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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    zenoosh reacted to ann48 in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    Day after surgery and I am home! Surgery was yesterday at 11:30am, everything went smoothly even though I had some scar tissue left from my band that was removed in August. Recovery was smooth, no nausea or vomitting. I got up to my room and was allowed ice chips. I was given pain medication when needed. I do have a drain that will be taken out at my one week post op appt. I am a little sore, but I think I "walked" out all the gas because my left shoulder doesn't hurt as much as it did yesterday. Today they brought me chicken broth, about 4 oz and I ate all of it...jello and applejuice. Couldn't eat the Jello after having the all the broth.
    All in all, I can say that so far it hasn't been that bad.
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    zenoosh reacted to NDN_RN in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    Twas the night beforr sleeving and all through the house mama was cleaning, doing laundry. Picking out 3 outfits for each of the three girls for school, 12 Snacks packed for 4 kids for 3 days, shaving her legs, plucking her brow, oh and I chopped off all my hair. What else? What else? Oh I have to pack a bag. Never got new pjs. Oh well. Worked 8 hours today. Who had time??
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    zenoosh reacted to chelbroyer in Mexico Octosleevers! Add Your Name, Date And Surgeon!   
    I'm scheduled October 15th with Dr. Garcia in TJ at Mihospital/ Marriott!!
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    zenoosh reacted to Livinglifeout in Holy Hell?! Why Does It Cost So Much?!   
    How you get billed for blood work depends on what your physician writes for the reason. Work with your physician on this:). Good luck .
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    zenoosh reacted to twoplusone227 in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    I'm alive! Though very sore and completely doped up, I made it through. More to come. Hope all of my fellow 1sters are coming along nicely.
    God bless!
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    zenoosh reacted to buttahfly in October Sleevers?   
    October 19th! I am excited, nervous & scared.
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    zenoosh reacted to chelbroyer in October Sleevers?   
    I am having mine done by Dr. Garcia October 15!! I will let you know how it goes! So excited!
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    zenoosh got a reaction from Malisima69 in Cardiologist Requested A Stress Test... Uuuggghhh! Anyone Been Slowed Down By Extra Appointments At The Last Minute?!   
    I do stress testing for a living...you are going to rock it. Its not even about getting to 100% of your target HR. They want to see that EKG, and of course, if you have any pain, pressure, or tightness in the chest area. Standard testing for anyone having surgery with family history or co-morbidities. I think everyone should have them pre-op...certainly would save lives!! Good luck...
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    zenoosh reacted to SleeveandRNYchica in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    I can say I am in more discomfort today than yesterday. I think in is because I was so drugged up. It is discomfort a nagging discomfort. I will be able to drink after leak test this morning. Whatever u do Do Not Forget Your Chapstick!!!!! That is the one thing I have used almost every hour. I am no hungry lol! It is a damn shame gotta get my stomach cut out not to feel that! Hope it continues. Thanks again and Good luck to the 10/2 Sleevers!!!
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    zenoosh reacted to sleevediva in Post Op Day 11 Bleeding From Incision...help!   
    Zenoosh - yep its Jem...because I'm truly outrageous!
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    zenoosh reacted to SleeveandRNYchica in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    I am up out if bed sitting in chair in room. Ready to walk but shifts just changed. I was able to urinate no problem at all. Pain is minimal more like discomfort. I have no had a drink and boy am I thirsty. I have leak test tomorrow.
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    zenoosh reacted to Banned member in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    I have to arrive at the hospital at 830a tomorrow. At least I will be able to send my kids off to school before I leave. I drank the magnesium about 3hrs ago and I've been shatting my brains out ever since. Gosh I pray that I will be able to sleep tonight and I haven't been able to trust a fart since drinking the magnesium :/
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    zenoosh reacted to lilly's journey in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    October sleevers for those one the first week best of luck. I will have all of you in my thoughts. I wish all of you a speedy recovery.
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    zenoosh reacted to SkinnyMinnie2Be in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    Totally random and off topic, but I can't get over how strong and long my nails have become since getting off junk food and adding Biotin. I'm going to paint them today even tho I will have to remove the nail polish Tuesday morning when I go to hospital
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    zenoosh reacted to O.T.R. sleever in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I respectfully disagree. Yes, it is possible for anyone anywhere to have complications, but most reputable surgeons in Mexico go the extra mile to reduce the probability of complications. For example, over sewing The staple line is a redundancy that is not common practice in most American practices. Multiple leak tests over multiple days is another. Patients of Mexican surgeons will likely not have the same follow p treatment nor easy access to their surgeon once they go home, so extra precautions are taken to ensure the possibility of complications arising are minimized. Also the the short term care that you receive in Mexico is far superior to that provided here in the United States.
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    zenoosh reacted to @DomLorenVSG in Is It My Imagination That The Mexico Sleevers Seem To Have Less Complications?   
    I might add, that I'm seriously considering having anymore serious surgies (i.e plastics or dental) in mexico. I'm totally sold.
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    zenoosh reacted to TamaraS in Shocked By Sleeve Experience!   
    I had the worst anxiety about getting the sleeve. I have always been nervous by nature and the last three months I spent in a complete state of stress and worry. I just got home from the hospital an hour ago and I feel great! My surgery was on the 27th and they kept me for two nights. Ill admit the first few hours out of surgery were the worst but still tolerable. I was up walking around 2 hours later. It was actually funny because I was walking so much my nurse had to ask me to go back to the room and rest lol! The first few things I tried to swallow hurt but i adjusted when I took smaller sips. I dont know if its a good or bad thing but today I found myself taking regualr drinks of Water with no pain. I really wanted to post this because I was so worried about the pain and problems that can come along with this procedure. Reading others experiences gave me hope I really thought I would have a much harder time than I did!
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    zenoosh reacted to AStephenson in Help! Mexico Questions!   
    Hi there...I've been researching vertical sleeve since beginning of Aug and here's what I've learned so far........
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    zenoosh reacted to this.time.its.4.me in Mexico Octosleevers! Add Your Name, Date And Surgeon!   
    October 25 .....Dr.Lopez..... I use a lighter me with Janese. I will be flying in on the 24th and leaving for home the 29 I will also be staying at the Marriott Hotel. I will be traveling alone from Southern Illinois. Can't wait finishing getting my last things done I want to do. Everyday the countdown on my phone goes down another day I get more excited.
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    zenoosh reacted to Sherri297 in Mexico Octosleevers! Add Your Name, Date And Surgeon!   
    Hi there, October 8th with Dr. Lopez in TJ at Mi hospital, So excited, I'm ready to start my healthier life. Thank you to all this post here.
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    zenoosh got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Not What I Expected   
    Omg, I am so sorry to hear about your terrifying experience. I'm hoping you are on the mend...When did you know something was wrong? (Im also a healthcare professional, and sxd for surgery in MX...different surgeon.) Leaks are rare, but they do happen, and I want to know what the warning signs are, if any? Do you know if there's any way this could've been prevented, or is it just (like u said before) bad luck? From a clinical standpoint, I've been researching leaks, causes, effects, treatment, etc...
    I dont pray, but I am sending positive vibes in your direction. I hope your recovery is swift, and FULL! Hoping you can rock that sleeve with no further complications, and I wish you health and happiness
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    zenoosh reacted to brandy79 in October Sleevers! Announce Yourselves   
    I don't know why but I feel guilty. On my pre-op diet I am allowed 1 serving of lean meat and green veggies for dinner only. Well after a week I really needed (wanted) something filling. So I thought it out and sauteed some lean ground turkey, jalepenos, green pepper and green onion and some taco seasoning. I wrapped in lettuce and it was really good. I don't think I actually cheated but I feel like I did.
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    zenoosh reacted to Butterthebean in Missing Person?   
    I call B.S.

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