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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Hi there! Feel free to add me too: domiks03. I check people's food diary from time to time to get ideas of what other people are eating. Helps me try to new things. keeping track also helps me stay accountable too. Good luck on your journey! You'll find our fellow bansters are always helpful in here! Great support!
  2. I've asked a lot of questions, and tried to offer suggestions or my opinions on several topics. However, in the 3 months since I've been banded, I don't think I've ever fully understood the difference between a PB (productive burp) and a stuck eopisode. I think I've experienced several PB's as I learned (and continue to learn) how to chew, chew. chew while taking small, small bites. They are no fun as you get that aweful feeling in the chest followed by a lovely slime kind of spit up. Yuuuccckkkk!!! Stuck episodes are when we actually throw up? I've had one of those. Am I right????
  3. Domika03

    We Are Family!

    We are family... I got all my sisters with me... We are family.. Get up everybody and sing!!! Oh yea, great post too :-)
  4. Domika03

    Oh My Gosh!! Such Great News!

    Congratulations! We look forward to hearing from you during this journey!
  5. Did you guys ever think you'd be talking to strangers about "productive burps," "saliva / phlem," and throwing up? LOL You gotta admit we have a great bond! Thanks for all the feedback!!!
  6. Domika03

    Apples And Oranges

    Glad I read this so I can keep it in mind!
  7. Domika03

    What Happened To My Turkey Chili?

    Talking about this made me decide to make Turkey Chilli for dinner tonight. YUMMY! No doubt you'll do better next time around
  8. Hum, I "think" I'm FINALLY starting to get the swing of this hole lap-band lifestyle. Whaaat? It's only been 3 months. So, I'm apparently a slooooow learner. This last week has been a real dousy. I received my 3rd fill a week ago today. It was .75 cc's on top of already 8cc fill (from 2 prior fills). This time, this last fill kicked my a$$. I was having a hard time eating & drinking and would get that awesome stuck feeling in the chest, right above the stomach. Oh, so pleasant. Needless to say, I lost 5 pds from last Monday through today, but not the way I want to be. With that said, let me explain why I "think" that I finally got it. While I was eating MUCH less because of my tighness, it helped me really focus on how much I should be eating & how small of bites I needed to take. I had to focus so much on the bite size & length of time it actually took me, that I felt a little alarmed almost. I mean, holy shi*, bite sizes no bigger than an M&M. Another comparison would be to take bite sizes no bigger than your pinky finger nail. People, those are some seriously SMALL bites. So, now that I think I've learned my lesson, I had to get a .25 cc unfill today. This was because I had several stuck & PB episodes. Nurse felt it was best to be a little safer. I know this might sound crazy since it's such a samll amount, but I think it's helped. I'm not feeling like things are going to get stuck when I go to swallow them. Could it be that I'm taking smaller bites & taking longer to eat? Maybe I finally got it ...
  9. You should definitely contact your Dr just to be sure. However, my guess would be that it's gas pain. Don't foget to use the heating pad as it does help, and take Gas-Ex.
  10. Domika03

    Home For About 2 Hours Now!!

    Definitely get some rest. I felt tired a lot the first few days, AND I was burping like a sailor! Quite attractive... LOL Good luck!
  11. Domika03

    What Happened To My Turkey Chili?

    I have a similar recipe but just slightly different. I cook my in the crock pot, and everyone actually loves it! Instead of using black Beans, I've used Northern white beans i the past. I now use Bush's maple cured bacon baked beans, with the diced tomatoes, can of tomato sauce, onions, chili seasoning mix, and cheddar cheese. It cooks all day & is so yummy. Granted I also used "tube" turkey sausage > Honeysuckle White brand. I cooked that up, with onions & spices before putting it in the crock pot with everything else & hours later, it was YUMMY!
  12. Domika03

    First To Sit Down?. Last To Finish

    This will be my first Thanksgiving. Currently, I would not even be able to finish what you ate above. But, I think it's because I might be a little too tight. Aything I eat or drink, gets very uncomfortable very quickly. I cant even drink as much as I should. I feel it right in my chest too. Have a Dr apt tomorrow afternoon, so we'll see. Anyway, I look forward to this Thanskgiving, to be with my entire family, and hopefully... just hopefully, someone will notice that I've lost about 36 pds. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
  13. So, I got a 3rd fill Monday afternoon of .75 on my 14 cc band. Already had 8 cc's filled prior to this. I had 1/2 cup of small strips of beef & brocolli last night & at lunch today. It took me about an hour to eat each time. After a few bites I could feel the pressure in my chest, so I would stop eating. It eventually goes away with PB (productive burps). I know I"m eating slowly & smaller pieces. Do I need an unfill?
  14. I tried to eat 1/2 an omlette with a little bit of hash browns tonight for dinner. Had a tough time with that too. Had PB's almost right away. I'm going to have to really focus & pay attention to my bite size. Maybe I'm really not eating bites the size of my pinky finger nail? Hum, I'm staring at my pinky nail.... I'm not, I'm really not...
  15. Domika03

    Buzz Kill Babe!

    Oh em gee... I was looking at my niece's family album on FB, and Lord & behold, there I was.... I was sitting down, which of course, added even more weight to my already large thunder thighs. I can't say enough how unflattering of a picture it was. I'm talking absolutely terrible. So, anyway, this picture was taken in May 2010 when (apparently) I was at my heaviest. I could easily tell, in my personal opinion, that I look "much" thinner now. At least, 25 - 30 pds. I told my husband about the picture last night & told him I wanted him to see it, so he could see the difference in what I looked like. Oh, wait for it... He looks, and he's studying the picture. I said to him, uh, you're taking way too long to say anything. He's frigin' analizing the picture, and I felt as though he was trying to formulate the words.... He says, I think the picture was taken at a really bad angle. My boobs looked bigger (because I had a breast reduction since 2010), and he could easily point that out. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, he didn't say anything about me looking thinner now. I"m like are you kidding? You can't tell that I look much thinner now than in that picture? He goes, ohhh... I didn't know that's what you were asking me. I thought you were just critisizing yourself in the picture. You know your weight doesn't mean anything to me. Hummmm ... nice try to safe..... Needless to say, it was quite the buzz kill for what might have been a 'fun slumber!' Let's try this again tomorrow babe!
  16. Domika03

    Buzz Kill Babe!

    LOVE your link! Thanks!
  17. Thanks everyone, I'll just eat within that 20-30 minute time frame, and no more. As always, appreciate my fellow bandsters help
  18. Gosh, I don't know why I can't seem to get this straight. I was banded in mid- August. I mean, I'm losing weight but geez. So, what if you don't finish your 1/2 cup of food in those 20 minutes? Do you just stop eating anyway?
  19. Domika03

    Major Question

    I was uncomfortable the first day after the surgery, but lucky enough did not have any pain. Didn't even use my pain meds. I was only going to take 3 days off, but I was sooooo tired, that I wound up taking the following week off. Just make sure to get plenty of rest while you can, and drink plenty of Protein so you have energy. I think you'll be sluggish during the afternoon's, but others were able to do it, I'm sure you will be able to as well. Best of luck!
  20. Domika03

    I?M Allergic To Exercise?.

    Oh my gosh, I've got the same allergy. Who would have known it was such a common ailment? LOL I like the idea of using a bathroom on another floor, but we only have 2 floors right now. In May, our new office building will have 4. Of course, I'll be on the 2nd floor again, but great idea to go up & down the stairs. Keep moving! I like it!
  21. Hi guys, So, I'm eating my 1st veggie burger. It's OK, nothing to write home about. I'm finding it kinda dry & slow to go down. Kinda feeling it kinda/sorta sticking there on top of my tummy. ot sure if it's because of my 3rd fill, or because it really IS dry. The only thing I had at work to add on top of it to make it softer / mushier was a deviled egg. Any suggestions on what else to put on top of this thing? thanks Fran
  22. Domika03

    Veggie Burgers ?

    Thanks for the ideas everyone! Next time, I'll be more prepared. I wound up only eating 1/2 of it.
  23. Domika03

    Veggie Burgers ?

    Black bean burgers, huh? Do they taste good? What do you add to those? I've got a Costco close by so I may give those a whirl...
  24. Domika03

    Emotional Eating

    Honestly, everyone is right. I'm also under a lot of stress, having a dad in stage 4 cancer, and he is the caregiver of my mom, who I think has a touch of dementia or alzherimers. Nonetheless, my point is, as mentioned above, life will always throw us curve balls. Having been banded, we need to decide how to react to that. It might not be easy, but you have to gain control. Post here for support. This group is awesome. Also, track your food on MFP (mitfitnessplan.com). Great way to stay focused & be aware what we're eating. Another option is to see your primary Dr, and see if he/she thinks you might benefit from taking an anti-depressant. You never know, it might just be the thing you need to helo you deal with life's stresses right now. Good luck! And remember, we're all here to support each other! You can do it!

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