, and they were loose. I tried my size 18, and I'm not quite there yet. Need to lose more stomach weight... LOL...
    My pants felt loose, and even my shirt was a little big.
    My co-workers haven't noticed the weight loss, or at least they haven't said anything. My guess is that they don't want to be rude wondering if I have lost any weight. But, I'm hopeful that come mid January, when we host our Dealer Meeting, people (co-workers) will have no choice but to notice that I've lost weight. Yes, I'm hoping for compliments.
    Looking forward to continuing this journey & looking and feeling better each day!
  22. Like
    Domika03 reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Choices   
    This last month has been a wild ride.
    I started off with the goal of working out daily and eating no more than 1200 calories a day no matter what. The first two weeks I did well and stuck to it even though the scales really didn't move much.
    Then my grandmother passed away. Not only was I faced with lots of emotion (we were extremely close- she was my friend as well as grandma) and tons of food that wasn't the best foods for me. Being that I was away from home for 5 days in the deep country- finding better food options really weren't possible. I attempted to make the best choices of what I had, but still felt like I was going way over my 1200 allowed calories even though I wasn't counting (no access to my apps).
    When I returned home from the services, I had a sore throat which balloned into a horrible head cold and then broncitis.
    So 2 weeks of no excercise and not eating the best in the world, but drinking water and SF hot tea like crazy. I thought for sure that when I went in for my fill my weight would be up and they wouldn't give me a fill. Low and behold - I had the best month since month 1. I lost 8 lbs!
    My weight is at 202, just 3 lbs from my first major goal- onederland! I did get another fill and an agressive one at that. My doctor is super excited and said for where I started most patients don't hit this point until month 6-8, so she is very happy.
    Maybe I could increase my weight loss more by cutting out carbs and such, but what I am doing now is sustainable. I am still eating the foods I love (pizza and pasta's) just eating far less of it than I did at one point. I use to think my metabolism was really low because I didn't eat that much so it had to be screwed up for me to weight that much- well I was in denial. I was gorging at times. Food consumed my life rather than fueling it. That has changed - I eat what I like, I am just mindful about how much and how bad it is.
    I choose to make better choices and that has made all the difference!!
  23. Like
    Domika03 reacted to Kime-lou for a blog entry, Judgement   
    Judgment sucks!!
    I think we all have felt we are always judged reguarding out weight. My issues started when my doctor as a kid was a health nut and was always telling me I was a fatty. I would go in with step throat and he would spend the entire time harping on my weight. Bottom line is - we feel judged at work, in stores and at resturants for out weight. Sometimes I think we are judged, but sometimes I think it's just our own negitive feelings toward ourselves.
    Today I was reading some blogs and post that talked about WLS. In some of them I felt judged because of how hard core people are. However, are they really talking to me or are they just talking about themselves?
    All of choose WLS for a particular reason and we are either being successful or not. Here is the kicker - success doesn't come the same for everyone!! Some people preach a certain way- no carb, low carb, certain exercises, calorie counting, weighing daily, not weighing at home at all, ect.
    I have found success in counting calories and doing cardio with light weight training. I still eat carbs and foods I love just less of them. I have lost 43 lbs in a little over 4 months. I think that is successful considering I started at 244. My percentage of weight loss is better, according to my doctor, than many at my same place. This is what has worked for me, will it work for you, I have no idea, maybe, maybe not.
    I refuse to judge people- whatever way you find success I say AWESOME- keep it up. Also, share what made you a success- some will find your way works for them, some will find my way works. We are all different and if we reap different success ideas from people we can build our own success plan.
    Also, if you are having a bad day and need to whine or b#@$#, or complain do it. I am willing to listen because unless you are lying to yourself or unless you are on drugs you occasionally have a bad day and need to vent to someone. While I am being successful there are days when I get down in the dumps and worry or stress and I NEED people to be understanding instead of saying shut the h@@@ up and either do what your suppose to or not. While yes, I need to stick to my success plan I also need compassion and not judgement.
    Now if you are complaining every day that the band is not working and you are downing milkshakes like water then you don't have anyone to blame, but yourself. And you need to be told that.
    This site has been both positive and negitive in my life- I have found support and also found judgement. Sometimes I seek advise or hope that some will comment to something I have said and I get nothing and yes I feel ignored when there are others out there with their band buddies who get lots of comments and support. However, is that just me feeling due to my self impression that people are excluding me.
    I must learn to be my judge and advocate and cheerleader. I need to look at myself realistically and kick myself in the butt when I need it and also give myself a pat on the back when I deserve it.
    Today I am choosing to not look to others for affirmation or pats on the back, but look to myself. I must learn to find joy in my success and find answers in my failures.
  24. Like
    Domika03 reacted to ♕ajtexas♕ for a blog entry, 9 Months Down!   
    I had my surgery 9 months ago, February 7, 2012. It seems like just yesterday, but no its 9 months ago. Wow, time has flown and wow things sure have changed. In celebration of being 9 months reborn I made a list of 9 things that have changed (excluding the weight & inches lost):
    No more medication – When I started this journey I had to take 3 different medications to control my high blood pressure. Today my blood pressure is normal without medication.

    Giving the elevator the day off – I work on the 8th floor, every morning I walk up the stairs to my office and in the evening I walk down. Plus during the day I go up and down at least 3 floors, several times.

    Sex – Sex is definitely better. I’ll skip the details…

    How my skin feels – I like rubbing my hand up and down my arm, my skin feels thinner (Don’t know if this makes sense to you)

    Wearing heels – When I was at my heavies my ankles couldn’t handle heels. Now I’m back to wearing heels again!

    My confidence – I walk taller, I smile all the time, I really like being me now!

    I like looking at myself in the mirror – dressed or naked, I like what I see. It’s not perfect but I like it!

    Finding my extravert self – When I was in high school I was very outgoing; I had no fear of talking to strangers. When I was at my heaviest I was so shy, I wouldn’t look people in the eyes, afraid to talk to them. Now, I’m back to looking people in the eyes and talking to strangers.

    The way others look at me – I love seeing guys take a second look; the expression on my friends faces when they see me and how the family responds to me.

  25. Like
    Domika03 got a reaction from LiveStrong41 for a blog entry, Dad's Dr Apt Tomorrow   
    Dad's oncologist apt is tomorrow at 10am. I'm a bit nervous because we should find out how much the cancer spread in his lungs. My parents were over my house yesterday, and dad talked to me (on the side) telling me that his lower left side was bothering me. Kidneys maybe? Or, just a strain?
    No point in guessing as I'll be sure to ask the Dr.
    For anyone that is reading this, if you read my recent posts, you'll know my 86 yr old awesome dad is in stage 4 of cancer, but has been kicking it's ass for about 20 months now without chemo or pills. I go to all his oncologists apt's because my parents are Castellian (spanish from Spain), and while they have lived in the U.S. over 50 years, they struggle with English sometimes. I'm there to make sure that not a darn thing gets lost in the translation.
    Oh daddy, if I could just make the pain stay away....

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