What could this be?? I've been having stomach pain for about a year, have seen my regular doctor who referred me to a GI doctor. Had a endoscopy that found I had an ulcer that was healing. My GI put me on Omeprazole and just wants me to keep taking it.
The reason I saw the GI was because one night I get SHARP shooting pains in my abdomen/stomach, they hurt so bad I was almost falling down. They would hurt so much, then nothing. They seemed totally random. Now I have these weird pains, almost hard to describe. I feel like my entire abdomen is tight. I am getting mild shooting pains randomly. I felt slight pain underneath my skin at the muscle level I'm guessing yesterday and some parts of my stomach were sore.
I am so uncomfortable right now and I'm freaking out. In addition to the stomach issues I feel very fatigued, and almost like I feel when I usually have a bad cold or the flu coming on. I've had trouble eating since my last fill but if I REALLY take small bites and I usually chew 50+ times, and I take my time, I can get some tender meats down. A few weeks ago I had a terrible time eating and I threw up a couple times a day for a few days.
All in all, I am worried. I have constant discomfort, and periodic random pains. Sharp shooting pains, more dull pains. All kinds of pain!!! I just feel like something is wrong inside. Am I blowing this out of proportion or should I go see my doctor? The thing is I live in VA now and my surgeon is in NJ. It's a 5 hour trip to get to him. Could this be a slippage or something? I'm scared TBH and it's freaking me out.