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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03

    3Rd Fill Today And Lesson Learned

    MFP - my fitness plan. GREAT website to track what you eat! Very helpful overall!!!
  2. Went for my 3rd fill today, .75cc's as she thought 1 full cc would be too much for me. Sadly, I only lost 1/2 lb in the last 2 weeks. That's the lowest amount since week 8. Quite disssappointed as I was starting to feel better about myself. We discussed what I was doing, and how I was feeling. I don't know about anyone else, but I've been having major gas issues lately, and I'm not referring to my car either She asked if I was eating a lot of protein bars. Well, not a lot, but almost once a day as a meal replacement. I guess those can give you gas because of the sugar alcohol content, I think she said. She also said I should try not to eat more than 2 soft foods a day (like cottage cheese & yogurt). Oh my! I always eat cottage cheese. What else? Oh, I shouldn't be eating more than 15 grams of protein per calorie, and keep the carbs down to 15/20 per meal too. I've been keeping track of my food intake on MFP, but I guess I need to re-think what I eat. On "paper' I think my meals looks OK, but .... Have to incorporate veggies in there too. I know, I know.. but I"m not a big veggie eater. The other thing she mentioned, which is o surprise, is that I need to exercise more. She suggested mixing up, and taking it up a notch. My hubby and I were talking about getting me an exercise bike that I can just keep in the LR, and ride while watching TV. The bike we saw recently was low to the floor. I'm thinking it's supposed to be better for you 'some how' being close to the floor. IDK??? Soooo, I'm going to try to mix things up starting tomorrow, and focus better on everything. I have to go back next Monday for my 3 month check up, and follow up to see how I did this week. I learned something today... and I hope to use my new-found knowledge!!!
  3. I enjoy almond crusted lemon flounder with cottage cheese, or turkey chilli. What's your favorite?
  4. Domika03

    Market Days

    Great job planning ahead. More imortantly, you look GREAT!
  5. How do you guys cook your shrimp & scallops?
  6. How do you guys cook your shrimp & scallops?
  7. What are Special K chips? Not sure I ever heard of it...
  8. I've been experiencing a little port discomfort lately. It feels like a slight pull, and it's not all the time. In addition to that, I've been quite gassy / tummy very bubbly. My port area definitely bothered me Sat night, when we were dancing at a Halloween party, later in the evening. I was actually rubbing it a little. It hurt to dance, but I still kept dancing. Let me say, this has been happening on & off the last few weeks. Does it have anything to do with possibly being bloated (ocassionally constipated)? Has anyone ever dealt with this discomfort?
  9. Domika03

    Port Discomfort

    Great, please add me thanks!
  10. Domika03

    Ya Know What?

    Ya know what? I think I'm starting to feel a little better about myself lately. While I'm very aware that at 5 '3, weighing almost 210 pds is overweight, I've managed to lose just shy of 35 pds in the last 3 months! I notice my clothes are loser, and that I've dropped 1 dress size. Techinically 1 1/2, but that doesn't quite exist, now does it? I actually felt good about myself when I got dressed for work today. I put on my size 20 pants, and they were loose. I tried my size 18, and I'm not quite there yet. Need to lose more stomach weight... LOL... My pants felt loose, and even my shirt was a little big. My co-workers haven't noticed the weight loss, or at least they haven't said anything. My guess is that they don't want to be rude wondering if I have lost any weight. But, I'm hopeful that come mid January, when we host our Dealer Meeting, people (co-workers) will have no choice but to notice that I've lost weight. Yes, I'm hoping for compliments. Looking forward to continuing this journey & looking and feeling better each day!
  11. I know how important it is for bandsters to take their vitamins, supplements, and lots of protein. I take my vitamins daily, but I struggle remembering to take the calcium citrate, and sometimes, meeting my daily protein intake. The calcium citrate I take is chewable, like a star burst type candy. I got it from my Dr's office. The problem is that since I need to take 1000mg, each "candy" is only 500 mg. And, your body can only process 500mg at a shot, so I have to take 2 'candies' at a time. Since I take my other vitamins in the mornning, and they 'suggest' you take these after lunch, I forget. So, I try to remember when I get home & only wind up taking 2, if any at all. Anyway, between that & not always getting enough protein in, I worry a little about my health 5 yrs from now. I tell my husband that I'll finally be thin, but wind up sick with osteo or something else My mom has low bone density, so it gets me thinking. I"m wondering what kind of calcium citrate other people take. Do you take pills, or liquid? Oh gosh, if liquid, I"m sure it tastes nasty. I'm curious...
  12. Domika03

    Vitamins, Supplements, Protein...oh My...

    Thanks for the info. I'm going to need to work harder on this, because I know how important it is. Ill have to see if I can find the calcium citrate in gummy style. My fiber & multi-vitamins are gummy style, and at least enjoyable
  13. Domika03

    Surgery Tomorrow.....

    Congrats. Don't worry, everything will go well! Good luck.
  14. Domika03

    Port Discomfort

    Hey DarkAngel, Just added you on MFP...
  15. Domika03

    Dad's Dr Apt Tomorrow

    Dad's oncologist apt is tomorrow at 10am. I'm a bit nervous because we should find out how much the cancer spread in his lungs. My parents were over my house yesterday, and dad talked to me (on the side) telling me that his lower left side was bothering me. Kidneys maybe? Or, just a strain? No point in guessing as I'll be sure to ask the Dr. For anyone that is reading this, if you read my recent posts, you'll know my 86 yr old awesome dad is in stage 4 of cancer, but has been kicking it's ass for about 20 months now without chemo or pills. I go to all his oncologists apt's because my parents are Castellian (spanish from Spain), and while they have lived in the U.S. over 50 years, they struggle with English sometimes. I'm there to make sure that not a darn thing gets lost in the translation. Oh daddy, if I could just make the pain stay away....
  16. Domika03

    Dad's Dr Apt Tomorrow

    Thanks, it went ok, I suppose. It's a tough time, but we'll just make the best of it. We're going to have a consultation with Hospice & decide if it's something we want to use. Hoping it's something that works out.
  17. Domika03

    Slipped Band

    Bariatric insurance coverage varies from one company to another. But, usually the Dr's office has a billing specialist that's used to working with insurance companies on these types of issues. So, hopefully they'll be able to figure something out for you. The only other option you would have is to ask the Dr's office if they will work with you on payments. I believe as long as you're paying something per month, they can't turn you into collections. Try not to worry to much. Wishing you the best!
  18. Domika03

    Giving In To Temptation

    Jeez, I actually ate like 3 of those mini packs of reeces pieces, and wait, there's more... Yes, MORE. I also ate 3 peanut butter cups. Oh my gosh, what am I doing? I could say that the stress from the "c" word is allowing me to "give in to temptation." We all know what the reality is, don't we? I'm using excuses, and I have to stop. I need to focus, focus, focus. You know, kinda like chew, chew, chew. I need to get myself back on myfitnesspal. I was doing well, and then BAM... Grrr... must stop!
  19. Domika03

    Stress And The "c" Word

    Yes, the "C" word = CANCER! Bare with me as this will be a long post.... My dad was diagnosed with colon & liver cancer back in Feb of 2011. He was given 6 - 9 months to live. He had the large mass from his colon removed the following month after his original diagnosis, and since the cancer had matasticised (spelling?), or should I just say spread, having chemo would have been fruitless. That was "20".... yes, I said "20" months ago. Dad i now 86. Dad keeps himself busy, and his original response to the cancer, was that he had lived 84 yrs at the time, and I guess it's his time. What a frigin great attitude man. Dad is also my mom's caregiver. Even though she complains about him, and fights with him, he adores her & takes great care of her. She's not in the best of health, her memory is really starting to go (84 yrs old) and really isn't able to take care of herself (taking meds, running errands, driving...). Dad makes sure she is taken care of. In addition, he ALWAYS keeps himself busy, ALWAYS! While mom can't walk around a lot, dad enjoys doing projects. Earlier this year, he built my 19 yr old son a desk for college. A homemade desk! At 86! With Stage 4 cancer! We've gotten used to the idea that dad has cancer, but since he's beaten the odds thus far, it's hard to think that one day he will be taken. It was hard, that is, until recently. You see my husband & I were trying to figure out why I've been suddenly struggling with tracking my food intake, getting enough protein every single day, and eating enough overall. What caused this sudden change? Dad went to the Dr 2 weeks ago for a cough he couldn't get rid of. The Dr decided to take an x-ray knowing he had cancer & to make sure everything was OK. It wasn't OK. I'll be damned if the frigin' "C" word spread to his lungs... :-( He has an apt with his oncologist on the 30th, where we'll find out how far it's spread. He's still in good shape & "looks" ok, but you can see he's starting to get a little more tired. He takes pain med every morning for the pain in his stomach area (liver). With that said, I've been pretty stressed out, but not really letting it show. I have a difficult time sleeping soundly at night because I worry about my mom when my dad goes, and my dad having to deal with all the pain & suffering that comes with... with that #$%^&* "C" word. Obviously, it's having a bigger impact on me than I realized. It breaks my heart, and I worry. I'm no longer really focused on myself as much as I should be. I want my dad to go peacefully when his time comes. I want my mom to be ok. I'm not ready for this. I HATE THE "C" WORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Domika03

    Port Discomfort

    I posted this on the forum, but since I'm keeping track of this journey, I want to include my post. I've been experiencing a little port discomfort lately. It feels like a slight pull, and it's not all the time. In addition to that, I've been quite gassy / tummy very bubbly. My port area definitely bothered me Sat night, when we were dancing at a Halloween party, later in the evening. I was actually rubbing it a little. It hurt to dance, but I still kept dancing. This has been happening on & off the last few weeks. It comes & it goes. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with possibly being bloated / ocassionally constipated. So frustrating to have this stupid bloated / constipated feeling. I try to get enough fiber, but since I don't really think I'm getting enough protein, maybe this has something to do with it IDK. I have an appointment with my Dr next Tuesday morning, so I'll mention it & see what they say. Geez, I can feel my tummy gurgling now. All I had for dinner was baked flounder. And, my tummy was gurgling before I even ate that. Grrr..... To boot, I haven't been keeping track of my food intake on myfitnesspal like I was doing. It's not like I'm cheating, but I'm positive I'm not getting enough protein because I get light headed sometimes when I come home from work. Yes, I know, I know... OK, I think I'm done whining.... for now
  21. Domika03

    Will I Ever Learn?

    I'm thinking I'm the only person that, knowing I must eat slooooowly & chew/chew/chew, I manage to still try to inhale my food. In my mind, I'm slowing down, but in reality, apparently I'm not. I swear I'm trying, but not enough! Gosh, it's so frustrating because you know what happens when you eat to fast. Your stomach or esophogus... IDK... rejects it.... And then guess what happens? Apparently, I'm good at having the food come back up. I'm so frustrated with myself. I actually had this happen 2 or 3 times this weekend, seriously. I try to put my fork / spoon down, but I guess I just pick the damn thing back up again too quickly. My husband even reminds me, "slow down Fran." Done venting.... back to eating again. See? I waited to take my next bite until I was done complaining about myself
  22. Domika03

    Stress And The "c" Word

    It's not easy, but gosh my dad is such a trooper. He goes with the flow, and it almost makes us "forget" that he has cancer. It'll be OK, because we'll just continue to be there & provide support. It won't be easy, but we'll make it. In the meantime, I want my dad to see me getting thinner & hopefully healthier. I know he wants what's best for me. Appreciate your kind words!
  23. Well, this is weird. My chest is kinda bugging me. Doesn't feel like gas & I'm not in "pain" persay, but I am uncomfortable. I felt it this morning when I got up, before eating. It just feels.... "heavy." I don't feel sick, but do feel like I need to stretch & stand up or something. I ate today (omelette for Breakfast & Protein drink for lunch) so nothing solid really. I don't feel worse. Gonna watch it, but I'm not sure what it is... Has anyone else had this before?
  24. Domika03

    Hum.. Chest Discomfort

    Just goggled excessive gas. Was the medicine Phazyme?
  25. Domika03

    Port Discomfort

    I'm on MFP too. Our current weight's are close. I'm around 215 / 216 now...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
