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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. I made it to ONEDERLAND this morning! 199.6 puts me there :-) Woohoooooo!!!!

  2. Ok, perhaps I'm being just an itty, bitty over dramatic BUT I'm literally kocking on onederland's door!!! I weighed in at 200.4 this morning. Oh my gosh, I can almost taste onederland's. It's been years since I've been here. I'm so excited. If I stand on my tippy toes I can see 199!!!
  3. Domika03

    Merry Christmas to me

    I decided for the holidays I would buy myself a recumbent bike. I got it today off of Craigslist for $75. They usually go for $100 - $150, used. The guy didn't have the owners manual but I figure I can download it. Looking forward to using it because, other than walking around running "many" errands & going Christmas shopping, I haven't really done much in the way of exercise lately. I've been helping mom & dad run their errands since dad hasn't been feeling well with his sciatic nerve acting up, and mom can't really walk around a lot. Fortunately, I've been lucky enough that I keep losing weight, but I don't want to be saggy. I want to lose weight, feel & look healthy. Anyway, I'm hoping to put it in the LR once we get all our Christmas stuff up tomorrow. Merry Christmas to me. 42 pounds down & counting...
  4. Domika03

    Merry Christmas to me

    I decided for the holidays I would buy myself a recumbent bike. I got it today off of Craigslist for $75. They usually go for $100 - $150, used. The guy didn't have the owners manual but I figure I can download it. Looking forward to using it because, other than walking around running "many" errands & going Christmas shopping, I haven't really done much in the way of exercise lately. I've been helping mom & dad run their errands since dad hasn't been feeling well with his sciatic nerve acting up, and mom can't really walk around a lot. Fortunately, I've been lucky enough that I keep losing weight, but I don't want to be saggy. I want to lose weight, feel & look healthy. Anyway, I'm hoping to put it in the LR once we get all our Christmas stuff up tomorrow. Merry Christmas to me. 42 pounds down & counting...
  5. Domika03


    It's difficult to change your food habits after having them for so long. We didn't become overweight over night. This is a life style change for all of us. It's not easy but hang in there. You'll be banded soon enough & well on your way. Be patient, and keep yourself busy. It'll all work out....
  6. Domika03


    I'm 3 1/2 months post-op and still deal with constipation. I seem to only 'go' every 3 - 4 days, and lately it's only if I take senokot (something like that). I'm going to buy some magnisium citrate & try a tspn or so to see how that helps. I take Fiber pills but think I should add benefiber or miralax to my daily diet Appreciate the feedback everyone offers, even for these embarassing topics we have to talk about.
  7. I'm not looking for replies.... I just feel the need to vent... the need to just let these feelings out... bare with me... Took Dad to the Dr for a checkup. Cancer levels have gone up drastically, he's starting to feel a little dizzy & light-headed every day, and the pain is starting to increase. It's starting to rear it's "fugly" head a little more now. We now have Hospice coming once a week. Don't get me wrong, he still "looks" OK, and seems to be hanging in there, but if you know my dad, that's his nature. He won't really complain, and if he does, you know it's bad. I don't like this. My heart actually kinda hurts right now. Feeling sad, but oh so thankful for having him around...
  8. Domika03

    Sometimes You Just Need To Vent...

    So sorry you're also dealing with this. It's definitely not easy & I think it takes a bigger toll on us than what we even realize. I know it seems to be that way for me anyway. Totally affecting my sleep. Stay strong for your dad & just continue to support & love him as best as you can. God bless
  9. Domika03

    Run Down...

    Been feeling so run down lately. Lots of restless sleep tossing & turning & tossing & turning. Soooo frustrating. My eyes actually wanted to close on my commute to work this morning. I don't think I've EVER had that happen before. I had to literally fight the urge to go to sleep. I don't know if I'm trying to fight something off, or if life's stress is finally starting to take a toll on me physically. What's going on here?
  10. Domika03

    So Much Going On

    Great news on the baby! Measure or weigh your food, and make sure you keep track of your weight. You can do it!!
  11. Domika03

    She Is Always Bragging About It?

    Awesome story!!! CLAPPING LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Apparently when I played around with my notification settings the other day, I totally messed up my settings. Now when I first log in, I don't see the most current posts by people. How do I know how to change it back to the default settings? Anyone?
  13. Congratulations & welcome! I agree with everyone else above: walk around as you can, use the heating pad & gas x for tummy discomfort, sip x 3, and relax. The first few days I found myself to be very tired. Good luck!
  14. Domika03

    How Many Calories Do You Take In A Day

    I eat about 800 - 1000 cal per day, and "try" to get to 65 - 70g of protein a day. I'm getting better at it. I also try to eat 3 -5 times a day, and track my food on MFP. Great tool!
  15. Domika03


    I'm starting to have to deal with unavoidable stress a little bit more each day. Some of you may know that my dad of 86 has Stage 4 cancer. He's still kicking a$$, but we now have Hospice coming to the house to check on him every so often. Nonethelss, my point is that I've not over-eaten to this point thanks to the band. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been banded. However, since things will at some point reach a 'challenging / difficult" time, I wonder how everyone else now deals with stress. What do you do to unwind? For the record, aside from reading & writing on here (or FB), I don't really like to read a lot, so that's out. I find i'm too impatient to read. Go figure....
  16. Domika03


    Ya know what? I really like the music idea. This might sound crazy, but now that I think about it, I've always found music by Pink Floyd to be very soothing & relaxing. I'm going to have to do this.. Thanks! :-)
  17. Domika03


    As I'm sitting here, I'm finding that I'm burping, and I'm NOT eating. I do belch like a sailor often at night, and am unsure why. I'd like to say that it's normal, but I'm not really sure about that. My husband is finally starting to get used to me. I try to cover up when possible, but other times, it's flat out entertaining... LOL
  18. Domika03


    I'm starting to have to deal with unavoidable stress a little bit more each day. Some of you may know that my dad of 86 has Stage 4 cancer. He's still kicking a$$, but we now have Hospice coming to the house to check on him every so often. Nonethelss, my point is that I've not over-eaten to this point thanks to the band. I can only imagine what would have happened had I not been banded. However, since things will at some point reach a 'challenging / difficult" time, I wonder how everyone else now deals with stress. What do you do to unwind? For the record, aside from reading & writing on here (or FB), I don't really like to read a lot, so that's out. I find i'm too impatient to read. Go figure....
  19. Domika03

    A Proud Moment

    Good for you! Mind over matter! Personally, I enjoy egg nog. I will have a little shot glass size of Southern Comfort Vanilla Spice eggnog (no alcohol in it) every once in a while at night. I'm not completely giving it up & a shot satisfies me.
  20. Domika03


    I've read that many people hear lots of noises coming from their tummies at one point or another. I do get the burping & then hic-cuping, but I'm pretty sure that's because I eat too fast and/or don't chew my food enough. Try taking smaller bites, the size of your pinky nail (as long as it's not massive, of course), and chew, chew, chew. Can't tell you enough how many times our lap-band friends have had to remind me of this. I'm a tough learner, I guess I don't know how much you eat, but I believe we shoud not eat more than 1/2 - 1 cup of food at a time. Right now, I'm averaging 1/2 cup per meal. Good luck!
  21. Domika03

    If This Doesn't Motivate...

    I think everyone kinda gets lost at one point or another. I mean, that's how we got here in the first place. The band is a lifestyle change, and we need to make a conscious effort to help use our tool the right way every day. I hear that unfills can easily lead us back to our old ways where we eat more, because we're just hungrier. Keep exercising & just watch what you eat. Hang in there. We're all here to support each other throughout this incredible journey!!
  22. Domika03

    Onederland...so Close...

    It's so close that if I stand on my tippy toes I can just about see it! Currently, I'm at 207. My gosh, I could actually weigh 200 by Christmas OR maybe even before..... I haven't weighed under 200 pounds in a very, very, very long time. I think...no, I'm pretty sure, that I will cry when I get there... Tears of joy!
  23. I had a massive migraine the day after surgery. I tried to stay hydrated as well, but also took a pain pill & it eventually helped. It was the only pain pill I ever took. Get a cold wash cloth & put it over your forehead & stay in a dark room. Feel better !
  24. Domika03

    And My Night Keeps On Getting Better!!

    Very thoughtful! Good luck on your journey!
  25. Domika03

    Needing A Bit Of Encouragement

    Been there, done that, as most of us have. Remember that the first 4 to 6 weeks are for healing, not necessarily weight loss. Your body needs to heal first. We can all relate with that frustrated feeling. The weight didn't all come on in 2 weeks, and so it'll take some time to come off too. One day at a time!

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