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Posts posted by amykins

  1. I haven't told anyone but a close friend and my hairdresser. It's been hard cause everyone asks what I'm doing but I just feel it's my business. My team at work is doing WW so they don't think it's too odd. We had lunch together yesterday and I had Soup while they ate their salads. My family doesn't even know. I know I have a weapon in my fight against obesity but I don't think it's anyones business that I'm sleeved.

  2. I tried it and it it was gross! I mixed it exactly as they suggested on the Isopure site and there was a film on top of the Jello. I tried to scrape off the film and eat it but just couldn't eat more than a couple of bites. I was only about a week out and it was black cherry which I used to like so maybe it was changing taste buds. I never tried to make it again but if I did I would use half the amount of Protein as they suggested.

  3. I'm almost out of the Pantazol grains I was given in Mexico and looking for an OTC brand I can take until I can meet with my PCP in two weeks. My surgeon suggests Prilosec but the box says it could take 14 days to work and then you can only take it for four courses a year. Is that the same for sleevers? Has it worked faster for you? Is there any other PPI that works for you? Thanks!

  4. I had a roller bag and asked people to put it in the overhead bin since I couldn't lift and they were happy to help. Even through the security the guy in front of me put it on and took it off the belt. I put a stuffed animal between my stomach and the belt and had no problems with take-off and landing. I only had the one bag so I wanted to keep my passport and ipad with me.

    I flew southwest so I checked in online early so I had earlier boarding, Pulling the bag through the airport was a little tiring and I had to sit down a couple of times to rest, but I probably would have had to rest regardless.

  5. Hmm, the only think I really and truly miss is Mountain Dew. I don't drink coffee and it was my morning wake-up fix. One 20-oz bottle would last me 3 days. But I know it would do serious damage to my tummy. Anything else I can think of can wait till I'm at goal.

  6. My ex used to wear underarmor compression shirts and compression jockey-shorts. He went from 450+ to 180 and even with a Tummy Tuck he had loose skin. He bought them at sporting goods stores like Big 5 and I think Target has a C9 brand. They looked really good under regular clothes and you couldn't even tell he had them on.

  7. I work at the MGM (Grand Garden Arena) and keep bottled Water with crystal light in a couple places and take a swig every chance I get. There are times when i don't get as much but I have learned to make myself a priority and say "I have to get a drink" walk over, take a sip, and get back to it. I still know those days I'm shorting myself, but I can't think of any other ideas. Can you put a small bottle in your jacket? How about a camel pack? :)

  8. To this day I have only told my BFF, my boss, and my hairstylist. And you all of course! I didn't tell before because I didn't want any negative feedback. I don't tell now because it's my body, my business. Honestly, most people are so absorbed in their own little worlds that they don't even pay attention. I may tell those who really need to lose weight and ask, but it will be on a case-by-case basis. I think about telling my son. He's 24 and could probably handle it, but I don't want to put him in a position of keeping my secret.

  9. I purposely planned mine for the Labor Day weekend so that when I took a long weekend no one thought anything of it. I'm kind of a baby but since I had no pain I was back at work 4 days after surgery. Surgery was Friday, was back at work Wednesday. I'm in marketing so not much physical work, just driving and walking. I did go home home at lunch for the first couple of weeks to lay on the couch and rest. Never in pain, just some days I was really drained. I told my boss when I got back, but haven't told any co-workers. They are kind of gossipy and I'm sorry to say that many of the higher-ups have weight problems. I've seen some vindictiveness and I don't want to come under the radar. My boss agreed with me. Actually, it was his suggestion that I not share. He knows them better than me.

    I have only told my boss, my BFF, and my hairdresser. My highest weight was 199, my surgery weight was 193. I know I will lose slower so it won't be so surprising. Besides they've seen me lose & gain weight so many times over the years that it probably won't even register for a while. I didn't tell my parents because they have weight issues and my mom would have turned it into a dig against her. That's a whole other post. :( My dad would have freaked about Mexico. So since I didn't want any negativity from anyone, I just kept my mouth shut. I'm sure I'll tell them eventually. But when I'm ready. Not a minute before. My body, my business.

  10. My surgeon repaired mine at the same time and I didn't even know I had it. He actually expected it, it's so common. Of the three of is having surgery that day, two had hernias and neither of us knew. The only difference in recovery is that we had to have 15 days of clears instead of the usual 10. I don't think there was any other difference. Course I have nothing to compare it to, but my recovery was fine. I was back to work 4 days after surgery.

  11. Hi, if you look at the pinned topic about preparing with Dr Aceves, there is lots of great info for pre-and post-op, no matter who your surgeon is. Just bring as little as possible in a rolling suitcase as you can't lift for a while afterward and you want to push/pull as little as possible through the airport. I recommend a loose dress as I was pretty swollen afterward and the sundress I wore had room to breathe. Flip flops and sandals so you don't have to bend over to put them on. I was grateful for my heating pad after surgery as it helped decrease the gas I had in my chest. Also my bra was pretty tight after surgery. I couldn't even it wear it for a few days afterward. I wish I had brought one in a larger band size so I could have worn it for my laps around the hospital.

  12. I have to respond to people who think you should tell everyone. I did not take "weeks off of work" - I took 4 days off. Not too unusual. I have lost some weight but because I am not that heavy to begin with my weight loss is not "shocking" nor is it that noticeable. Only one person has mentioned it - but she didn't even ask me how I lost weight, just that my face looks thinner.

    I am not ready to share with the world how I am managing my medical condition - and I probably never will. I have not misinformed anyone but to be honest, no one has asked me anything.

    I am sensitive, always have been. The comment of taking the easy way out would have ruined my week. It is a nice thought not to let others get you down but that doesn't work for everyone.

    I am sorry your co-worker hurt your feelings. Just stay on task and keep working toward your goal.

    I had my surgery over Labor Day weekend so I only ended up taking 2 days off work: Thursday before surgery to fly to Mexico & Tuesday afterward. I have less to lose than some, 70-80, but my issues are very real to me. I have struggled for more than 10 years to lose weight and not gain it right back plus 10# every time. I don't feel this was easy at all. The decision to do this was one of the hardest I've ever made, although I have no regrets I don't plan on telling anyone about my personal decision. However, I chose to add this weapon to my arsenol and I refuse to let anyone tell me that wls is easy or disparage anyone who chooses it. I just refuse to listen to anyone who belittles anyone else, whether its about weight ot looks or whatever. It's just not cool. Keep your head up! She obviously has issues of her own, bless her heart!

  13. I received the news yesterday that my DH's employer does not offer bariatric coverage. Needless to say I was devastated.

    In another forum that I was browsing, I started hearing about Mexico and someone mentioned this forum. I've been reading some of the posts and am now intrigued. I have some questions that right off the bat, I couldn't find answers for - and am hoping ya'll can help!

    Hi I had surgery with Dr Aceves on 8/31. Here's my experience:

    1. What is needed in the way of referrals, PCP documentation, or pre-op diets (outside of liquid in the weeks prior)? Anything? My coordinator emailed me a healthquestionnaire that I completed online and emailed back. My BMI was less than 40 so I did not have apre-op diet, but I did use the time to wean myself off sugar and caffeine. If i had been over 40 BMI I would have had a liquid diet for 2 weeks to shrink my liver.

    2. When the price is quoted as all inclusive, has anyone experienced any "oops" charges? Or expenses that you weren't prepared for? So all inclusive is surgery, hospitalization, physician fees, hotel after surgery? What about before surgery? Did you go straight from the airport to the hospital? I had no extra charges. Hernia repair was included and Dr Aveves repaired the hernia I didn't even know I had. Everything was included. Pre-op night in a beautiful hotel, surgery and three nights in the hospital afterward. I went to the hospital from the airport for pre-op tests and to meet his assistant, Dr Campos and some of the staff. I then was taken to the hotel and picked up the next morning to go for surgery.

    3. How long were you there post-op? I was in the hosptal three nights post-op. Surgery was Friday and I went home Monday morning.

    4. How is follow up care managed? I have an aftercare coordinator through Dr Aceves I can call or email with any post-op concerns. My PCP is taking care of me for my scripts and everything else though.

    5. What about support? The doctor I had chosen state side has a support group for his patients (I have a friend checking to see if it's open to outside folks for me next week!), but if that wasn't an option for you, did you get active anywhere else with support or just through VST? I am lucky enought to have this site as well as a great August Sleevers support group on FB that was created with vst members. 24/7 support and encouragement!

    6. How was the language barrier in your experience? I may be traveling alone - and am a social creature - I need interaction - and this is probably, off the bat one of my biggest fears. I was given a list of common questions and answers. The staff had basic English skills and if not, we had fun trying to understand each other :) Plus there were everal other Americans n my wing in various stages of recovery so there was always someone to talk to. I flew alone, but was never lonely. I was lucky that Frza had the same surgery date so I had her and her father for company the whole time.

    7. Flying is also scaring me. I used to love it - but hate it now (one bad flight to Salt Lake City) - and am always fearful I'm going to get to the airport and they're going to make me buy another seat. I would be mortified. But, beyond that - how was the flight home? I'm east coast (VA) so it would NOT be a short flight at all.The flight for me was fine. I did bring a stuffed animal (my Paddington from childhood) to put between my stomach and the seatbelt and the bumping was minimal.

    8. Medication - did anyone having trouble filling scrips in the states from a mexican physician (I really just don't know how that works - I would assume it's ok but not confident enough not to ask). For those insured, but not covered for WLS, did insurance cover the scrips? I had enough meds for the first month (pain reliever & PPI) but my PCP will write new ones if I need them. I expect to only need a PPI for the acid. I haven't used pain meds except for a headache since surgery. Dr Aceves uses a morphine shot which controls the pain for 24 hours so I never had any pain.

    9. Is there anyone who used their own hotel or lodging? My family has quite a bit of time share in Mexico, all throughout Mexico. I'm curious as to whether or not there's a discount or if they would take the lodging part off my bill if I can provide my own lodging at a condo? Hotel was included so I don;t know about this one.

    10. Is there anywhere that I would want to avoid (considering I may be traveling solo) for safety reasons? It was extremely hot outside and I really didn't feel up to exploring anywhere after surgery. the furthest I went was across the street to the pharmacy to get more of the Pantazol (Nexium) and the Supradol (dissolving pain killers) for just-in-case. Still haven't used the Supradol but I'm glad I got the Pantazol as I had a bit of acid issues and the Pantazol is dissolvable. Frza's father and another patients husband walked around to different restaraunts in the area and a nearby mall.

    Hope this helps and you feel a little better a.bout your decision I had a fantastic experience and I would recommend Dr Aceves and his staff to anyone. I went alone and it was a VIP experience. I never felt alone or scared that I made the wrong choice.

    THANK YOU!!!!!

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