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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03

    1St Fill Today

    So, I had my 1st fill today after my Nutrition class. Can I just say "ouch!" Yea, it smarted a little when the needle went in, and I did say "OUCH!". The Nurse says "aw, come on (jokingly)," and I said "yea, seriously OUCH." Oh, it wasn't painful or anything like that, but it did kinda pinch. I even felt something weird when she first started injecting the saline. She said some people can feel it, others can't. This was about 2 hours ago, and my port site is a little sore, but it doesn't hurt. Oh, I found out my band size is a 14. Holy large band, Batman. Yea, I guess it's one of the bigger size bands :ph34r: (embarrassed a little), and I guess she filled me with 5 1/2 or 5 cc's (great, now I can't remember). I'm kinda feeling 'full' right now, but I haven't eaten anything. They said fluids this afternoon, and soft foods for dinner. Then tomorrow, normal foods. I have an appointment for 2 weeks from today to see if I need a 2nd fill by then. They said I can cancel if I feel I don't need it, and schedule an apt for 4 weeks out. I guess we'll see how the next few weeks go. So, I'm off....
  2. Domika03

    1St Fill Today

    I am so with you my dear! It's hard to stay on track, but I'm so afraid of over-eating & feeling like poop. Read my blog from today. Oh, so entertaining :-( So, how much weight have you lost so far? I was filled on 8/17 & have lost 18 pds as of yesterday. Keep in mind, I lost "15" the first week so only 3 little pounds the last 3 weeks. I'm still trying to figure out what I can eat & how much. This should be a fun ride... LOL Good luck 2 u 2!
  3. Domika03

    First Fill

    I just had mine yesterday. I'm told the needle feels like a bee sting, but I've never been stung by a bee. I'll just say that I never want to be stung by one either. OK, it smarted a little, but wasn't painful. My surgeon did not require a liquid diet the day before only fluids 2 hours prior to getting filled then soft food at night. Good luck. You'll be fine
  4. So, I had my 1st fill today after my Nutrition class. Can I just say "ouch!" Yea, it smarted a little when the needle went in, and I did say "OUCH!". The Nurse says "aw, come on (jokingly)," and I said "yea, seriously OUCH." Oh, it wasn't painful or anything like that, but it did kinda pinch. I even felt something weird when she first started injecting the saline. She said some people can feel it, others can't. This was about 2 hours ago, and my port site is a little sore, but it doesn't hurt. Oh, I found out my band size is a 14. Holy large band, Batman. Yea, I guess it's one of the bigger size bands :ph34r: (embarrassed a little), and I guess she filled me with 5 1/2 or 5 cc's (great, now I can't remember). I'm kinda feeling 'full' right now, but I haven't eaten anything. They said fluids this afternoon, and soft foods for dinner. Then tomorrow, normal foods. I have an appointment for 2 weeks from today to see if I need a 2nd fill by then. They said I can cancel if I feel I don't need it, and schedule an apt for 4 weeks out. I guess we'll see how the next few weeks go. So, I'm off....
  5. It happens to the best of us. Don't worry about it. What's done is done. Just get back on track again.... You can do it!
  6. Apparently, I managed to catch a cold some how. Today is the 2nd day, but I felt bad enough that I actually took a day off from work (something I don't usually do). I'm pretty sure it's just a cold because I have the nasal congestion & am waaay tired. I'm just hoping that I can still have my 1st fill tomorrow; that they won't turn me away for whatever reason. I'm actually looking forward to it...I think? Has anyone else been turned away because they were sick? Just curious..
  7. Domika03

    1 Month To The Day

    So, here I am, 1 month to the day since I had surgery. It's been quite the ride, and I'm a bit.....frustrated, still. The only real weight I've lost was during my first week on liquids. I'm still not understanding how I can eat 1/4 of what I used to eat, and still not lose any more weight. It just doesn't make sense to me. I have an apt for my first fill this Wednesday, the 19th. I know they'll make the band tigher, but what I don't understand, is how that will help me lose weight. I'm going to be eating less than now, so how will this make me lose weight where I couldn't the last few weeks? What's the difference, eating even less? I met someone this weekend that had the sleeve done last week. After talking to her, I wonder if I should have gone with that procedure instead I know, too late now. I hate being discouraged because that's doesn't help my journey. I'm having doubts on everything I'm doing and eating now. My surgeon only had us do liquids for a few days, then very soft food (purees and such) then select soft foods. I've been pretty much eating cottage cheese, yogurt, PB, homemade soups, and turkey chili. Well, I have another nutrition class before my fill, so I'll ask questions & see what's going on. I'm sure that I'm not getting as much protein as I should be either, but I don't think that's the issue? Quite the negative Nelly here today. Could be because I have a cold, and am feeling a little run down. The good news is that I'm already on my 4th bottle of water I feel so thirsty... I'll post again after my fill along with notes I take from the Nutritionist. It's gotta get better than this, and.... I'm sure it will...in time! :-)
  8. Domika03

    1 Month To The Day

    Thanks guys. It's so hard to stay positive sometimes, but I know the weight didn't get here overnight, so it won't go off overnight Take care
  9. I had surgery on a Thursday, and was planning to go back to work the following Monday. Fortunately, I posted here just like you did, and everyone told me that, while we all heal differently, I should at least take a week. And so I did, I took that following week off, and I am soooo glad I did. I was very tired by the end of each day. See how you feel. Your body will let you know how much time you really need. Take care of yourself.
  10. Domika03

    Hello Everyone

    I bought the Magic Bullet, and have used it to puree foods; including Soups & smoothies. Don't really know uch about the others. This is good for making puree's or smoothies for 1 person at a time as even the largest cup isn't really enough for 2 people. But, I like it, and it serves its purpose. Congrats on getting banded!
  11. This might be a dumb question, but some where I read that having those snack containers of Jiff Chocolate Silk peanut butter with strawberries are a good snack. Higher in calories but good protein. Seemed to go down ok. Keep in mind I have not had my first fill yet. But, my upper stomach lower chest is bugging me again. I had this the day before as a snack & had that discomfort in my chest yesterday. Is PB not a good thing to have?
  12. Domika03

    Minor Setback.

    OUCH. Hang in there. Read a good book, or go for a walk. Good luck & take care. You can make it through this!!!
  13. Hi Steve, Another angel, coming from a woman's perspective, might be that she's a little uncomfortable about your losing all this weight & getting more attention that she might. I might be wrong, but maybe she's feeling a little unsecure about it. I'm sure she's also genuinely concerned because it is, after all, surgery. I recently had lap-band surgery, and will be getting my first fill next week. My husband has been extremely supportive, but he has made a comment or 2, that I will leave him once I lose all this weight. He jokes about it & says he's not serious, but you know there's always a little truth to that. Just something to think about. Maybe it's just a matte of sitting her down, and letting her know that you're doing this to feel better, and hopefully live longer. That you love her, and want her to support your journey. Good luck!
  14. Domika03

    Hum.. Chest Discomfort

    Gonna keep an eye on it tonight since it still bugs me, but I am burping so maybe it is/was gas? Let's see how I feelt in the morning.. Thanks guys!
  15. Domika03


    Use a heating pad on your tummies & shoulder pain. It helped me. And boy, I beltched like a sailor those 1st few days
  16. Domika03

    Admitted To Hospital

    Sorry to hear about the band issues but CONGRATS on being pregnant! AWESOME!
  17. Domika03

    Hum.. Chest Discomfort

    I haven't had my 1st fill yet (next week), so it doesn't have anything to do with tightness. I did, however, notice when I got up to walk around earlier, that I was able to burp, and it seems to help. The discomfort is still there, but not as much. Now what the heck is this all about? Grrr.... Thanks for the quick feedback Jim
  18. Hey guys, Am I the only one that can't seem to visualize myself thin? I look at all these wonderful before & after pictures of people, and I just can't see it. I'm not trying to be negative, but I think since I've been over weight most of my adult life (after 26), I just can't see myself thinner. Is that a bad attitude, or do other people feel that way too? I'm currently around 228 pds, and it would be awesome to be under 200...etc.... Anyone else out there feel this way?
  19. Domika03

    Before & After Visual ?

    Hey PattyGirl, We have to believe that it can, and WILL happen. It's just so hard to see it. Gosh, I would love to see a picure of myself, and just feel good about the way I look. I know many of us must struggle with this. but some how, some way, we have to believe it could happen. Otherwise, why would we have gotten banded? I won't give up, but it's tough. I know you can do it too Hey, I see that you say you had air trapped in your band after surgery. How do you now that happened? What did it feel like? I get my first fill, hopefully next week. WE CAN AND WILL DO THIS!!!
  20. Admire your enthusiasm, but Missy is right. Yo uare still heaing. If you're up to it, start with 20-30 minute walks, and see how that feels. Don't start the gym quite yet. I don't think you're supposed to lift any weight more than 15-20pds for like 4-6 weeks, so take your time. Congrats on being banded!
  21. Domika03


    I am happy to report that after 2 weeks of absolutely NO weight lost, I finally went down 2.2. pds. I was honestly getting quite frustrated with myself, and reviewing everything I was eating. Hopefully, it will continue to go down slowly but surely. Ahhh,,, finally a small sign of relief
  22. Domika03

    22- To 18 What A Blessing!!!

    That's AWESOME! I think it's great when people start noticing because it makes your confidence go up, and makes you get fuzzies all over. Good for you!!! I can't wait to get back into my Size 18 (and then less). I'm currently at a size 22 (227.6pds), and have almost 30 pds to lose before I can get back into them. Looking forward to that feeling!
  23. I am happy to report that FINALLY, after 2 weeks of no weight loss, I lost 2.2 pds. Geez, I thought it would never go back down again. And no, I'm soooo not patient As a side note, does anyone else experience constipation? I seem to go every '3' days now, and I'm concerned it should be more often. I take miralax daily, which is a stool softener, but think I should take something else to ensure I "go." Gee, didn't this post go from excitement to .... another topic... LOL
  24. Domika03

    Port Pain

    I was also banded on 8/17, and every once in a while I feel what I would call discomfort, not pain. Sometimes when I bend forwardd I get like a twitch or something, and I wonder if I "broke" something. Like A new dawn said above, if you feel it's really painful, then by all means, call your Dr. It can't hurt to see what he thinks... hang in there
  25. OK, I may be impatient, but I have not lost 'anything' 2 weeks post-op. I'm walking, and am still in the soft food stage, so not sure what is going on. I understand my body is healing, but I'm eating soooo much less, and walking, and yet, nothing! I can't increase my food intake because I was told to eat about an oz of Protein eveyr other hour or so. I'm trying not to get discouraged, but it's hard not to. I don't get my first fill until the 19th of Sept. I got banded Aug 17th. ARGH!

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