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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03

    Oh, the irony...

    Gonna have to try that, thanks!
  2. Domika03

    Oh, the irony...

    Funny, how we hear that we need to eat more. I love it Thanks for the tips. Loving the zucchini chips idea. How long do you cook them in the over for? Like 15-20 minutes at 350? Cantalope, yum!! Appreciate the ideas. Please keep them coming people!!!
  3. Mine is huge! I have a 14 cc band. I think that's the biggest you can get. I've only had 3 fills, and to be honest I can't even remember how many total cc's that was. I go for my 7 month check up (missed the 6 month) this Monday, the 11th, so I guess I'll find out then. How about you?
  4. Domika03

    Troublesome foods

    Banded 8/17/12 Have lost 62 pounds to date I have a big one > It's 14 cc's. I've had 3 fills, can't remember total cc's now Can no longer eat seafood like shrimp & I totally miss that. Can't have bread, but my body doesn't
  5. Domika03

    Gallbladder ?

    Just got the news! Everything looks NORMAL! ? ! ? ! ? So, that's the good news, right? So then, what's the discomfort I've been having? Is it my band somehow? I have my 7 month check up (couldn't make the 6 month check up) on Monday, the 11th. So, I guess I'll see what, if anything they have to say. I might add that yesterday & today I had no pain.
  6. Domika03

    Gallbladder ?

    Oh joy. I've been experiencing some pain on & off for a few weeks now after I eat. It seems to be worse at night. It also includes back pain, but I'm unsure if it's related. I saw my primary Dr this afternoon & he thought we should get an ultrasound to be sure. Of course,it was the end of the day so I had to leave a message for someone to call me back tomorrow. I'm definitely uncomfortable right now. Does anyone have any experience with this?
  7. Domika03

    Gallbladder ?

    I'm waiting for the Scheduling Dept to call me back. They said I can't ear OR drink before getting the ultrasound. I don't mind the not eating. It's the no drinking I don't like... LOL ... I love my water! Anyway, it doesn't look like they can get me in until Friday at 9:30am. Waiting for final confirmation. So, I've been having pain in my upper right side, under my rib cage, with back pain, and definitely gas (in the way of burping, thank God). But, it doesn't usually start until after I've eaten in the afternoon then through the evening. I don't wake up in pain though, so I feel good now. So, if it is my gallbladder, perhaps I'm lucky in that it's not really bad right now. If it's not, I don't know what the heck is wrong. Quite frustrating waiting & not knowing. I am, however, going to see if they can peak at my lapband so I can see what it looks like. Hey, I might as well
  8. Hey everyone, It's been 4+ months since we've all been banded. How's everyone doing? Have you run into any obstacles or made any goals you'd like to share? How much weight have you lost? Well, it's been quite the journey for me:: I've had my share of stuck episodes which were far from pleasant. Learning how to take small, small bites & chew my food until I can chew no more has, and continues to be, quite the challenge. After basically inhaling my food for some 47 years, it's not so easy to slow down. However, if you don't, you're gonna feel it.,,and you're not going to like it. I've learned that I can no longer eat shrimp. I just can't chew them enough to keep them down I've learned that baking instead of frying is an excellent cooking alternative. I've learned to LOVE my crock pot! I now prefer turkey chili over beef chili. I find that pre-planning my food menu for the week helps keep stay focused & keep my family healthy I've learned that tracking my daily food intake on MFP is the best thing I can do for myself I'm impressed with the support & kindness I've found on this website from strangers I try to remember that nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels. I've lost 47 pounds to date & people are FINALLY starting to notice the weight loss I'd love to hear about your journey! Happy New Year! Fran
  9. Domika03

    Failure is not an option...

    I'm not going to give up. I'm not going to let stress get the best of me. I'm done, and I'm moving on... Monday is a new day, a new challenge...
  10. Domika03

    No excuses but...

    Don't be so hard yourself. Unfortunately, stress does play a large role in our problem in over-eating. I can somewhat relate to your story in that my dad is in stage 4 cancer, and my mom has dementia. He is actually her care giver. Go figure. It's hard to stay focused, and while I can give advice better than I can take it, just remember why you did this. Stay focused, Work with your Dr's office and/or nutritionist, track your food daily, and use this web site for motivation to stay focused. There are a lot of great people on here that are big supporters when you need them. You can do this!
  11. Sometimes ya just have to roll with the punches...

  12. Domika03

    Maintenance a walk in the park?

    So very happy for you. Great job!
  13. Domika03


    I'm finding it harder & harder to stay 100% focused these days. I don't have that same "gusto" I used to have. I used to log on almost every day, and track my food daily. I logged my food for almost 105 days in a row... and no, nothing in the last week or so. I feel disappointed in myself, and out of sorts. I go to my parents house almost every single day, check their mail, make sure Dad has his meds filled, do their grocery shopping, then take mom to get her hair done every Saturday. That part makes me smile. I don't mean to complain at all as I"m thankful to have them around. They will be 87 & 85 in a week. I have to admit it's a bit exhausting, and I don't have much in the way of energy left to focus where I need to : ME! I know I talked about this during my last post & I thought I could re-focus, but I'm almost at a lost. It's not that I'm over-eating, but I may as well be because I'm not eating as healthy & therefore just maintaining. I'm not even 'regular' (TMI, sorry). I I know it's my own doing, but I'm having a hard time with things. My dad's health affects my own mood. If he's doing well, I'm doing OK. If he's doing poorly, I get a little sad & don't focus. Why is it so stinkin; easy to go back to old habits? He has so many ups & downs. How do you deal with a parent dying of cancer? My dad's so strong too. The last few days he's been feeling better due to steroids he's on, in addition to all the other meds he's on. He still has energy so he's not bed-ridden. But my God, how do you stay focused with this **** going on? I have my 6 month follow up apt on March 11th (a month late), so I think I will ask for a small fill. Again, I'm not over-eating, and I may have lost 3 or 4 ponds in the last 4-6 weeks, but I'm not eating healthy or even working out. I want my focus back.
  14. What's the name of that website where you can donate clothes & hopefully find gently used clothes in your new size? I have 2 bags of an assortment of size 20 clothing to donate. And, I could sure use some size 18 pants & shirts. I'm in the North Denver area if anyone is interested.
  15. Domika03

    Donating Size 20 clothes / Need size 18

    I just saw your reply, today. Nice.. ;( Good idea. But I have an update. I actually now need size 16 clothes!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!
  16. Domika03


    We have a lot alike. I started out at 245 & am now at 184 I was banded 7 months ago. I've been playing around with this weight for about a month & it does get frustrating. But, if you think about it, you've lost almost 55 pounds! Whoa! That's actually a lot. I'm sure you can see & feel it in your clothes. Remember where you started at, and how you felt. Look at you now! It's a journey so if it takes a little longer than your original goal, who cares. The point is to keep trying and just take one day at a time. You'll get there! :-)
  17. Domika03


    Good for you! My hubby suggested a cancer 5K walk. I think that would be great!
  18. Domika03

    had a fill

    You're right... 50% body fat lost doesn't suck, LOL.. Congrats!!
  19. One of the many definitions of focus: to concentrate attention or effort. Focus, something that LB patients need to have in order to be successful. It's simple. You need to be focused on whatever your personal goal is in order to be successful. Focus, something I've been having trouble with lately. I know we all stray or struggle from time to time, but this time it's different. I've lost 58 pounds in 6 months, and for that, I am so very thankful. I currently weigh 186, and am hoping to one day get down to 150 - 160pds. The problem is that I'm not focusing on eating enough protein, or even eating enough of the right foods anymore. How do I focus on myself while my dad struggles in Stage 4 colon cancer. It spread to his lungs back in late November. At the prime age of 86, he was originally diagnosed 2 years ago with a prognosis of living 6 to 9 months. Yup, he's exceeded everyone's expectations. Now that the cancer has spread to his lungs, I see how its trying to take over. He gets out of breath now when he walks a short distance. He gets a cough he can't quite get rid of. In the last week, he's been getting angina, so they have him taking baby aspirin & may prescribe nitroglycerin. The reason for his sheer Will to live is because of my mom, his spouse, his friend, for over 60 years. You see, dad is mom's primary care-taker. My mom suffers from dementia & cant take her own meds. She can't walk around too far, or do stairs. When dad passes, what happens to mom. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'd have her live with me, except that all my bedrooms are upstairs, stairs she can't climb. Having someone move in with her to help watch her would cost a small fortune. Putting her in a nursing home is not an option, as she's always told us she never wanted that. So, I won't. I'm even trying to see if I can do a small addition to my home on my main level. I haven't pursued it yet, but it would allow her to live in my home. She wouldn't be alone. The last few days I've been getting tension headaches. I don't even know what to take since all we (LB patients) should take is acetaminophen. I found Excedrin acetaminophen today at the store, so may give that a try. I'm even having a tough time focusing at work now. Wouldn't you know it, performance reviews are in full swing now too. Yes, my boss knows, but I don't find her very empathetic. As you see, I digress. My focus isn't where it needs to be. I'm writing this, I suppose, to vent, to share my story, maybe even to see if others out there are also going through such difficult times & find out how you are handling it. I know I need to stay healthy moreso now, than ever, because I need to be there for both my parents. I'm at their house almost every day. I do their grocery shopping, I get their mail, I take mom to her weekly hair appointment, etc... I feel like it's just not enough. My focus is on my parents right now, but I need it on myself right now too. How do you do it guys?
  20. Domika03

    Focus.. it's such a lonely word...

    God bless her Arlene Happy Valentine's Day!
  21. Domika03

    Focus.. it's such a lonely word...

    We just had Hospice over their house & we had to talk about some very uncomfortable things; such as when dad can't take care of himself. Who will? Fortunately, our Hospice team is wonderful. I just can't say enough about the nurses. They're going to arrange it so that dad has nurses check in on him twice a week AND have ...oh, what did they call them, like a nurses aid or something, stop by twice a week (for now) so that they can cook, do laundry, help him with baths, etc... I told them, I can help with that too. But they said, we know you can, but wouldn't it be nice to have help? Gosh, I almost cried, just because of the over-whelming feeling I had inside. Oh, I kept it together. Can't let mom & dad know that I'm stressed out. That doesn't help. It's a struggle for sure. Your parents are the most amazing people & to see them go down hill is just heart-breaking. You want to do what's right & be there, just like you do for your kids. I swear life is a full circle! I do need to take care of myself, because I need to be there for them. I know the next few months, or year, will be quite challenging. Heck, I just made myself a protein drink with ... Pure Protein (30 grms), 2 scoops of protein powder (15 grms), 1 scoop flaxseed, cinnamon, greek yogurt (12 grms), and a banana. Quite tasty actually. Of course, I can't drink the whole thing at once, but that gives like 57 grms of protein for the day right there! Thanks for listening & commenting guys. It means a lot to have some feedback... xoxoxo
  22. Domika03

    Would i know if I slipped?

    I agree with everyone that it's probably too early to be a slip. You are still healing & need to take very, very small bites AND eat very slowly. You're going to have to get used to this new way of eating & it takes some time. Trust me, I've been there.
  23. Domika03

    So now I'm gonna be rude

    I agree, great post. More importantly, love that you teach about nutrition classes. Good for you!
  24. Domika03


    I would call your surgeon's office & just ask. I don't think it should after a week, but you never know. Better safe than sorry. I never had that. Good luck
  25. Love losing weight, but now I need to buy more clothes..again...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
