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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03

    Hanging In There

    Here I am almost 3 weeks post-op, and I haven't lost anything in the last 2 weeks! Actually, I managed to gain a pound from the original 15 pds I lost in the first week (which was a bunch of water weight). I'm really trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard. My food intake is so much smaller than what it used to be. It just doesn't make sense to me. I have a shake now as a meal, which has 30 grams of protein, and then eat an oz of protein every few hours. Nothing bad.. no wait, I lie. I did have some mini cinammon graham crackers the other day. I know, I know, but I was stressing, and was upset. Anyway, I'm over the crackers crap now. I don't have a caloric amount to eat per day, as of yet (that I know of). I believe my focus is still getting in all the protein, and to get that walking in everyday. My first fill isn't until Sept 19th, and I wonder what that could possibly do to make a difference. Is it going to make me eat less? Well. I'm already eating less, a lot less! So, what's that first fill going to do that I'm not already doing.... Again, I say, ARGH!!!
  2. Domika03

    Fill And Gurgling

    I haven't had my first fill yet, so I'm not sure what that feels like. I don't think it would hurt to call your Dr just to see what he says. He's there to help! Have fun in Disney!
  3. Hope everythng is OK. Good luck & keep us posted!
  4. Thanks everyone. I appreciate the words of wisdom and I will continue to be patient, and work on the healing process.
  5. Domika03

    Labor Day Weekend Bbq ...

    Congratulations, that's awesome! Sounds like you are well on your way to a succesful journey!
  6. Domika03

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Ok, gonna try to ad everyone. If I missed you, please just add me: domika03 Thanks!
  7. Tell me... why is it so damn easy to fall on to negative thoughts? You may have seen some of my posts lately where I've been totally stagnant, not losing 1 single oz. I find it amazing that I lost 15 pds my first week, which I understand was basically water weight. But, I started soft foods this last week, and have lost nothing. I know my body is in recovery / heeling mode, and it needs time to adjust. But, come on. I'm barely eating a full 4 - 5 oz a day of protein, and not one little oz came off. Actually, a few oz came back on? I'm trying to stay postive as I understand this is, afterall. a journey. Lord knows this weight didn't come on in a single week, although 30 pds did come on easily in a 3 -4 month time frame. Of course, I'm not giving up. I'm just dissappointed not to see an oz go down. I'm staying focused on eating small portions (1 oz meals every few hours), and drinking. I'm positive I'm not getting enough protein in, so I need to work on that. I don't know why, but it's always a struggle for me. I also feel that I'm not having enough... BM's... I think I'm going to add fiber to my small meals. I do use Miralax in my water to ensure that things stay, shall we say, smooth... but I know I'm not "going enough." Sigh and deep breath... patience...
  8. Domika03

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    This is great guys, I will go in & add everyone. My screen name is the same: Domika03 THANKS!!!
  9. Domika03

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Hi everyone, I'm just logging into myfitnesspal.com. It seems like a good place to keep track of foods, etc... I'm still trying to feel my way around that site. Any recommendations? Does anyone want to be friends on there so I can get the 'gist' of whate everyone is eating, etc? So sad to see 0 friends... LOL.... Thanks!
  10. Ok, I'm sure I'm being impatient, but.... I have not had "any" weight loss in the last 5 days. How is this possible when I'm barely eating an oz of food every few hours, and drinking Water & Protein Shakes? I guess I just don't understand how my body can be holding onto the fat. ARGH... Granted, i was a bit..."bloated"... ok fine, constipated for 3 / 4 days, but I went yesterday, and still no weight loss today. Not even an oz. Just venting because I was really starting to see the scale go down... ;-( Anyone run into this?
  11. Domika03

    "real Food" Yummmm

    Post-Op Day 7 Oh my gosh... I actually ate some homemade chicken soup with zuchinni, carrots and beans,, "pureed!" I don't care what anyone says, after only having liquids, the soup tasted soooo good. I think I actually had like 2 oz of it last night. My family enjoyed their meal without the puree, not sure why they didn't want to join me. Nonethelss, it felt good going down & I didn't notice any issues with it. Ahh.... So, as of post-op Day 6, I had managed to lose 15 pds. Yes, I know, that's amazing. And so, I tried to prepare myself in that the weight would start slowing down once I started eating a little more normal, and walking. I started walking about 2 days ago, and to my surprise (though it shouldn't be), I haven't lost anything in 2 days : ( Yes, I know, I know. I didn't gain it all in 1 week, but I have to admit, it felt good seeing the scale go down & down each day. So, I went ahead & measured myself. Thank goodness, it looks like I lost an inch in my waist, thighs, calves & boobs. Ok, as long as it keeps going down, I will settle down...
  12. So, as of post-op Day 6, I had managed to lose 15 pds. Yes, I know, that's not bad. Of course, all along I've tried to prepare myself in that the weight would start slowing down once I started eating a little more normal, and walking. I started walking about 2 days ago, and to my surprise (though it shouldn't be), I haven't lost anything in 2 days : ( Yes, I know, I know. I didn't gain it all in 1 week, but I have to admit, it felt good seeing the scale go down & down each day. So, I went ahead & measured myself. Thank goodness, it looks like I lost an inch in my waist, thighs, calves & boobs. Ok, as long as it keeps going down, I will settle down.
  13. Good James, hope thngs improve.
  14. On my way to my 1 week follow up, even though my surgery was actually last Friday. I have to say that I've got some seriously LOW energy. Since I sit on my booty all day at work, I'm glad I took most of this week off. I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow, but think I will work from home. I just don't think I've got enough energy to get moving. I'm still not sleeping well because, wouldn't you know it, my siatic (sp?) nerve is starting to bug me when I go to sleep. Great timing for it to act up, huh? It makes for a heckuva sleepless night. I also don't think, never mind, I know I'm not getting enough protein in me. I've been feeling sooo full although I'm barely eating. I think I must be drinking too quickly. Trying to watch myself today because I start on soft foods. So far today, I've had 4 oz of a protein drink, and 1 oz of vanilla greek yogurt (with a dash of cinncamon for flavor). I'm waiting aobut 45 minutes before drinking anything again, but this schedule is tough. I planning ahead and bringing some of my snacks/meals with my 1st nutrition class & follow up apt so I don't miss out on anything (1oz of egg beaters & 1 oz of refried beans & something to drink). I know I've been losing weight because I've checked the scale. However, I try to be realistic because anyone would lose weight following a liquid diet. I don't expect miracles, but am thankful that I'm going in the right direction I still need to learn what my body is saying in the way of hunger vs the full feeling. The last few days it's always felt "full" which is insane beacuse I'm not eating much of anything. Nonetheless, today's nutrition class should be informative, and I look forward to it. Gonna go have my crystal light now. I'm thirsty.
  15. I'm post-op4 days, and noticed that I can burp like a sailor! Is it normal to burp a lot when I walk around? Does anyone else experience this?
  16. Domika03

    Burp > Excuse Me

    Thanks for all the comments guys!
  17. Domika03

    Burp > Excuse Me

    Oh my Gosh, thank God I am not alone. I thought I was just.. I don't know.. on a roll. My husband & daughter laugh at me. Thank God, I'm not at work this week. Can you imagine excusing yourself every time it happened. Good to know we're not alone :-)
  18. Domika03

    Grocery Shopping "on My Own'

    I'm 4 days post-op, and am happy to say, on my last day of the clear liquid diet. I'm supposed to start pre-selected soft foods tomorrow (1/2 oz -1 oz eggs, which BTW I can't believe that's all I can have), refried beans,,,etc,,, Anyway, I went to Wally World (WalMart) to pick up a few things. This might sound weird, but I felt so very aware of my surroundiings. I almost felt like it was the 1st time I was going grocery shopping. I mean, I had a list of specific things to buy, and I didn't go astray. Typically, I would have stopped by the munchie aisle & treated myself to a little "yummy snack." There was none of that. I'm not sure if it's because I know it wouldn't have been pleasant going down (chips or Reeces Pieces), or if I realize that's no longer a part of my new lifestyle. Maybe a combination of both. All I know is that it felt strange shopping. Maybe because it was more in a healthier way, something that I guess I'm not used to. Am I alone out here? Did anyone else experience this? Hum....
  19. Domika03

    I Think I Need A Buddy. Struggling...

    Hi there Krys, How long ago were you banded? I'm only on Day 3 post-op, but I'll be facing food choices slowly but surely myself. I know it won't be easy but don't give up. This is a lifestyle change we' all need to learn how to make. Remember, it took us all a while to gain our weight so it's going to take a while to lose it too. This forum is a great source for support. I even created a blog so I can let my "feelings & thoughts" out. It might help you too. Did your surgeon give you sample menu's you could follow? hHave you tried buying any bariatric related cookbooks that could help? I haven't looked into the cook books yet, but am planning on it. Hang in there!
  20. Domika03

    Day 3 Post-Op

    I think my biggest issue, for lack of a better word, is that I've been quite tired these last few days; low energy. I'm drinking my protein drink, water, broth, SF popsicles and SF jello. I don't think I feel hungry so that's good, I guess. Wait.... I think my tummy is actually growling at me right now. Hum,,,, need to get more protein in me. I've also had pretty restless sleep, tossing & turning & tossing & turning. That's probably another reason why I'm tired. My tummy only felt "achy" the first 2 days. This may be TMI but I'm sure someone will appreciate my just saying it. I've been burping quite a bit when I get up & walk around. I'm told that's good because they pump air inside you during the surgery & it's good to get it out. I also had a little gas, but had not gone to the bathroom in 3 days. Thankfully, I was taking Miralax, drinking Smooth Move tea, and finally yesterday added Sedekot (I think that's what it's called). Um, things finally worked themselves out yesterday. Please make sure you take fiber so you don't run into issues. Another thing, I only used my pain meds twice. The night I got home & that next morning because of my crazy headache. I haven't touched the nausea meds I was prescribed (yet) so I'm thankful. This might sound crazy but I made sure to use a heating pad on myself Fay 0 and 1, while gently rubbing my belly. It seemed to help some how. I took today off from work, and am considering taking tomorrow & Wed off. This way I get some real time to get comfortable with everthing. My follow up is this Wed, so I was thinking of working from home Thurs & Fri. I'm lucky enough to have that option when in this type of situations. That's it for now, Please feel free to make comments or ask me questions. I'm learning as I go, and am worth than happy to share my journey. Good luck. PS - I've lost 7 1/2 pounds now,... and I need things will slow down soon, since right now I'm on the clear liquid diet. It's all good. DIdn't gain all this weight in a day so it won't come off in a day :)
  21. I'm post - op Day 2 and have had restless sleep for the last few days. I think it's because of that, that I've had headachess all day. Seems to be a little better now, but with Tynelol off the shelves, what ca I take for headaches?
  22. I thought Tylenol was off all shelves, but maybe not. I can't find it in CO, so guess I'll be buying some acetominophin later today.
  23. Here's a link about the Tylenol being off the shelves. Just copy & paste. http://www.sacbee.com/2012/06/05/4538335/recalls-keep-tylenol-other-products.html Thanks, will purchase acetomenophin,
  24. Domika03

    How Much For Self Pay In Nc?

    Don't know about NC, but can give you an idea aobut CO. My sugeon's office charges $10,00 for self apy. Fortunately, my insurance pays 85%.

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