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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. 7 1/2 weeks post op, and I'm at the point where I'm trying different foods here & there to see what my tummy can handle, and determine what will work. This weekend, I did some research & was determined to find things that would be healthier for me. I seem to eat eggs, in some form or another, more often than I'd like. While I try to have egg whites instead of regular eggs whenever possible, it still gets old. Plus, I worry about my cholesterol getting high as a result. While grocery shopping this weekend, I noticed that Dannon Lite Greek yogurts had a few new flavors so I bought a few in hopes of giving those a whirl for breakfast on their own, or adding them to protein drinks so I can get my protein requirement up (something I still seem to struggle with). I also found a greek yogurt with strawberry preserves and chia seeds that had 17 grams of protein. I ate 1/2 of it today, but did have to add splenda because the yogurt was a bit... IDK, tart tasting I guess. I also went ahead & bought several different flavors of Quest protein bars. I think they have about 21 grams of protein. Another way to hopefully get my protein up. We also went to Trader Joe's to see what all the hoopla was about since opening their stores in CO. I have to say, it's OK, nothing really impressive overall. However, with that said, I found something called spinach & kale balls. A serving of four balls (yes, I thought that sounded funny too, LOL), has about 6 grams of protein & about 140 calories. I thought it was tasty, and made a good snack. My 3 month blood work is scheduled in the next month, and I have to admit I'm a little anxious about what the results will say. My concern is that I'm not getting enough protein, and that, while I'm at a healthier weight, and feel better than I did with my extra 100+ pounds, my health isn't as optimal as it should be. No regrets on having WLS, but I must say weight loss is a never-ending challenge. I need to work smarter, not harder.
  2. I'll be 8 weeks post-op tomorrow, and here's what I've learned about my sleeve thus far. Note to self: Alas, my eyes are still (literally) bigger than my stomach! I should take what I think I can eat, and cut it IN HALF I've learned that my stomach cannot handle a lot of protein when it comes from any meat. For example, I can barely eat 2-3 oz of pork, chicken or steak (even with a sauce so it's not dry). I can, however, seem to be able to eat ground beef / turkey & pork. Hummm?!?! Since I'm not meeting my daily protein requirement, I think I'm going to change my focus to more dense protein (yogurts, cottage cheese, egg whites, beans, lentils, quinoa, flounder, ricotta cheese, and, of course protein drinks / bars, etc...). Protein isn't something you should take lightly. It's important to the overall success of our health. See my note below. I've noticed it helps me get more fluids in when I drink a 16.9 oz bottle of Propel first thing in the morning. I start drinking it on my commute to work & finish it off within 2 hours. Yes, it takes me that long. I still struggle getting in all my fluids for the day, so drinking a bottle of Propel flavored water in the morning helps me move along. I've never been one to eat many veggies, but I discovered that I really enjoy eating spinach. I found a spinach souffle in the freezer section that I split in 1/2 as a serving. I then cook an egg with it & have it for breakfast or lunch. Note to newbies: Please make sure you meet those protein & fluid requirements. If you don't, you're taking a chance of getting light-headed, and feeling faint from time to time. Yes, this happens to me more often than not. That's why I blog & talk about it; so I can keep track of what I need to do, and to help others. Weight loss is GREAT, but it's nothing if you can't stay healthy.
  3. Domika03

    Weight loss, a never-ending challenge

    Hi, I was fortunate enough to lose 90 pounds with my band before the shi* really hit the fan. I consider myself lucky in that aspect. Since being sleeved, I've lost an additional 17 pounds, so I'm actually on maintenance now. I weigh around 138 pounds now. I'm still getting used to my sleeve & trying to figure out what I can eat & how much of it. It's a work in process. You know what you need to do, so stay focused, and you'll do just fine. Good luck!
  4. I had 3-4 oz of almond crusted flounder, and was stuffed, I'm almost 8 weeks post op
  5. We're in a new office building & have see-through windows in conference rooms, with the exception of a frosted window strip going through the middle of the window walls so you can't see the people when they're sitting down around the table. So, I'm walking down the hall, passing one of the conference rooms & check out the reflection of a thin figure going by. I actually stopped myself in my own tracks realizing, "Holy shi*, that's ME!!!!!!!!!!!" I don't mean to sound conceited in any way, shape or form, but I actually looked nice. I can't believe I didn't even recognize my own reflection. It's taken me 1 1/2 years to get here, but guess what, I AM FINALLY HERE!!!
  6. Definitely normal. I had a low grade fever the first few days. I was told to drink more fluids. That seemed to help me. Drink a little at a time, but make sure you get enough fluids in. Remember, we're all different & heal differently. Take your time, but be sure to follow the rules you're given. You'll get better each day, I promise
  7. Domika03

    Band is coming out Tomorrow!

    BEST thing i ever did was get the band removed & replaced by the sleeve! I had it done all in 1 surgery. Recovery went well overall. I'm almost 8 weeks out & have no regrets. I do struggle with getting enough fluids & sometimes Protein in, but it's all me & has nothing to do with the surgery itself. Great decision, good luck!
  8. Domika03

    depressed for no reason

    What you guys are feeling is quite normal. Don't stress about it. This is a life-changing event. You have to remember the eating habits you're used to. Your diet was full of unhealthy foods, many which we considered "comfort foods" like the take out foods you were talking about. Weight loss, in general, is VERY psychological. You have to change the way you think about food now. You need to think about healthier options that taste good & can give you the right amount of fuel for the day. For example, eating these chips are going to fill me instantly & give me no nutritional value. I'll be hungry again in no time, and won't be satisfied overall. Why not look into a healthier option instead? It'll fill me, and give me the energy I need. Don't look at it as "aw shi*, I have to eat fish while my family eats X." Re-think that statement by thinking, 'how can I bake fish that my family can enjoy & eat with me?" How about an almond crusted flounder or pesto flavored cod? You know you can have more than just fish, right? If I may suggest, pre-plan your food at least a week in advance. This will help you get through each day. If you don't already, get yourself a crock pot. You can make meals for yourself & your family that will not leave you hungry or craving 'bad' stuff. Also, if you don't already, log onto myfitnesspal.com & track your food every day. This will hold you accountable, show you what Protein, calories and carbs you're having each day. You might also get ideas from other users as to what they're eating every day too. No, it isn't easy my friends. But, you had the WLS for a reason. You wanted to improve your health, your lifestyle & the way you feeling about yourselves. You can do this. Focus & change the way you think about food. Change & good vibes WILL come in time, I promise. In the meantime, vent all you want. Those of us that have been doing this for a while are happy to hold out our hands & help you out when & if we can. We've been there. We understand. Hang in there!!!
  9. I used to enjoy eating bread, especially prior to WLS. That was probably my downfall. I had it once in a while after I was banded. Not a lot, of course, just a nibble here & there. Now that I'm sleeved (about 7 weeks out), I don't even crave it. I don't think about it, and if I see it, I don't even want it. It doesn't really phase me. Weird, huh? I'm OK with it since it's not the best healthiest option anyway.
  10. Yup, that looks about right. I had that several months after I was banded in 2012. It kept going on for a while, but it was then suggested I take Biotin, and use a shampoo like Pantene. I can't remember why actually. Nonetheless, it did work & my hair stopped falling out at that pace. Now that I'm sleeved (about 7 weeks post op), and am running into not having enough Protein each day, I'm starting to lose some hair again when I wash & brush. Definitely not pleasant, but apparently a part of the WLS journey, as we lose a lot of weight & don't get enough daily protein. Hang in there. Things should slow down, eventually...
  11. Domika03

    Any Colorado sleevers?

    I live in the Westminster area, and had band to sleeve revision surgery in mid Jan. I'm fortunate enough to be at maintenance now, but am grateful for everything I've been through & learned through the process. I'd be happy to "talk" to anyone that wants a buddy. It keeps me focused, and can hopefully help you too
  12. Domika03

    how do I cook for me and my son

    I was going to suggest investing in a crock pot, if you don't already have one. I see that Annadette (above) made a similiar suggestion. I LOVE mine. Actually, I have 3 of them. I know, over-kill, but I digress (easily). One of my favorite meals is turkey chili. I also enjoy making beef stew & spinach lentil Soup to name a few. All are healthy & easy to prepare. You come home from a long day at work & dinner is all ready! You'll find many online recipes! Don't stress. You can do this. Good luck!
  13. I've lost 105 pounds & can totally relate to that sagging belly skin. I know insurance won't cover this so there's no point in me looking into it. It's considered cosmetic & not necessary. Too bad because I'd feel a lot better about my weight loss without all this lovely excess skin
  14. Domika03

    Im confused!

    Keep playing around & you'll get used to it, again! Not like you can break it, LOL!
  15. Thank you very much!
  16. We're in a new office building & have see-through windows in conference rooms, with the exception of a frosted window strip going through the middle of the window walls so you can't see the people when they're sitting down around the table. So, I'm walking down the hall, passing one of the conference rooms & check out the reflection of a thin figure going by. I actually stopped myself in my own tracks realizing, "Holy shi*, that's ME!!!!!!!!!!!" I don't mean to sound conceited in any way, shape or form, but I actually looked nice. I can't believe I didn't even recognize my own reflection. It's taken me 1 1/2 years to get here, but guess what, I AM FINALLY HERE!!!
  17. How about a reply like, "I'm not really sure what it is you want to see, but that's just weird. And while I appreciate your insightfullness, I've got this, thanks ... then just walk away.... Her behavior in a management related position is totally unacceptable. If she says stuff in front of other people, repeat yourself, "while I appreciate your insightful input, I've got this, thanks." If she doesn't stop, I would report her. Ignorant... Stay focused & keep that positive attitude. Good luck!
  18. Domika03

    Why did you choose the Sleeve?

    I actually went with the band back in August 2012 because I was concerned about the sleeve being "permanent." While I was quite successful with the band overall by losing 90 pounds, I wish I had just gone with the sleeve, because of the issues I dealt with. I.E., sliming, throwing up & eventually had a partially slipped band & had it removed & revised to the sleeve (same surgery) in Jan 2014. I did the conversion because I was terrified of gaining all the weight back. There was a reason I did the WLS to begin with. It was obvious to me that I was not capable of portion control. If I was I wouldn't have ballooned up to 245 pds pre-surgery. I have since lost an additional 17 pds & am considered to be at maintenance. I'm 5 '3 and am so thankful to be 139 pds. It's a good range (135-140). I'm happier, I feel great & I finally like the way I look. Keep in mind, WLS isn't for everyone. You have to be dedicated & want to follow the rules. They're there for a reason. Yea, you can have a bite of anything (like a dessert) BUT you will feel full quicker so focus on the healthier stuff that will give you more energy & more nutritional. Best of luck!
  19. Domika03

    Lost a very good friend

    Very sorry for your loss. Hold on to those awesome memories!
  20. Domika03

    Do you still enjoy food?

    Absolutely LOVE food. Only difference is that I love it in MUCH smaller portions, and (for the most part) in a healthier a fashion. While I a very personal decision, I have no regrets in converting from the band to the sleeve.
  21. Hi Abigail! I know you don't want to hear this, but you have to make an apt to see your Dr., or in the very least, talk to your NUT. This person will have the knowledge to help you & suggest what you can do to get back on track. More importantly, do NOT be ashamed of yourself. This is a tough journey & we really need to work hard to make it work BUT IT DOES WORK!!! You didn't mention what you're eating or how much. That's the first thing I'd look at. I had my surgery done on Jan 16th, so I'm about 5 1/2 weeks out. I had my band removed & revised to the sleeve. Here's an example of what I eat at this point. Keep in mind, everyone's food menu is slightly different the first 6 - 8 weeks. It all depends on the Dr's office: Breakfast: 1/2 - 3/4 cup of egg whites mixed with feta cheese, turkey crumbles and spinach or 1 egg feta cheese, turkey crumbles and spinach or Protein drink (Greek yogurt, Pure Protein vanilla creme shake w/ 1 scoop of Pure Protein vanilla powder). I actually don't like chocolate that much lunch 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup of tuna fish blended with low-fat mayo 1/2 cup - 3/4 cup of leftover dinner from night before Dinner 1/2 - 3/4 cup of any lean protein (like homemade ham & navy bean Soup in the crock pot) 1/2 -3/4 cup of turkey chili (in the crock pot) tonight I'm making Lemony Lentil & Spinach Soup (yup, in the crock pot again, LOL) *No, I don't use the crock pot all the time, but it does help) I hope this might help you. But, I really think you should call your NUT. They're job is to help you. Do NOT be ashamed. Nothing to be ashamed of. You are NOT alone my dear. Most of us enjoy helping & encouraging others. You CAN do this & you WILL be successful. Best of luck & hang in there!
  22. Domika03

    What's For Breakfast Today?

    I actually made Breakfast muffins: eggs, turkey sausage crumbles, and spinach. Everyone in the family had 2, and I had one. Yummy and I have breakfast for tomorrow too
  23. Domika03

    The need to chew...

    It's great that you're feeling so well. That's goods news. However, your stomach is still healing & recuperating so I'd be very careful at this stage. Be kind to your tummy because it needs the time to heal properly. It's interesting to see how we all have different instructions after surgery. I would definitely stick with what they told you, especially being only 1 week out. For me: Week 1 consisted of clear liquids, like Jello, broths, popsicles and tea. I stayed with that because I knew my tummy had to heal, and I wasn't really that hungry. More than anything, I was bored toward the end of the week with my menu. Week 2 - I was thrilled to be eating 3 tablespoons of real food like cream of wheat, mashed potatoes, SF pudding, creamy Soups made with milk, low fat yogurt smoothies or vanilla greek yogurts. Week 3 & 4 - I graduated to 1/4 of canned tuna in Water, egg whites, canned turkey chili, bean Soup (some ppl have a tough time with Beans at first), ricotta cheese, cottage cheese... Week 5 & on - I've been given the green light to try lean meats (up to 3/4 - 1 cup). I usually have 1/2 - 3/4 cups of food now. Tummy seems to be OK. Burping is my sign that I'm full so when I start or feel it's coming, I stop. Talk with your NUT & get her feedback. But, my suggestion for now is to really let yourself heal. One day at a time. Good luck
  24. Domika03

    I'm actually thin? Yea, I guess I am :)

    Thanks so much Lee6Lee, I appreciate your support!
  25. I went clothes shopping yesterday & for the 1st time in a LONG time, I saw something different in my reflection as I tried on a pair of pants. I took a long, hard look at myself, tilted my head & actually saw myself as "thin." Yea, that's what I said, THIN! I actually fit into size 8 pants. Yup, a size 8. I think my average pant size in high school (31 years ago) was a 10, so I'm fitting into smaller clothes. I saw a pretty sleeveless little black dress in the fitting room (size Medium) that someone else left behind. Feeling a little brave, I figured ah, what the hell. I haven't warn a dress in YEARS so let's try it on. Oh... my... goodness... Not only did it fit, but it actually looked really nice! I mean, it really looked nice. I had an attractive hour glass figure. Seriously, me! I came out of the dressing room to show my husband. He winked and said "very nice," followed with, "are you OK?" I smiled because I actually had tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed with such emotion. I didn't cry but I could feel something deep inside me. It almost felt like a happy confusion because there was no denying that I was no longer overweight. I'm still amazed. After 1 1/2 years on this weight loss journey, I'm finally comfortable & quite happy in my own skin! Ahhhhh..... feels good, damn good!!!

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