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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03

    Surviving when life sucks

    I am so very sorry for your loss! Lifting you up in prayer. And you're right, you will be OK, in time. Allow yourself to grieve, but do reach out to those that can support you & just listen. Please take care of yourself. Your husband would have wanted that. <<<HUGS>>>
  2. Domika03

    Please please help!

    Please contact your Dr's office. Any advice we could give you is just speculation. Your health is more important than anything. Hoping you feel better really soon! Take care!
  3. Tough topic to address, but my brother has voiced something similar. My dad passed away at 87 this past May from colon cancer that spread to his lungs. He was quite the tough cookie & pretty much "healthy" up until the very end. Dad used to take care of mom (take her to Dr appointments all the time (even if she didn't need to go), made her take her meds, etc..). Mom is 85 & has dementia. She recognizes everyone but is just very forgetful & is constantly losing stuff. She doesn't cook, feels she can live on coffee & cookies, or Ensure. She's quite frail but can still get around the house (albeit very slowly). She lives alone now but has a home health care aide that stays with her 5 days a week, 4 hours a day. Her helper is amazing & we adore her. I also help take care of mom. Stop by almost daily, do her shopping & sometimes even cook. I think I'm the only way that can "make" her eat, though very minimally. After almost 60 years of marriage, mom misses dad terribly (as do we) & doesn't feel like going on some times. She barely eats, only if "I" make something & make her eat. She doesn't want to move into a home either. She barely wants to go outside of the house, so she just exists in the home, waling around day in / day out moving things around over & over again to the point that we are constantly looking for things for her. My brother & I promised her (and dad) that we would keep her in her home as long as possible because she felt strongly, and quite frankly, they (government) just take all her money & all proceeds from the sale of her home to take care of her. We find that very frustrating because she loses everything. I digress. My brother feels she is miserable & doesn't want to go on so why should she? It's a very personal, very difficult topic. Why can't we all pass peacefully at, let's say, 90? A good age, hopefully well-lived, and well-loved.
  4. Domika03

    Back to Work & tired

    I have to start this message by saying that I consider myself fortunate enough to be able to work from home, when I need to. I have an "office-type" job, and can do my job remote. I still take my shower in the morning & get dressed. The only difference, I'm in a pair of sweats, t-shirt & robe With that said, I took last week off to recover & figured that I'd be able to work FT this week,even if it's from home. Well, by 2pm, I'm exhausted. I start at 7am & try to hang in there but I get tired of sitting there in front of the computer, for hours & hours. I get up several times, but it's just quite tiring. Told my manager that I would work 7am - 2pm the rest of the week, more (if possible). Thankfully, as annoying as she is in other ways, she seemed supportive & understanding. For that I am thankful. I've read that some people take 2 full weeks off, while others go back to work right away. For those that go back right away, KUDOS to you! I'm just too tired to do it. Thank goodness tomorrow is hump day
  5. I'm looking forward to my 1st bariatric support group meeting tomorrow near my local Kaiser facility. It's the 1st one in that location so it'll be a first for everyone involved. I imagine there will be a combination of band / sleeve / bypass patients, and I'm curious about everyone's diet & recovery. Should be interesting! Look forward to posting about what I learned, tomorrow night.
  6. Domika03

    Ate chicken noodle at 3 weeks

    I guess it depends on how much you ate. Also, was it from a can or homemade? Homemade would probably have a better nutritional value. I'd say as long as you didn't have a lot, and it didn't hurt, it might be OK. But, I'm no Dr & just learning the ropes with the sleeve myself (day 12 post op). Enjoy & just be careful!
  7. Domika03

    Complete Stop at losing

    It sounds as though you already know what you're doing wrong, as far as food intake. You've got the right idea about working out, but without eating the right goods, you're not helping yourself. We're limited on what we can eat, and its up to us to eat things that are more nutritional. I'm only in week 2 post op from the sleeve but I was a bandster & am familiar with eating the right foods, etc... I also think taking Vitamins are important because of the limitations of our food intake. We need to make sure we're still getting all the right nutrients & the vitamins help. I'm betting you can do this. You're already working out, just need to focus on what you eat. Re focus & stay positive!
  8. Don't feel bad about lying about your weight. I'm pretty sure we've all done that in some way or another, at some time or another. You're making strides to change your lifestyle & get healthier. That's what counts Best of luck on your journey!
  9. Hi I felt a little naseuous this morning, slight tummy ache, but I think it was a need to 'go.' I took 30 ml of MoM earlier this morning & it helped. I ate Breakfast (about 3 1/2 tablespoons of cream of wheat w/ 1 tablespoon of unflavored Protein powder) about 3 hours ago. No issues there. I'm drinking my fluids & my stomach has been gurgling like crazy the last 1/2 hour. Am i hungry or is it telling me something else? Does your stomach still gurgle? What does it mean? Good thing I'm working from home. Otherwise, my co-workers would think my stomach was attacking! Feedback? Thank you!!! PS - 12 days post-op
  10. Domika03

    Gurgling stomach normal?

    Thanks everyone for the feedback. Glad this "stomach talk" is normal
  11. Domika03

    Side ache

    Does anyone else still have side aches from a revision from the band to sleeve? I'm 10 days out & still feel it once in a while. I'm also so stinkin tired. Not really getting protein & certainly having a tough time getting enough fluids in. Should be 32 oz at this point & I'm barely getting 20oz.. Is anyone else going through this? Anyone?
  12. Domika03

    Protein bars

    I'm 11 days post op & had my first 1/2 Protein Bar today. I don't want to have more than 1 per day until my tummy is a little more settled. One step at a time. I notice everyone's food menu can be quite different from Week 1 to Week 6...
  13. I'm 11 days post op, in week 2. I'm eating the following: Breakfast: 3 tablespoons cream of wheat w/ 1 teaspoon of SF rasberry jam (no seeds) Breakfast snack: 3 tablespoons cream of mushroom Soup w/ 1 tablespoon of melted shredded cheese (and 1 scoop of Protein powder) Lunch: 1/2 Pure protein High Protein Bar lunch snack: Going to eat 3 tablespoons mashed potatoes w/ 1 tablespoon of homemade tomato sauce I'm using for the family's spaghetti & meatball dinner tonight Dinner: Working on that / probably cream of broccoli soup w/ 1 scoop of Protein powder What do you guys have? What about fluids? What do you guys drink to keep those fluids up? I know we can't / shouldn't eat & drink at the same time, so what keeps you filled up & meeting your daily intake? I'm expected to have 32 oz of Fluid for now. Not quite there yet, unless you count my little 'liquid' meals
  14. Domika03

    Protein bars

    I like Pure Protein. I just ate 1/2 bar for my lunch time snack. 1/2 = 100 calories, 10g protein and 1g sugar. They have a large variety of flavors to chose from too.
  15. Domika03

    after surgery

    There's a common theme here & everyone is right. I started walking 2 hours after surgery & every so often while in the hospital. Then, all over my house. It definitely helped. It does eventually go away!
  16. Oh my gosh, I licked 3 Doritos & I liked it!!! No, I didn't eat them, just licked them. I was desperate for some flavor. Old habits die hard! I might add, the dogs loved the Dorito chips
  17. Does anyone else still have side aches from a revision from the band to sleeve? I'm 10 days out & still feel it once in a while. I'm also so stinkin tired. Not really getting Protein & certainly having a tough time getting enough fluids in. Should be 32 oz at this point & I'm barely getting 20oz.. Is anyone else going through this? Anyone?
  18. Domika03

    Road trip

    I'm 9 days post op now. I went to the mountains today to see the snow sculptures in Breckenridge, CO. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive & we stayed there for about 2 1/2 hours. Pretty much walked around most of the day. Stopped at a Mexican restaurant since the other 4 people I was with had to eat. It was a little awkward in the sense that I was the only one that didn't wind up eating anything. I didn't even see a soup I could have, or mashed potatoes. DOH! Oh well, I had a few sips of water while everyone else ate. Overall, I was OK with it. I have to say by the end of the day, I was definitely feeling sore. My left side & back were bothering me. Thinking it might have been a bit too much less than 2 weeks post op. I took a few things to eat with me, in these cute little containers, that held 3-4 tablespoons of food. I tried to stay hydrated on the drive up & back but don't think I came close. I'm having a hard time drinking enough fluids & think it's affecting my ability to... well, to "go." It's been 6 days since I last went. Yes, I said 6 days. I took Milk of Magnesia last night with no results today, so I just took a little more. Also took a colace stool softner. I'm really praying something will happen tomorrow. Otherwise, IDK.... this can't be good.
  19. I'm 10 days out & am having a really hard time getting all my daily fluids in. It's quite the struggle.
  20. Since I was originally banded, I had lost quite a bit of weight before needing a revision due to a partially slipped band. I can wear a size 12 pants comfortably around my waist, but they're big everywhere else. Mind you, I have that lovely flab that hangs over my 3 c-section scars & that won't go away unless I have cosmetic surgery (which I won't do). It's quite unattractive & that alone prevents me from going down a size. I digress. While I've noticed that my stomach isn't "as" bloated as it originally was, I can still still it's swollen. I was just wondering when this swelling might go down? Also, if you had surgical glue, how long before that fell off on its own?
  21. OK, so how do I know what my blogger "address" is? My topics are always listed under MissionSlimpossible, if that helps>
  22. I waited 4 days & was not on pain meds. Surgery was on a Thursday & I drove on a Monday. I did have a small laptop pillow on my lap between the seatbelt & my tummy... The only concern about driving, besides not being on pain meds, is turning the wheel to the right or left. Sometimes that gets a bit sore, not bad, just a little sore.
  23. ...and brag you should! Congrats!!!
  24. I'd like to thank everyone for their honest input on such a "tough" topic. This is helpful to me as well as I last went on Monday, and today is Friday, I've been adding benefiber to my drinks, but don't think I'm drinking enough. I'm only 8 days post op. I am now going to add colace. Sounds likes its OK to take colace everyday. Thanks everyone!
  25. I read that I can try 4 oz of Slim Fast Low Carb shakes during this stage. This, along with 3 tablespoons of things like cream of wheat, Greek yogurt, mashed potatoes, cream of mushroom soup.... What is or did you have during your 2nd week?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
