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Everything posted by ShrinkyDinkMe22

  1. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    From Grey To Brown?

    that would be swell if it was an after effect! im 32 and my sides and the front are going grey
  2. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    How Long Off Work For An Office Job?

    i too have a desk job and my surgeon said to be safe and get the "hang" of things he would not let me go back for at least two weeks.
  3. Hello! I'm 32 have a DH and have a 2.5 year old. She keeps us mighty busy. Hoping to get sleeved in November!
  4. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Post Op And Flu

    Hi all. Not sleeved yet but had a thought today as I suffered through a reaction to antibiotic for a bacterial infection. Anyways. When I have the flu I also drink sprite and eat soups or buttered noodles and crackers to help settle my stomach. I know after the sleeve those are no-nos. any of you get the flu weeks,months, years after sleeving? If so what did you eat/drink to help you? Thanks
  5. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Anyone Weigh Or Did Weigh 330?

    Good luck! I was 324 at my consult on aug 29. Have my sleep study tonight, psych eval and edg on sept 21 and nut in the 25. So excited to get this done!
  6. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Illinois Kane Center Sleevers

    I plan on it although I was not given a schedule yet. Not sure when they meet. I have my sleepy study this evening....yikes How you doing?
  7. anyone use a spreadsheet to track your progress? i am trying to think of a way to make this easy. any thoughts? did you find one online?
  8. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Spreadsheet To Track Weight Loss

    thanks ssriley! that's what i was looking for!
  9. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Spreadsheet To Track Weight Loss

    yeah, i;m trying to figure out how to track my measurements and weight with graphs on a spreadsheet . i will be up playing for a while tonight
  10. ShrinkyDinkMe22


    i'm assuming that you lose everywhere but everyone is different. for that reason i have taken a LOT of measurements every hwere on my body. i did the most common ones, but also added stuff like my face, neck shoulders, i did each finger, wrists, ankles and calves. we shall see
  11. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Failed Over Night Pulse Ox

    Excellent everyone. Thank you! Dexter I will check my surgeon great idea. An I already have Xanax
  12. Last Friday I went to my pulmanologist apt. The doctor was very surprised that I am"fairly" healthy other than high BMI. No known comorbidities. He was trying to bypass the sleep test if I didn't need it and sent me home with a pulse ox tester to wear overnight. If that was positive or signs of apnea then I would have to schedule the sleep study. Well got the call today and I failed the overnight pulse ox. So now I have to go fr a sleep study. If I do have apnea knowing that the surgery and losing weight will hopefully make that go away. Can you rent those cpap machines or do you have to buy them? Anyone know?
  13. once sleeved are protein shakes a forever thing or just so many weeks/months after surgery? thanks!
  14. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Stupid Question .... Protein Shakes

    awesome. thanks! i am seeing the nut soon so i will see what our surgeon requires then. thanks again!
  15. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Scared Can't Stop Cleaning

    i am sure all will turn out great! good luck wednesday
  16. Hi all. Fairly new here in the beginning stages of my journey! I have my apt with the surgeon August 29! Anyways I suffir from acid reflux already (not sure if it's heartburn or acid reflux) and take lansoprazale. I heard that the sleeve can cause reflux/heartburn. Anyone out there that had either one prior to surgery and let me know if it got any worse or better after surgery? And by after I mean a few months after. Mines not that bad but enough that it exists. I take my medicine every other day. Thanks!
  17. Thank you for posting this. I've been going through the same thoughts and emotions. I think it's very real and a step towards our decisions! Thank you for posting because I thought I was the only one who felt this way.
  18. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Before And After Pics

    Congrats! You look amazing!
  19. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    List Of Cons

    So I made a list of cons today and every one of the cons had something to do with never being able to eat certains foods anymore. Not one of them had something to do with risk factors .... Is that wrong? Or unusually? Ever since I started this journey (and I am at the very beginning stages) I realized how focused my life is around food. I am so excited and so happy about the sleeve because I feel like that will helpe break this terrible cycle I have been on for a long time. Tonight we celebrated my hubs bday and we drank, ate lots of food, etc. the entire time we sat there I was thinking in the back of my head...I'll never be able to drink again, il never be able to have a coke, il never be able to eat like this. Then I think but that's how I got in this situation. Are these normal thoughts of the unknown? Of what's to come after sleeving? I know down the road I'll be able to enjoy some of these things again but in smaller portions... Oh I'm just ranting...too many beers, too much thinking. Please don't be mean. Just want to know if these thoughts are normal?
  20. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    7 Months Out With Pics

    You look fantastic. Brag away you deserve it! What was you starting weight?
  21. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Did I Do That?

    Lol urkel! Congrats to you on your weight loss. That is fantastic!
  22. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Single Incision Question

    Glad I can help some of you
  23. ShrinkyDinkMe22

    Single Incision Question

    Thank you all got the responses.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
